Chapter 44: Milestones and Celebrations

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The gym was buzzing with energy, people focused on their workouts, the hum of treadmills, and the clang of weights filling the room. Y/N, running steadily on the treadmill, couldn't wipe the grin off her face. Her mind kept drifting back to the last few days, replaying those sweet moments with Scarlett and Rose. Everything just felt... right. 

Calie, meanwhile, was lifting weights at a nearby bench, watching Y/N from the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but smile at her friend's obvious happiness. It wasn't often that Y/N was this outwardly excited, and it made Calie proud to see her so full of life. However, it was also the fifth time today Y/N had brought up Scarlett, and Calie was starting to feel a sense of déjà vu.

"...and Rose is just the sweetest thing. You should've seen her at the park, Cal. She was laughing so much when Cebrus was chasing after the ball," Y/N said between breaths, her pace steady on the treadmill. "Scarlett was watching us and—"

"Let me guess," Calie interrupted with a teasing grin as she finished her set. "Scarlett was looking at you with those dreamy eyes again? You've only told me about it a hundred times since that day."

Y/N laughed softly, not missing a beat. "I know, I know. But it was such a perfect day. I can't help it."

Calie rolled her eyes, but there was warmth in her gaze. "Hey, I'm just happy you finally made a move on her. I've been telling you for weeks that Scarlett likes you." She stood up, stretching her arms overhead. "Honestly, I'm proud of you, Y/N. Took you long enough."

Y/N smiled, slowing her pace on the treadmill as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with a towel. "Yeah, well... I just didn't think she'd feel the same way. It's still a little surreal."

"Surreal or not, it happened, and now you can stop overthinking everything," Calie said with a smirk. "You've got Scarlett and Rose. You're in a good place. You deserve this."

Y/N nodded, her calm demeanor as steady as ever, but there was a glint of happiness in her eyes. "Thanks, Cal. It means a lot coming from you."

Just then, Y/N's phone buzzed on the treadmill's screen. She glanced at it and instantly smiled wide, stopping the machine.

"What is it?" Calie asked, noticing the sudden change in her friend's expression.

"I just got my test results," Y/N said, her voice filled with excitement. "I got a 97 percent!"

Calie's eyes widened, and she immediately grabbed her own phone to check her results. "No way! I got a 95 percent!" she exclaimed, jumping up from her bench.

They both laughed, high-fiving each other in celebration. Y/N, always the calm one, felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her. She had worked hard, and now it was paying off.

"We totally nailed it," Calie said, still grinning. "This calls for a celebration. How about we hit the bar tonight?"

Y/N raised an eyebrow, still cooling down from her run. "The bar? You sure?"

"Why not? It's Friday. We can invite Scarlett and Chris," Calie suggested, her grin turning mischievous. "It could be a double date."

Y/N bit her lip, thinking for a moment. "What about Rose? I don't think Scarlett would want to leave her behind."

Calie shrugged, grabbing her water bottle and taking a sip. "I'm sure Scarlett can leave her with someone for a couple of hours. She deserves a night out too."

Y/N considered it or a second before nodding. "Alright, I'll text her."

Calie smiled in victory. "Great! I'll message Chris."

They both sat down on the benches, cooling off from their workouts. Y/N pulled out her phone and opened the message app, her fingers hovering over the screen as she thought about how to phrase the invite.

Y/N's Texts to Scarlett:

Y/N: Hey, how's your day going?

Scarlett: Hey, it's going alright. Just finished a meeting. What about you?  

Y/N: Just finished up at the gym with Calie. I got my test results today—97 percent! 

Scarlett: That's amazing! I knew you'd ace it 😊  

Y/N: Thanks! Calie and I were thinking of going to a bar tonight to celebrate. We'd love it if you and Chris could join us. What do you think?  

Scarlett: That sounds fun, but what about Rose?  

Y/N: That's what I thought too, but maybe you could leave her with someone for a few hours? Just a thought.  

Scarlett: Hmm, I could ask my sister to watch her. She's been wanting to spend time with Rose anyway. 

Y/N: Perfect. We'll meet you guys there around 8?  

Scarlett: Sounds good! I'll let Chris know. See you tonight 😉

Y/N smiled at the screen, feeling a wave of excitement wash over her. She turned to Calie, who was busy typing away on her phone.

"Scarlett's in. She's going to ask her sister to watch Rose," Y/N said.

Calie grinned. "Perfect! I just texted Chris. He said he's down to come too. We're all set!"

They both sat back, feeling accomplished—not just for their test scores but for how everything seemed to be falling into place. 

"So, what are you wearing tonight?" Calie asked, turning to Y/N with a playful smirk. 

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. "I haven't thought about it yet. You know I don't really dress up for bars."

"You should! I mean, come on, you've got Scarlett freaking Johansson on your arm now. You can't show up looking like you just rolled out of bed," Calie teased, poking her friend's arm.

Y/N rolled her eyes but smiled. "Alright, alright. I'll wear something nice."

"Good," Calie said, standing up and stretching again. "Because we're going to look hot tonight. And who knows? Maybe this'll be the first time you and Scarlett go out together as a couple."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the thought. She hadn't even considered that this might be their first real outing as more than friends. The idea made her a little nervous, but also... excited.

"I guess it will be," Y/N said softly, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Calie, always the bold one, smirked. "Just remember to keep it cool. Don't let Scarlett see you blushing every time she looks at you."

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. "I can't make any promises."

They both laughed, the gym bustling around them, but for Y/N, it felt like her world had never been more in focus. Tonight was going to be something new—something exciting. And for once, she was ready for it.

As they gathered their things and headed toward the locker room, Y/N couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation. Tonight would be their first night out with Scarlett as more than friends, and that thought made her heart race in the best possible way.

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