Chapter 50: Friend

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Y/N took Scarlett's hand as they moved to the center of the room, the music loud and the bass thrumming through her chest. Scarlett gave her a playful grin, her eyes glinting in the dim light, and began to dance with an effortless rhythm. Y/N followed her lead, her mind racing a little as Scarlett pressed against her, her movements teasing and flirtatious. 

Scarlett leaned closer, her breath warm against Y/N's ear. "You know, you look really good in that metal arm," she whispered, her voice low and playful.

Y/N's cheeks burned as she laughed softly, trying to keep her cool. "I'm sure I don't pull it off as well as the real Bucky Barnes."

Scarlett pulled back slightly, her eyes scanning Y/N's face with that same mischievous smirk. "Oh, you definitely pull it off better. And besides," she added, her fingers tracing along Y/N's arm, "I think you make Bucky Barnes look a little... hotter."

Y/N's face grew even warmer, and she couldn't help the smile spreading across her lips. Before she could think of a witty reply, Chris and Calie joined them, dancing nearby. Chris was laughing as Calie twirled around him, her energy contagious as they all danced for what felt like hours but was really only about 15 minutes.

Eventually, they all made their way to a large table in the corner of the room, where a group of people was already gathered. Y/N recognized a few faces, especially from Calie's endless fangirling over the Avengers movies, but she wasn't familiar with everyone. Calie, on the other hand, looked like she was about to burst from excitement.

Chris and Scarlett began introducing everyone. "Our friends Y/N, Calie, meet Robert Downey Jr.," Chris gestured to the man sitting at the head of the table. "You might recognize him as Iron Man."

Robert smiled warmly, leaning back in his chair. "Good to meet you," he said, his eyes twinkling.

"Elizabeth Olsen," Scarlett added, pointing to the woman beside her, who gave a small wave. "Wanda Maximoff in the movies."

"And Gal Gadot," Chris finished, nodding toward the stunning woman who smiled from across the table. "You know, Wonder Woman."

Everyone exchanged greetings, and Y/N forced a smile, feeling slightly out of place in the presence of such famous faces. She tried to focus on the conversation, but it quickly shifted to topics she knew nothing about—celebrity gossip, upcoming projects, and a bit of politics. Scarlett was sitting next to Robert, leaning into the conversation, and flirting lightly with him.

"Come on, RDJ," Scarlett said with a grin, nudging his shoulder. "We all know you're the real genius behind Tony Stark. Admit it."

Robert chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, you know, if I had even half the tech Stark does, I'd be unstoppable."

Scarlett laughed, her hand lightly touching his arm as she leaned in. "You're already unstoppable."

Y/N glanced down at her drink, feeling an odd pang in her chest as she noticed the way Scarlett flirted with Robert. It wasn't jealousy exactly—after all, Scarlett wasn't hers. Not officially, anyway. But it still stung a little to see her so comfortable with someone else, especially after she had introduced Y/N as a "friend" earlier. 

The conversation continued, but Y/N found herself drifting further and further away from it. She sipped her coffee quietly, trying to make sense of the celebrity gossip and political chatter. After about 15 minutes, Y/N realized no one had spoken to her in a while. Even Calie was engrossed in the conversation with Chris, her usual bubbly self, laughing and chatting like she belonged there.

Feeling a little out of place, Y/N decided to excuse herself. She doubted anyone would notice if she left the table, so she quietly stood and walked toward the kitchen, not bothering to check if anyone saw her go.

In the kitchen, Y/N spotted a pizza box on the counter. She opened it and grabbed a couple of slices, her stomach growling. With her pizza in hand, she made her way out onto the terrace, where it was quieter and the cool night air provided some much-needed relief.

Chris' house was far from the city, so the sky above was a deep blanket of stars, twinkling brightly against the darkness. Y/N leaned against the railing, taking a bite of her pizza and staring up at the stars. It was peaceful out here, away from the noise and the crowds. Her thoughts drifted, and before she knew it, she was thinking about her parents again. 

Her mother, with her gentle smile and the way she always knew what to say to make everything feel better. Her father, stern but kind, always reminding her to stay grounded. They felt so far away now, like a distant memory she could never quite reach. Y/N sighed, the weight of their loss heavy on her chest as she took another bite of pizza.

"Mind if I join you?" A voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

Y/N turned to see a man standing nearby, someone she didn't recognize. He had a friendly smile and an easy demeanor, and he gestured to the empty space beside her.

"Uh, sure," Y/N replied, nodding as he stepped closer.

"You're not much for crowds, huh?" he asked with a grin, glancing back toward the bustling house behind them.

"Not really," Y/N admitted, wiping her hands on a napkin. "I needed a break."

The man chuckled, nodding in understanding. "I get that. Sometimes it's nice to just step away for a bit."

They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, both looking up at the stars. After a while, the man spoke again.

"By the way, cool outfit. Bucky Barnes, right?" he asked with a smirk.

Y/N let out a small laugh. "Thanks. But, honestly, I don't really know much about him. My friend picked the costume."

"Ah, well, you definitely pull it off," he said, his smile genuine. "I'm Sebastian, by the way."

Y/N blinked, her mind finally making the connection. "Wait, Sebastian Stan?"

He grinned, clearly amused. "The one and only."

She shook her head, laughing softly. "Well, I guess I should know who Bucky Barnes is, then."

Sebastian chuckled. "It's okay. You've got plenty of time to catch up."

They chatted quietly for a few more minutes, exchanging pleasantries. Sebastian was easy to talk to, and Y/N appreciated how laid-back he was. Eventually, he said his goodbyes and headed back inside, leaving Y/N alone once more.

Y/N leaned against the railing again, staring up at the stars. The peacefulness of the night was comforting.

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