Chapter 19: Fan girl

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Y/N and Calie strolled leisurely through the park, with Cebrus trotting ahead of them on his leash. The autumn air was crisp, leaves swirling in the breeze, and the soft glow of the evening sun painted everything in warm, golden hues. It was the kind of day that made Y/N forget, even if just for a moment, the stress and chaos of her life lately. She loved these quiet walks with Calie, where they could talk about anything or nothing at all.

As they walked, Calie was animatedly talking about a movie she'd been raving about for weeks now. "I swear, Y/N, you have to read the book while I watch the movie!" Calie was practically bouncing with excitement, her eyes wide.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Which book was it again?"

"The Night Circus*l! You know, the one I've mentioned a million times? I don't know how you keep forgetting," Calie said, rolling her eyes dramatically.

Y/N chuckled. "Right, right. Sorry, I've been a little distracted lately. With everything going on..." She trailed off, thinking about the tabloids, the endless questions at university, and her encounter with Chris just a few days ago. 

Calie gave her a sympathetic look. "Hey, that's understandable. But still, you'll love this one. It's magical, romantic, everything you usually say you're not into but secretly are."

Y/N smiled, shaking her head. "You know me too well."

They continued walking, the conversation drifting to other things—books Y/N wanted to read, a recipe she was planning to try, and Calie's upcoming exam. They were so engrossed in their conversation that neither of them noticed when Cebrus's leash slipped from Y/N's hand. 

Suddenly, Calie pointed ahead, her voice rising in alarm. "Uh, Y/N... Cebrus!"

Y/N's eyes snapped forward, and her heart dropped as she saw Cebrus bounding ahead toward a couple in the distance. "Cebrus! Come back!" she yelled, but the stubborn dog paid no attention, sprinting toward the pair with excitement.

Without thinking, Y/N took off running after him, Calie close behind. She could hear Calie laughing breathlessly beside her, but Y/N's mind was only focused on stopping her dog before he crashed into unsuspecting strangers.

But before she could catch up, Cebrus had already reached his target, jumping up on the tall man with enthusiasm. To her surprise, the man just laughed, his deep, familiar chuckle ringing through the air. 

Y/N skidded to a stop, panting as she tried to grab Cebrus. "I'm so sorry!" she blurted out, mortified. "He's usually not like this, I—"

The man waved her apology off, still chuckling as he scratched Cebrus behind the ears. "No worries at all, he's just excited," he said, and that's when Y/N really looked at him.

It was Chris. Again

And standing next to him was Scarlett Johansson, with little Rose in her arms. Y/N blinked, momentarily frozen. Of course, she recognized them now. After all the articles and the time she had already spent with Chris, she wasn't as shocked as she might have been a couple of weeks ago. Still, it was unexpected.

Scarlett smiled, holding Rose a little tighter as the toddler wiggled excitedly at the sight of Cebrus. "Seems like we've got a dog-lover here," Scarlett joked, her voice warm.

Y/N blushed slightly, brushing her hair behind her ear as she finally managed to rein in Cebrus. "I'm really sorry about that," she said, embarrassed.

Chris just grinned, waving it off. "Seriously, no harm done. It's nice to see a friendly face after the past few days of... well, you know."

Y/N nodded, understanding. The media frenzy hadn't died down much since the articles about them surfaced. Scarlett smirked at Chris's comment before glancing at Y/N. 

Y/N let out a small laugh, relieved that they weren't upset. She looked down at Rose, who had started to reach out toward her with a big grin on her face. Without thinking, Y/N smiled and reached for her, gently lifting Rose out of Scarlett's arms. The little girl giggled, her tiny hands grabbing onto Y/N's shirt as she snuggled in.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow but didn't seem to mind. "Well, looks like she's picked her new favorite person."

Y/N blushed even more, feeling a warmth she couldn't quite explain. But then she remembered—Calie was still with her. She turned around, expecting to see her friend beside her, but what she saw made her stifle a laugh.

Calie stood a few steps behind, her mouth wide open in shock, her eyes huge as she stared at Chris and Scarlett. She looked like she'd just seen a ghost.

Chris noticed too and raised an amused eyebrow. He exchanged a glance with Scarlett before striding over to Calie. Towering over her, he gently placed a hand on her chin and closed her mouth for her, his signature playful grin in place. "You'll catch flies like that," he teased, winking at her.

Calie's face turned a shade of red Y/N had never seen before, and for a moment, she looked like she might pass out. Scarlett and Y/N burst into laughter at the sight, and even Rose joined in with her sweet, childish giggles. Cebrus, sensing the excitement, wagged his tail and barked happily, causing even more laughter.

It took a moment for Calie to recover, blinking rapidly as she looked between Chris, Scarlett, and Y/N. "Oh my god," she muttered under her breath, finally snapping out of her stupor. "I... I cannot believe this. You're—you're Chris Evans. And Scarlett Johansson. I..." Her voice trailed off, utterly starstruck.

Y/N chuckled, stepping forward with Rose still in her arms. "Chris, Scarlett, this is my best friend, Calie. She's usually more composed than this."

Chris smirked, shaking Calie's hand. "Nice to meet you, Calie. Glad to see I made such an impression."

Scarlett smiled warmly. "It's always nice meeting a fan."

Calie finally found her voice again, nodding frantically. "A fan? I'm a huge fan! I've seen every one of your movies. Seriously, I could quote your entire filmography if you asked me to."

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "Yes, she's been trying to get me to watch your movies for years now."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, glancing at Y/N curiously. "Wait, you haven't seen any of our movies?"

Y/N smiled sheepishly, shrugging. "I'm not really into movies. Honestly, when I first met Chris, I didn't even know who he was."

Scarlett and Chris exchanged surprised looks, their eyebrows shooting up in unison. Even Rose seemed to blink up at Y/N in surprise.

"You didn't... know who we were?" Scarlett asked, clearly both amused and baffled.

Y/N shook her head. "Nope. It wasn't until after I met you guys that I figured it out."

Chris chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Well, that's a first."

Scarlett laughed softly, clearly entertained. "I guess that explains why you're not freaking out like your friend here."

Y/N shrugged again, smiling. "I guess so."

Calie, still recovering from her initial shock, glanced between Y/N and the two celebrities. "I don't even know how you're so calm about this," she muttered under her breath, though there was a playful edge to her voice.

And with that, the four of them shared a laugh, the awkwardness of the situation melting away as they enjoyed the moment, Cebrus and Rose happily joining in their lightheartedness.

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