Chapter 61: Golden Stars

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The kitchen at Chris's house was warm and filled with the mouthwatering aromas of whatever Y/N was cooking. She had been tasked with making dinner, while everyone else sat in the living room, chatting and catching up. Chris had put on some soft background music, but Y/N barely noticed. Instead, she was humming quietly to herself, focusing on the complex Italian dish she was trying to perfect. It wasn't easy, but she wanted to make something special—something fancy yet edible for little Rose.

As she stirred the sauce, Y/N suddenly felt a pair of familiar arms snake around her waist, pulling her gently against a warm body. She smiled, knowing exactly who it was before she even turned around. Wiping her hands on a nearby towel, she turned to face Scarlett, who was grinning up at her with a playful look in her eyes.

Y/N leaned in and kissed her softly. "Hey, you," she murmured against Scarlett's lips.

"Hey," Scarlett whispered back, her voice low and affectionate. She kissed Y/N again before pulling back just enough to speak. "So, what are you making for dinner?"

Y/N chuckled, resting her forehead against Scarlett's. "I'm trying to make some fancy dish from Italy. It's supposed to be one of those intricate meals that takes hours to make but is still edible for little kids."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, her lips twitching into a teasing smile. "So... are you saying it's a challenge?"

Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, it's definitely a challenge. But I think I'm winning." She kissed Scarlett again, her hands resting comfortably on Scarlett's hips. They stayed like that for a moment, exchanging soft kisses and gentle touches, lost in their little world.

But just as they were getting caught up in the moment, they heard the unmistakable sound of little feet padding into the kitchen, accompanied by the soft clicking of paws on the tile floor. Both women turned to see Rose walking towards them, her tiny hands gripping onto Cebrus's fur as the loyal dog helped her keep her balance.

Y/N and Scarlett's faces lit up with smiles at the sight of her.

"Well, well, well," Y/N said with a grin, crouching down to scoop Rose into her arms. "What's this little rascal doing in the kitchen?"

Rose giggled, her tiny hands reaching out to touch Y/N's face. "Mom," she said, her voice soft but clear.

Y/N froze for a moment, her eyebrows shooting up in surprise. She glanced over at Scarlett, who was standing there with the same wide-eyed look of shock on her face. "What did she just say?" Y/N whispered, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest.

Rose continued to look at Y/N, her little face full of innocence. "Mom," she repeated, her gaze unwavering.

Y/N's eyes welled up with tears. She blinked rapidly, trying to hold them back as she looked at Scarlett, her voice barely above a whisper. "Did she just—"

Scarlett nodded, her own eyes misting over as she reached out to stroke Rose's soft hair. "Yeah, she did."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Y/N hugged Rose tightly to her chest, pressing soft kisses to her cheek. "Oh, sweetheart," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I love you so much." She kissed Rose again, feeling her heart swell with love and joy.

Scarlett's eyes widened at Y/N's words. They had been together for two months now, but neither of them had said the words I love you yet. It wasn't that they didn't feel it—they did, deeply—but somehow, those words had always remained unsaid. Until now.

Y/N, realizing what she'd just said, looked up at Scarlett with teary eyes. "I... I love you," she said softly, her voice trembling with sincerity. "I love you both."

Scarlett's breath hitched, and for a moment, she just stood there, stunned. But then her expression softened, and a slow, warm smile spread across her face. She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around both Y/N and Rose, pulling them close. "I love you too," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Both of you. So much."

Y/N's tears fell freely now, but she was smiling as she pressed her forehead against Scarlett's, their arms wrapped around each other and their little family. They stayed like that for a moment, holding on tight as if the world might disappear if they let go.

But the moment was interrupted by a loud, excited squeal from Rose. "Mom!" she cried out again, this time with even more enthusiasm, her tiny hand reaching up to pat Scarlett's face.

Both women laughed, and Scarlett pressed a soft kiss to Rose's forehead. "Yes, sweet girl, we're both here."

Y/N chuckled, wiping the tears from her eyes as she looked at Scarlett. "I can't believe she called me mom," she said softly, her voice full of awe. "I... I didn't think I'd ever hear that."

Scarlett smiled warmly, her hand gently cupping Y/N's cheek. "You've been more of a mother to her than anyone could ever ask for," she said quietly. "She loves you. We both do."

Y/N's heart swelled with love as she leaned in and kissed Scarlett once more. They kissed softly, tenderly, their lips brushing together in a way that spoke volumes—words weren't needed anymore.

Just as they started to pull apart, Rose let out another loud squeal, this time pointing to her own lips, her face scrunched up in an exaggerated pout. "Kiss!" she demanded, her little arms flailing excitedly.

Y/N and Scarlett laughed, their hearts swelling with joy as they leaned in to kiss Rose on both cheeks at the same time. The little girl squealed in delight, her laughter filling the room as she clapped her hands.

As Y/N pulled back, she couldn't help but smile down at Rose, her heart so full it felt like it might burst. For the first time in a long while, she wasn't thinking about the weight of her past, or the harsh words of her father that had once haunted her. Instead, she thought about the story her mother had told her when she was younger, about stars.

"Every important thing in our lives is like a star," her mother had said. "The more important it is, the brighter it shines."

Y/N looked at Scarlett and Rose, the two people who had come to mean everything to her. They were her stars—her golden stars, shining brighter than anything else in her life.

"Scarlett?" Y/N said softly, her voice full of love as she looked at her girlfriend.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, smiling at the soft tone in Y/N's voice. "Yeah?"

"You and Rose," Y/N began, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "You're my golden stars."

Scarlett's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening as she realized the weight of Y/N's words. She remembered that night—months ago—when Y/N had first told her that story about stars. She had been so shy, almost embarrassed to share such a personal part of herself. But now, hearing Y/N call her and Rose her golden stars... it meant everything.

Scarlett's heart raced, her chest tightening with emotion as she stared at Y/N, who was looking at her with such love in her eyes. "Oh, Y/N," Scarlett whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "You have no idea how much that means to me."

Y/N smiled, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I do," she whispered back.

They leaned in for another kiss, this one soft and full of unspoken promises. And for the first time, Y/N felt like she was exactly where she was meant to be—surrounded by love, with her golden stars shining brightly around her. 

As they pulled back, laughing softly, they both heard Rose squeal again, clearly demanding more attention.

"Well, we can't leave out our little star, can we?" Y/N chuckled, kissing Rose's cheek once more.

Scarlett smiled, her heart full as she watched the two people she loved more than anything in the world. They were her family, her heart, her everything.

And in that moment, with Y/N's arms around them both, Scarlett knew that no matter what the future held, they would always be okay.

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