Chapter 22: An Unexpected Invitation

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Y/N groaned loudly, burying her face in her hands as Calie leaned over the table, her eyes practically gleaming with excitement. They had been sitting in their usual spot in the library for the past six hours, poring over textbooks and notes, though Y/N had remained focused the entire time. Calie, on the other hand, was starting to get restless.

"Come on, Y/N, just text him! What's the worst that could happen?" Calie whined for what felt like the hundredth time. She had been pestering Y/N to message Chris since they sat down, desperate for a distraction from their studying.

Y/N rolled her eyes and let out another frustrated sigh. "Calie, we've been over this. They're busy. I don't want to bother them."

"But it's the weekend!" Calie argued, dramatically slumping in her chair. "The weather is perfect. Don't you want to get outside? I'm losing my mind here. You've had me locked in this library forever!"

"It's been six hours," Y/N corrected, glancing at her watch.

"Exactly! Six hours of sitting and reading and thinking. My brain is about to explode. We need a break." Calie's eyes darted to Y/N's phone, sitting innocently on the edge of the table. "Just text him! Or better yet, let me text him."

Y/N sighed, her resolve wearing thin. After a few more minutes of incessant whining, she finally gave in. Wordlessly, she picked up her phone and handed it to Calie, who snatched it up with a gleeful grin.

"Thank you!" Calie said, unlocking the phone with ease. She quickly scrolled to Chris's number and pressed the call button, barely able to contain her excitement.

Y/N rested her head in her hand, watching as Calie put the phone to her ear. A few moments later, Chris picked up on the other end.

"Hey, Chris! It's Calie," she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Y/N and I were wondering if you and Scarlett wanted to do something today? Maybe go for a walk or hang out? The weather's amazing, and we've been cooped up in the library for way too long."

Y/N could hear Chris's voice faintly through the phone, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. Calie's expression changed slightly, her smile fading just a little.

"Oh, yeah, I totally get it," Calie said, nodding even though Chris couldn't see her. "We don't want to cause any more problems with the press. I understand."

Y/N knew the situation with the media had been tough on Chris and Scarlett lately, and she didn't blame them for wanting to keep a low profile. Still, seeing Calie's excitement deflate made her feel a little guilty.

But then, Calie's eyes lit up again as she listened to Chris's next suggestion. "Wait, really? That sounds amazing!" She glanced at Y/N, her excitement returning full force. "Yeah, we can definitely do that! Oh, and we can bring Cebrus too? Perfect!"

Calie continued chatting with Chris for another minute before saying goodbye and hanging up. She turned to Y/N, her face practically glowing with excitement.

"Guess what?" Calie said, barely able to contain herself. "Chris invited us to his house for dinner! He's going to cook, and Scarlett and Rose will be there too. He even has a heated pool and a jacuzzi!"

Y/N raised an eyebrow, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "A pool?"

"Yeah! It's going to be so fun. We can swim, hang out, and just relax." Calie beamed, but then her smile softened when she noticed Y/N's hesitation. She knew why Y/N wasn't thrilled about the idea of swimming—her scar was always a sensitive topic. "Hey, we don't have to swim if you're not comfortable. We can just chill by the pool."

Y/N looked down, her fingers absentmindedly tracing the edge of the table. The thought of being in a swimsuit, with her scar exposed, made her stomach twist. But she didn't want to back out. Chris and Scarlett had been so kind, and she didn't want her insecurities to get in the way of enjoying the day.

Calie reached out and gently squeezed Y/N's hand. "What if you wear a tank top over your swimsuit? You'd still be covered, but you could enjoy the water if you want to."

Y/N hesitated, biting her lip as she thought it over. The idea wasn't terrible, but she still felt unsure. After a few moments, she nodded slightly, though the uncertainty lingered in her eyes.

"Okay," she said softly. "I'll try it."

Calie smiled warmly, relieved that Y/N was willing to give it a shot. "Great! It's going to be awesome, I promise."

They quickly packed up their things and headed out of the library, discussing the details of their impromptu plans as they walked. The sun was still shining brightly, and there was a light breeze in the air—perfect weather for an afternoon by the pool.

As they approached Y/N's house, Calie couldn't help but throw out ideas for snacks they could bring to Chris's. "We should definitely get chips. And maybe some fruit? Oh, and we can't forget dessert."

Y/N smiled, listening to Calie's excited rambling as they unlocked the door and headed inside. Once they were home, Calie bounced toward the kitchen to grab a quick snack while Y/N leaned against the counter, lost in thought. The idea of swimming still made her nervous, but a part of her was also looking forward to spending more time with their new friends.

Calie returned from the kitchen, munching on a granola bar. "Hey," she said between bites, "I was thinking—you could totally rock a tank top. Like, no one's going to care. Chris and Scarlett are super chill, and I know you'll look great."

Y/N shrugged, still unsure. "Yeah, maybe."

"Come on, Y/N, trust me. You're gonna look amazing, and we're going to have an awesome time. Plus, Cebrus gets to come too! It's going to be perfect."

Y/N smiled faintly, her mind easing slightly at the thought of Cebrus running around Chris's backyard, probably causing chaos with Rose. "Okay, okay," she said, nodding. "Let's get our stuff together and head to the store."

With that, they packed up a few essentials—swimsuits, towels, snacks—and headed out to the store, picking up everything they needed for the evening. Y/N's nerves still buzzed in the back of her mind, but she couldn't help feeling a small flicker of excitement as well. Maybe this day would turn out better than she thought.

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