Chapter 20: Movie Night with a Twist

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Calie and Y/N had just returned home after their surreal encounter with Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson, and Calie couldn't stop gushing about it. She paced around the living room, eyes sparkling, her voice full of excitement as she replayed every moment of the encounter. 

"Oh my God, Y/N! Can you believe we met Chris Evans?! And Scarlett freaking Johansson! I swear, he's even more charming in real life!" Calie squealed, hands flailing in exaggerated motions. She kept rambling on about how she'd always loved him but that meeting him today only made her heart melt more.

Y/N stood at the kitchen counter, calmly preparing dinner. She listened to her best friend's dramatic retelling, occasionally letting out small chuckles or saying, "Uh-huh," or, "Yeah, that was pretty crazy," while chopping vegetables. Y/N was much more grounded about the whole thing. Celebrities or not, she wasn't one to get starstruck. But seeing Calie in such high spirits always brought a small smile to her face.

"You know, when Chris winked at me, I swear my soul left my body. I can't even—" Calie continued, her voice almost dreamlike as she paced back and forth.

Y/N just shook her head, amused by how smitten Calie was. "You do realize you've mentioned that wink about twenty times now, right?" Y/N said, pouring some pasta into a pot of boiling water.

"Yeah, yeah, but still—Chris Evans!" Calie sighed, her voice turning dreamy once more.

Y/N let out a soft laugh, finishing up the meal and bringing the plates over to the table. But before she could call Calie over to eat, Calie had an idea. 

"Hold on," Calie said, suddenly stopping in her tracks. She rushed to her room, emerging moments later with her laptop. "We're watching a movie. And not just any movie—one with Chris and Scarlett!"

Y/N raised an eyebrow, already sensing where this was going. "Calie, I don't even know most of their movies."

"That's the point!" Calie said, practically bouncing in excitement. "You'll get to see them in their prime—before they were these megastars! We're watching Nanny Diaries."

Y/N let out a grumble. "Can't we just eat in peace?" she asked, but she already knew she'd lost the argument. 

"Nuh-uh, no peace for you. You're watching this with me," Calie declared, setting up the laptop on the coffee table and pulling Y/N to the couch.

Y/N sighed, taking her plate of food and settling on the couch. She shot Calie a suspicious glance look as her friend typing furiously on the keyboard to find the movie. "This better be good."

"Oh, trust me. You'll thank me later," Calie smirked.

As the movie began, Y/N sat stiffly, unsure of what to expect. She wasn't exactly a fan of celebrity culture, nor did she usually care for movies starring famous people, but as the plot unfolded, she found herself slowly getting drawn into the story. Scarlett's performance was surprisingly down-to-earth, and Chris had this easygoing charm that was hard to ignore.

"They're really good," Y/N admitted quietly as she took a bite of her pasta.

"Told you!" Calie said, grinning ear to ear as she stole a glance at Y/N. "See? I have good taste. And you know, Scarlett is She's always been so versatile."

Y/N nodded, but as the movie progressed, she became more engaged. She let out a laugh at the witty dialogue and found herself relating more and more to Scarlett's character. And then, *that* scene appeared.

On the laptop screen, Scarlett walked into a room wearing nothing but red panties and a tank top. The scene lingered on her as she adjusted her clothes, and Y/N's cheeks instantly burned. She felt a sudden rush of embarrassment, her mind racing as she tried not to look too flustered.

Calie noticed immediately, of course. "Oh my God, Y/N, are you blushing?" she teased, nudging her with an elbow.

Y/N shot her a look, her face still flushed. "I am not," she muttered, turning her attention back to the screen, although she couldn't hide the slight grin tugging at her lips.

"You so are! Come on, you think she's hot, don't you?" Calie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Y/N rolled her eyes, trying to brush it off. "She's...she's a good actor. I'll give her that."

Calie let out a snicker but didn't push any further. They continued watching in comfortable silence, save for the occasional comment from Calie about how good-looking Chris was or how Scarlett hadn't aged a day since this movie. 

When the credits finally rolled, Y/N sat back, folding her arms. "Okay, I'll admit it. That wasn't bad."

"Wasn't bad?" Calie gasped dramatically, placing her hand over her heart. "That was amazing! And you know it."

Y/N laughed. "Fine. It was good. Happy?"

Calie grinned, clearly satisfied. "More than happy. And see? You didn't die watching a movie."

Y/N sighed in mock defeat. "Alright, alright. But let's not make this a regular thing, okay?"

"Too late," Calie winked. "Next week, we're watching *The Avengers*."

Y/N groaned, though there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. "Of course."

As they settled back into their usual chatter, the mood was light, filled with jokes and teasing remarks. Calie couldn't help but bring up Scarlett's scene in the red panties again, and Y/N, though still a little embarrassed, just shook her head with a laugh.

"Seriously, though," Calie said between bites, "they're normal in person. Like, you wouldn't think they're these huge celebrities."

"I know," Y/N replied thoughtfully. "That's what surprised me. I don't care much for the fame stuff, but they're...real. Kind, even."

Calie nodded, her voice turning a little more serious. "It's weird, huh? Meeting people you've seen on a screen all your life and then realizing they're just like us in a lot of ways."

Y/N leaned back, her fingers lightly tapping the empty plate in her lap. "Yeah, I guess so."

As the evening wound down, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on how strange her life had become in such a short time. Just weeks ago, she hadn't known who Scarlett Johansson or Chris Evans were beyond what Calie had told her. Now, not only had she met them, but she'd also gotten tangled in a bizarre media frenzy. Yet, despite it all, here she was—sitting with her best friend, eating dinner, and laughing over a movie.

After they finished eating, Calie glanced at the clock and stretched her arms, letting out a content sigh. "Well, this was fun. Same time tomorrow?"

Y/N smirked, giving her a playful nudge. "We'll see."

The two cleaned up together, chatting about the film's best moments and making plans for their next day out. By the time they were ready for bed, Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for her simple, quiet moments with Calie—especially after the whirlwind of emotions that had come with meeting celebrities. 

As they both got ready to sleep, Calie still couldn't stop talking about Chris and Scarlett, but Y/N just shook her head, listening quietly, already knowing it would take a while for her friend to calm down.

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