Chapter 48: Unspoken Truths and Party Plans

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Y/N groaned softly as she felt small hands patting her face, pulling her from a deep sleep. Blinking groggily, she opened her eyes and found Rose staring back at her, those big green  eyes full of curiosity and mischief. Y/N smiled softly, lifting the little girl onto her lap.

"What are you doing here, little one?" Y/N whispered, still half-asleep as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

She looked around the room, expecting to see Scarlett, but instead, her gaze landed on Calie, who was sitting in the corner, scrolling through her phone.

"Where's Scarlett?" Y/N asked, frowning slightly as she adjusted Rose on her lap.

Calie glanced up from her phone. "She's with Chris, helping him set up for the party. She asked me to take care of Rose for the day, so... here I am."

Y/N's frown deepened at that. Scarlett had asked Calie for help instead of her. A small pang of disappointment twisted in her chest, though she tried to brush it off. With a sigh, she stood up, still holding Rose, and headed to the kitchen. Calie followed her, giving her a curious look but saying nothing.

Y/N set Rose down on the carpet in the living room, where Cebrus immediately bounded over to the baby, his tail wagging enthusiastically. Y/N smiled a little at the sight before glancing at the clock on the wall. She blinked in surprise.

"It's already the day of the party..." she murmured to herself, realizing with a slight groan that she had slept for 14 hours. 

She shook her head and turned her attention to making breakfast. She pulled out some ingredients for herself and quickly started preparing lunch for Rose as well. Calie stood nearby, just watching her. Y/N could feel her friend's eyes on her and knew Calie was itching to say something.

After a few minutes of silence, Y/N sighed, her calm exterior giving way to mild irritation. "Alright, Calie. Spit it out."

Calie chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her head. "Okay, fine. Scarlett misses you. Like, a lot. She's just... afraid that you're mad at her."

Y/N paused, her hands stilling as she cracked an egg into the pan. She hummed quietly in response, not committing to the conversation just yet.

"She asked me to take Rose because, I don't know, maybe she thought you wouldn't want to see her after what happened. But Y/N, come on, you can't just avoid her forever."

"I'm not avoiding her," Y/N replied quietly, stirring the eggs. "She's the one not replying to my messages."

"Maybe she's giving you space?" Calie offered, leaning against the kitchen counter. "You know how she gets about her public image and relationships. She's probably just scared she messed things up."

Y/N remained silent, focusing on making breakfast. The truth was, she wasn't sure if she was mad at Scarlett, or if she was just hurt. The jealousy Scarlett had shown was unexpected, and Y/N didn't want to stir any drama. But at the same time, the silence between them had been excruciating.

After a few moments, Calie broke the silence again. "So... are you coming to the party?"

Y/N thought for a long moment, contemplating whether she should go. She really didn't want to, especially after everything that had happened. But the way Calie was looking at her, hopeful and encouraging, made her reconsider.

"Fine. I'll go," Y/N finally muttered, turning off the stove and plating the food.

Calie squealed with excitement, clapping her hands. "Yes! I knew you'd come around. And trust me, you're going to love it. I have the perfect outfit in mind for you."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Oh? Should I be worried?"

"Nah, you'll look hot, as always," Calie teased, winking at her. "Plus, Scarlett's going to love it."

Y/N chuckled softly, though her mind couldn't shake the thought of Scarlett. Would things be awkward at the party? She wasn't sure, but she hoped they could at least talk.

Calie, still giddy with excitement, leaned closer and whispered, "Oh, and by the way, Scarlett's sister is coming by around 6 to pick up Rose, so we have plenty of time to get ready. We have to be at the party by 7, though. So no dawdling!"

"Got it," Y/N replied, rolling her eyes fondly. 

Once she finished her breakfast, Y/N set the plate on the counter and wiped her hands on a dish towel. Calie was already digging into her own meal, practically beaming with excitement.

"I'll go get Rose," Y/N said, leaving Calie to her food.

Y/N made her way back to the living room, where Rose was now giggling and babbling as she played with a few toys on the carpet, with Cebrus lounging protectively nearby. Y/N crouched down next to the baby, picking her up with a soft smile.

"Hey, little one," she whispered, pressing a kiss to Rose's cheek. "I missed you."

Rose cooed in response, her tiny hands reaching up to touch Y/N's face, making her heart swell with affection. Despite everything going on with Scarlett, moments like these with Rose grounded her, made her feel like maybe things would be okay.

Just then, Calie appeared in the doorway, a mischievous grin on her face. "You know," she began, "Scarlett's got a matching costume for the party."

Y/N looked up, surprised. "Wait, what?"

"Yup," Calie smirked, taking a bite of her food. "She's been planning it for a while. But I'm not going to spoil the surprise. Let's just say, it's going to be... memorable."

Y/N narrowed her eyes suspiciously but didn't press further. She knew Calie loved surprises, and there was no point trying to get any more information out of her. Instead, she just smiled to herself, feeling a flicker of hope.

"I guess we'll see," Y/N said, holding Rose close as they all prepared for the hours ahead.

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