Chapter 24: Dinner and Decisions

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Chris's voice called out from the kitchen, signaling that dinner was ready. The smell of grilled meats and roasted vegetables wafted through the air, inviting everyone to gather at the garden table. Y/N, with Rose still cradled in her arms, stood up from the blanket where they'd been playing and slowly made her way to the large outdoor dining table. Scarlett watched her with a soft smile as Y/N gently placed Rose into a small high chair that had been set up for her.

Y/N carefully buckled Rose in, making sure she was secure before glancing at the table, impressed by Chris's spread. "Wow, Chris, this looks amazing. You really went all out."

Chris, setting the last plate down, grinned with a hint of pride. "Thanks. Figured I'd show off a bit." The table was filled with different types of grilled meats—chicken, steak, and even some vegetarian options—along with various sides of vegetables, potatoes, and salads.

Y/N smiled and moved to sit down next to Scarlett, pausing to silently ask for permission with a questioning look. Scarlett, who was seated beside Rose, nodded warmly, gesturing for Y/N to join her. Y/N settled on the bench, glancing around the table as Calie, of course, continued her playful flirting with Chris.

"Wow, Chris, you're really spoiling us," Calie teased with a playful smirk, her voice slightly flirtatious as she served herself some food. 

Chris chuckled and shot her a playful look in return. "Well, I like to make sure my guests are taken care of."

Y/N exchanged a glance with Scarlett, who smiled knowingly, as if both were in on a private joke. They each began to serve themselves, laughing lightly at the banter between Chris and Calie.

Chris leaned over, offering Scarlett a plate. "Here, this one's for Rose—no seasoning, light on the fat."

Scarlett accepted the plate with a grateful nod. "Thanks, Chris. She'll love this." She cut the food into small, manageable pieces before placing it on Rose's tray. Rose clapped her hands excitedly and immediately began to eat, her tiny hands picking up the food with enthusiasm.

As the conversation flowed easily between everyone, Chris leaned back and casually suggested, "How about after dinner, we watch a movie together? Something light, maybe?"

Everyone seemed on board with the idea. Scarlett smiled in agreement, and Calie, always up for anything involving Chris, nodded enthusiastically. But Y/N hesitated, unsure if she wanted to spend more time in such an intimate setting.

Noticing her reluctance, the group immediately tried to convince her. Calie was the first to pipe up. "Come on, Y/N, it'll be fun! Just one movie, and we can relax by the pool afterward."

Y/N shrugged, not entirely convinced, until she felt a gentle pressure on her thigh. She glanced down and saw Scarlett's hand resting there. Surprised, she looked up into Scarlett's deep green eyes, which silently pleaded with her, not saying a word but urging her to stay. Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the intensity of Scarlett's gaze, and for a moment, she was at a loss for words.

Before she could speak, Y/N felt another pair of green eyes staring at her—this time, Rose's innocent gaze was fixed on her, completely unaware of the silent conversation happening above her. Rose, with her bright, curious eyes, was happily chewing on her food, oblivious to the moment.

Y/N chuckled softly, the tension melting away. She smiled at both Scarlett and Rose before speaking, her voice light. "Well, I guess I can't say no to this little princess, can I?"

Everyone around the table burst into laughter, the mood lifting as Scarlett's hand slipped away from Y/N's thigh, and she gave her a grateful smile.

"You're too good with her," Scarlett said, shaking her head with a smirk.

Y/N just shrugged, feeling her cheeks heat up slightly as she turned her attention back to her food.

As dinner continued, everyone enjoyed the meal, engaging in light-hearted conversation. Calie couldn't stop flirting with Chris, and though Y/N was mildly amused, she noticed Scarlett stealing glances at her, a soft smile lingering on her lips each time their eyes met.

When the plates were nearly empty, Y/N was the first to finish eating. She wiped her mouth with a napkin and then glanced at Rose, who was happily covered in food. She laughed softly before standing up and carefully unbuckling the little girl from her chair. 

"Here, let me clean her up," Y/N offered, wiping Rose's face and hands with a wet cloth.

Scarlett watched with that same soft look she'd had all evening. "Thanks, Y/N. You're really good at this. Should I get her swimsuit?"

Y/N nodded, placing Rose back down. "Yeah, I can change her if you want."

Scarlett smiled gratefully. "It's in her bag. You'll see it."

Y/N went to the corner where Scarlett had set her things, rummaging through the bag until she found a small swimsuit. Her hand also brushed against a small bottle of milk, and she pulled it out, glancing at it curiously. She looked over at Scarlett, confused. "Hey, Scarlett... is this real milk?"

Scarlett, laughing softly, nodded. "Yep. Breast milk."

Y/N froze for a second, holding the bottle a little more gingerly than before. The expression on her face must've said it all, because Scarlett and the others burst into laughter.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Never handled real milk before?" Scarlett teased, her eyes glinting with amusement.

Y/N scrunched her nose slightly, half-joking and half-serious. "I mean, I don't hate milk, but... human milk? That's different."

The laughter around the table grew louder as Chris added, "Don't worry, Y/N. You don't have to drink it."

Y/N rolled her eyes with a grin, still holding the bottle a bit awkwardly. "I'll just... put this in the fridge."

After the laughter died down, Y/N managed to change Rose into her swimsuit, carefully avoiding any more comments about the milk. Chris and Calie were still bantering playfully, while Scarlett remained seated, her gaze following Y/N with a mixture of affection and curiosity.

Y/N, now seated again with Rose happily playing nearby, took a deep breath. For the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of belonging, surrounded by people who made her laugh and feel at ease. 

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