Chapter 62: Gone in a Heartbeat

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It had been a week since that beautiful day in the kitchen when Rose had called Y/N "Mom" for the first time. Everything felt different now, in the best way possible. Scarlett, Y/N, Chris, Calie, and Rose were at the park, enjoying the cool breeze and the warmth of the sun. It was one of those perfect days where the world felt like it was standing still.

Chris and Calie were over at the playground, pushing Rose on the swings and chasing her around the jungle gym. Rose's laughter rang through the air like music, and it made Y/N's heart swell every time she heard it. Cebrus, as always, was running around nearby, energetically chasing squirrels but never quite catching them.

Y/N and Scarlett sat together on a bench, side by side, watching the scene unfold. Scarlett leaned into Y/N, resting her head on her shoulder while they watched Chris make silly faces to get Rose to laugh. Y/N grinned, her hand slipping into Scarlett's, lacing their fingers together.

"So," Scarlett began, her voice soft and playful, "three months until you graduate. How does it feel to be on the verge of freedom?"

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. "I wouldn't exactly call it freedom. More like a slow march toward being a responsible adult." She leaned closer to Scarlett, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Not that I ever want to be a fully responsible adult."

Scarlett laughed, her eyes twinkling as she nudged Y/N's shoulder with her own. "Trust me, you don't. Just look at Chris—he's still a giant child, and somehow, he's done okay."

They both watched as Chris tried (and failed) to climb up the monkey bars while Rose and Calie giggled hysterically. Y/N smirked, glancing back at Scarlett. "Well, if he's the standard, I guess I'm doing alright."

Scarlett grinned. "Oh, you're doing better than alright, babe. You're about to graduate and you've got me, which obviously makes you the luckiest person in the world."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider it. "Mmm, true. Having you does improve my life significantly."

They shared a laugh, the warmth between them as easy as breathing. For the next twenty minutes, they joked about everything and nothing—Y/N's upcoming graduation, Scarlett's filming schedule, and what absurd thing Chris might do next. The conversation flowed effortlessly, like it always did.

Scarlett shifted on the bench, her fingers still entwined with Y/N's. "Have you thought about what's next? After graduation, I mean?"

Y/N sighed, leaning back. "A little. I think I need a break first. Maybe travel, see the world a bit. Who knows?"

Scarlett's eyes lit up with excitement. "Travel, huh? We could do that, you know. I've been thinking about taking some time off, maybe taking Rose somewhere nice... and you too, of course." She gave Y/N a playful smirk.

Y/N's heart fluttered at the thought. Traveling with Scarlett, Rose, and Cebrus sounded like a dream. "That sounds perfect," she said softly, her thumb brushing over the back of Scarlett's hand. "I'd love that."

Before they could say anything else, Chris, Calie, and Rose came running back toward them. Chris, ever the goofball, was chasing Rose around in circles, pretending to be a monster while Calie laughed at his antics.

"Help me!" Rose squealed, running toward Y/N with wide eyes, clearly enjoying the game.

Y/N grinned, standing up and pretending to look terrified. "Oh no! The monster's coming!" she said dramatically, scooping Rose into her arms. She started to run around with her, with Chris now chasing both of them. Cebrus joined in, barking happily and running alongside them, his tail wagging furiously.

Scarlett laughed from the sidelines, watching the scene unfold with a fond smile on her face. "Don't let the monster get you, Rose!" she called out, her voice full of warmth.

The group eventually made their way back to the car, all of them still laughing and teasing each other. Y/N was holding Rose's hand, playfully swinging it back and forth while Cebrus trotted ahead. Rose started running after Cebrus, laughing as everyone watched them.  But as they neared the car, Y/N suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Wait... where's Rose?" Y/N's voice broke the happy chatter as she quickly turned around, panic rising in her chest. Scarlett and Chris, who had been laughing just moments before, immediately stopped and followed her gaze.

Y/N's heart pounded as her eyes scanned the park. "Rose!" she called out, louder this time, her voice laced with fear. "Rose!"

Everyone was looking around now, panic setting in as they realized the little girl was gone. Scarlett's face paled, her breath coming in short gasps as she frantically looked around. "Rose?!"

And then, Y/N saw her—just as she stepped off the curb and onto the road, completely unaware of the car speeding toward her.

Time slowed to a crawl.

"No!" Y/N screamed, her voice breaking as she ran forward, her legs moving as fast as they could. Scarlett was right behind her, her face frozen in terror. Chris and Calie stood frozen for a split second before they too started running.

But the car was too fast, and Rose was too far. There was no way they could reach her in time.

And then, out of nowhere, Cebrus came flying across the street. The loyal dog tackled Rose, pushing her out of the way just as the car sped past.

But Cebrus wasn't fast enough to save himself.

The sickening sound of the car hitting him filled the air, followed by the screech of brakes and the terrified cries of onlookers.

Y/N's heart stopped.

"Cebrus!" she screamed, rushing forward as Scarlett scooped up Rose, holding the crying girl close to her chest. Chris was calling someone while Calie stood frozen, her hands covering her mouth in horror.

Y/N dropped to her knees beside Cebrus, her hands shaking as she reached out to him. The dog was lying on his side, whimpering softly, his body limp. Blood stained his fur, and his breaths were shallow, coming in painful gasps.

"No, no, no, no," Y/N sobbed, cradling his head in her lap, her tears falling freely onto his fur. "Please, Cebrus, stay with me. Please don't go."

Scarlett stood nearby, holding Rose tightly, her face pale and stricken. Rose was crying loudly, reaching out for Y/N, but Scarlett held her back, knowing that Y/N needed this moment with her best friend.

Y/N's whole body shook as she pressed her forehead to Cebrus's. "I love you," she whispered through her sobs. "I love you so much, Cebrus. You're my best friend, and I need you. Please... please don't leave me."

Cebrus whimpered softly, his body twitching in Y/N's arms. She could feel his life slipping away, and it broke her heart in a way she had never imagined possible.

"Someone, please call the vet!" Y/N cried, her voice desperate and raw. "Please, he's going to die—someone, help him!"

Chris was already on the phone, talking urgently to a vet, but Y/N could barely hear him. All she could hear was the sound of Cebrus's labored breathing, the soft whines escaping from his throat.

And then, slowly, Cebrus's breathing stopped.

His body went still, and his eyes, once so full of life, became dull.

"No," Y/N whispered, her voice breaking as she shook him gently. "No, no, no, please, Cebrus... please don't leave me."

But Cebrus was gone.

Y/N sobbed loudly, holding him close, rocking back and forth as if she could somehow bring him back. Scarlett knelt beside her, tears streaming down her own face as she placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," Scarlett whispered, her voice trembling.

But Y/N couldn't respond. All she could do was hold Cebrus tightly, the weight of his loss crushing her, tearing her apart. 

She had lost her best friend, her protector, her golden star

And in that moment, Y/N felt like her world had shattered into a million pieces.

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