Chapter 46: The Green-Eyed Monster

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It had been a week since Chris' bar outing, and now, Y/N found herself in a situation she never thought she'd be in—shopping for a Halloween costume. She stifled a groan as Scarlett pulled her into yet another store, Rose cradled in Y/N's arms. Y/N was still skeptical about attending the party, but Scarlett had playfully threatened her with something Y/N couldn't resist. 

Scarlett had leaned in close one night, her lips brushing against Y/N's ear as she whispered, "If you don't go, I'm not kissing you for a whole week." 

And just like that, Y/N had reluctantly agreed, knowing she wouldn't be able to survive without Scarlett's affection for that long. But now, as they wandered through countless stores, Scarlett energetically browsing while Y/N lagged behind, she wasn't so sure about her decision.

Scarlett was on a mission, determined to find the perfect costume for them to wear as a couple, while Y/N had taken a seat in one of the store's armchairs, Rose comfortably nestled in her lap. Rose giggled as Y/N bounced her gently, her tiny hands reaching for Y/N's hair. 

"You having fun, Rose?" Y/N asked with a tired smile, her voice soft. "Your mom's going to make me try on at least ten more outfits, isn't she?"

Rose gurgled in response, her wide eyes blinking up at Y/N. Y/N chuckled quietly and continued her quiet complaints, enjoying the rare calm in the bustling store. But the peace didn't last long.

Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N noticed a woman approaching. She was tall, dressed in trendy clothes, and carrying a designer handbag. Her eyes flicked over Y/N before settling on her with an interested gleam.

"Hey there," the woman said, smiling as she came closer. "You look like you could use some company. Shopping with a baby can't be easy."

Y/N offered a polite smile, already feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Oh, I'm good, thanks. Just waiting for someone."

The woman didn't seem deterred. "Well, I'm here now. Maybe I could keep you company?" She leaned in slightly, her tone flirtatious.

Y/N shifted uncomfortably, holding Rose a little closer. "That's nice of you, but I'm good. Really."

But the woman wasn't taking the hint. "You know, you've got a great smile. Ever think about modeling?" She winked.

Y/N's smile became more strained, and she looked around, hoping Scarlett would come back soon. "Uh, no, I haven't. But thanks." She tried to refocus on Rose, but the woman stayed put, her interest clear.

Just as Y/N was about to excuse herself, she heard Scarlett's voice—sharp and tense. "What's going on here?"

Y/N's head snapped up, and she saw Scarlett standing a few feet away, her arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed in a mix of anger and jealousy. Y/N had never seen her like this.

The woman, oblivious to the tension, glanced at Scarlett and said casually, "Oh, I was just talking to her. Nothing serious."

Scarlett's eyes narrowed, and she walked over, her movements controlled but deliberate. "Well, you can stop now," she said coldly. "She's taken."

The woman raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Really? I don't see anyone with her."

Scarlett rolled her eyes in frustration, unable to say anything publicly about their relationship. Instead, she reached out and took Rose from Y/N's arms, her movements abrupt. "Come on, Rose," she muttered, walking away without another glance at Y/N.

Y/N's stomach twisted as she watched Scarlett walk off, her heart sinking. She quickly stood up, ignoring the woman who was still trying to get her attention, and rushed after Scarlett. "Scarlett, wait!" she called, weaving through the crowd until she caught up with her.

Scarlett didn't stop, her pace quickening as she made her way toward the exit of the store. Y/N finally grabbed her arm gently, pulling her to a stop. "What did I do wrong?" she asked, her voice calm but concerned.

Scarlett turned to face her, her expression a mixture of frustration and hurt. "You didn't do anything," she snapped, though the words didn't match her tone.

Y/N frowned, confused. "Then why are you upset? I didn't flirt with her. I was trying to get her to leave me alone."

Scarlett let out a frustrated sigh, her grip tightening on Rose as she rocked her gently. "It's not about what you did, Y/N. It's just... she was all over you, and I hate it."

Y/N softened, realizing this was more about Scarlett's jealousy and the constraints of their relationship being kept quiet. "Scarlett, you know I only have eyes for you, right? I didn't even engage with her. I don't want anyone else."

Scarlett's shoulders slumped slightly, some of the tension leaving her body. "I know, but it's hard. I can't publicly claim you like I want to. And then I see someone like her, flirting with you like she has a chance..." She trailed off, biting her lip.

Y/N stepped closer, lowering her voice. "Hey, you don't need to claim me in public. I'm yours. You know that. And I'll always make sure people know I'm not interested in anyone else."

Scarlett hesitated, looking down at Rose before meeting Y/N's eyes. "It's not fair," she muttered, her voice softer now. "I shouldn't feel this jealous, but I can't help it."

Y/N reached out, gently tucking a strand of Scarlett's hair behind her ear. "I get it. But you don't have to worry about anyone else. I'm right here."

For a moment, it seemed like Scarlett was going to relent, but then she shook her head, still frustrated. "I just need some space, okay? I'm going to take Rose home."

Y/N's heart sank, but she nodded, not wanting to push Scarlett when she was upset. "Okay... I'll give you some space."

Without another word, Scarlett turned and walked away, leaving Y/N standing alone in the middle of the busy mall, feeling like the floor had just been pulled out from under her. She stood there for a few moments, her thoughts racing, before finally deciding to sit back down in the armchair, feeling a mix of guilt and confusion.

As Scarlett and Rose disappeared from view, Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair. She had no idea how to fix this, but one thing was clear—Scarlett's jealousy was something they would have to navigate carefully if their relationship was going to work.

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