Chapter 64: My Golden Stars

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About a year had passed since that day—since Cebrus' passing, since the darkest moment Y/N had faced in years. But in that time, life had blossomed. Y/N had passed her bar exam and became a lawyer in New York, a career she had worked so hard for. Scarlett and Y/N were happy, building a life together, raising Rose, who was talking more and more every day. The joy that filled their lives now was something Y/N hadn't known she could ever have.

Calie and Chris were engaged, a love story that had grown beautifully over the past year, and now, Calie was pregnant. The excitement of their expanding family was something everyone celebrated. And today, Y/N was doing something she hadn't done since she was a child—something that made her feel connected to the warmth of the season. They had all gone to a Christmas fair.

Y/N walked with Scarlett, Chris holding Rose in his arms, her small hands clinging to his jacket as he held Calie's hand. The joy and laughter around them filled Y/N's heart with a warmth she hadn't known was possible. She smiled to herself as she watched them walk ahead, her family. Her heart was so full of love for each of them. 

Y/N stood back a little from the group, her eyes watching Rose giggle as Chris lifted her high in the air, and Calie's soft laugh as she placed a hand on her growing belly. Scarlett turned to smile at her, her eyes filled with love, and Y/N felt a familiar warmth rise in her chest. But there was something more tonight. Something special.

She glanced up at the night sky, the stars twinkling above, and her breath caught in her throat when she saw two particularly bright stars shining down at her. For a moment, she felt like a child again, looking up at the stars with her mother by her side. Tears welled in her eyes as she softly whispered a thank you, her voice quiet but full of gratitude.

"Thank you, Mom... thank you, Dad... Thank you Cebrus. I made it."

Her moment of reflection was interrupted by the sweet sound of Rose's voice calling her. "Mom! Mommy!" Rose squealed as she wriggled in Chris's arms, reaching out for Y/N.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the sound of that word. Mom. She quickly ran toward them, catching Rose in her arms, holding her close as she spun her around. "Hey, my little star! What are you up to, huh?" Y/N said, her voice full of love as she kissed Rose on the cheek.

Rose giggled in Y/N's arms, her laughter a melody that filled Y/N's heart. She gave her one last hug before passing her back to Chris with a playful wink. Chris grinned, bouncing Rose in his arms as Calie smiled warmly at Y/N.

Scarlett was standing nearby, watching them with a soft smile, her head tilted slightly in curiosity. Y/N turned to her, her heart pounding a little faster as her plan began to unfold.

"I have to show you something," Y/N said, her voice soft but filled with excitement.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Show me something?" she asked, stepping closer to Y/N. "What's going on?"

Y/N's heart raced. This moment—it had been building for weeks. She grabbed Scarlett's hand gently but firmly, pulling her away from the group toward a quiet spot where a lamp stood next to a small tree, the area dimly lit and secluded from the bustling crowd. Above them, the stars shone brightly, undisturbed by the lights of the fair.

Scarlett followed, her curiosity growing as she glanced up at the night sky, then back at Y/N. "Okay, what are you up to?" she asked, her voice soft and playful.

Y/N stood under the tree with Scarlett, taking a deep breath. This was the moment. Chris, Calie, and Rose stood a little way off, watching them with knowing smiles. Y/N could feel the weight of what she was about to say, and yet, it felt light, natural—like every word had been waiting for this moment.

She looked deep into Scarlett's eyes, taking both of her hands in hers, the world around them fading away as the stars above twinkled softly. 

"Scarlett," Y/N began, her voice soft but filled with emotion. "I've spent a lot of my life running from happiness. I used to think that love—real love—was something other people had, something that wasn't meant for me. I built walls around myself, convinced that if I just stayed inside them, I wouldn't get hurt. But then you came into my life... and Rose... and suddenly, everything changed."

Scarlett's eyes softened, her grip tightening on Y/N's hands as she listened intently.

"You and Rose... you tore down those walls. You showed me what love really is. Not just the big, sweeping moments, but the little things—the way you look at me, the way you hold me when I'm sad, the way you laugh with Rose, the way you made me believe that I deserved to be happy."

Y/N's voice wavered slightly as she continued, her eyes never leaving Scarlett's. "For a long time, I was afraid—afraid of losing you, afraid of losing everything. But standing here now, looking at you, I realize that the only thing I'm afraid of is not telling you how much you mean to me. You, Scarlett... and Rose... you're my stars. My golden stars. The ones that shine brightest in my life. You make everything better, everything clearer. You are my home."

Tears welled up in Scarlett's eyes, her lips trembling as she listened to Y/N's words. Her breath hitched slightly as she saw Y/N's hand slip into her pocket. 

Y/N smiled softly, her own eyes shining with unshed tears. "I've loved you for so long, Scar. And I will love you for the rest of my life. So... I want to ask you something."

And then, before Scarlett could say anything, Y/N dropped to one knee, pulling a small velvet box from her pocket and opening it to reveal a delicate, beautiful ring. Scarlett's hands flew to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock and emotion as tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Scarlett Johansson," Y/N said, her voice trembling with emotion, "will you marry me?"

For a moment, Scarlett was too overwhelmed to speak. She nodded furiously, her eyes shining with tears as she whispered, "Yes... yes! Of course, yes!"

Y/N grinned, tears of joy slipping down her cheeks as she stood up, slipping the ring onto Scarlett's finger. They were both crying now, their emotions raw and powerful as Scarlett threw her arms around Y/N, pulling her into a deep, loving kiss.

The kiss was filled with all the love, all the joy, all the hope that had been building between them over the past year. When they finally pulled apart, breathless and laughing, they heard a tiny squeal from behind them.

Rose came running over, her arms outstretched as she shouted, "Mommy! Mom!" She wrapped her small arms around their legs, squeezing them tightly as she giggled.

Y/N and Scarlett both looked down at her, their hearts swelling with love as they knelt down, hugging Rose between them. The three of them stayed like that for a moment, wrapped up in each other, the joy of the moment filling the air around them.

Chris and Calie walked over, both smiling as they watched the little family share this beautiful moment. Chris clapped Y/N on the shoulder, grinning. "Congratulations, you two. Took you long enough," he teased, making everyone laugh.

Calie, her belly now showing with her pregnancy, smiled warmly at them. "I'm so happy for you both," she said softly. "You deserve this."

Y/N stood up, still holding Scarlett's hand, and looked at her family—Chris, Calie, Rose, Scarlett. She felt overwhelmed with gratitude, with love, with everything that had brought her to this moment. 

As they all laughed and talked, making plans for the future and sharing stories, Y/N looked up at the stars one last time, her heart filled with peace. The three bright stars shone above them, watching over her, and for the first time in a long time, Y/N felt completely, undeniably happy.

She looked down at Scarlett, then at Rose, her heart bursting with love for them. She smiled softly, her voice barely a whisper as she said the words that had carried her through everything.

"My golden stars.''

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