Chapter 16: Wattpad Fanfiction

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Y/N was wiping down the kitchen counter, enjoying the quiet after the whirlwind of the day. The clatter of plates and the rhythmic motion of cleaning was almost soothing. Suddenly, she heard the sound of the front door opening. Before she could react, Cerberus bolted toward the door, barking excitedly. There was a loud groan, followed by a distinct thud.

Y/N paused, a smile tugging at her lips. She leaned against the counter, shaking her head in amusement. "I think Cerberus just took someone out."

A moment later, Calie appeared in the kitchen doorway, her hair slightly disheveled, holding her side as if she had just recovered from being tackled. "Seriously, Y/N? What is that dog made of? He nearly killed me!"

Y/N chuckled, tossing the dishrag over her shoulder. "I think he likes you."

Calie grumbled, rubbing her arm where Cerberus had bumped her. "I swear, that dog's plotting my demise." She straightened up and glanced around the kitchen. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you had class or something."

Y/N shrugged nonchalantly. "Class ended a while ago. I just... ended up here." She hesitated before adding, "With Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans."

Calie's expression froze, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Wait... what?" She blinked rapidly. "What did you just say?"

Y/N, already knowing what was coming, sighed, leaning back against the counter. "Yeah. Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans were here."

Calie's mouth fell open, and then a high-pitched squeal erupted from her throat. She clutched her head with both hands, pacing in a small circle. "Scarlett fucking Johansson was in my house? And Chris fucking Evans? Are you kidding me?!" She squealed again, this time louder. "No way! No freaking way!"

Y/N just watched her, half amused and half exasperated, as Calie ranted excitedly to herself. "Yeah, it was... something."

Calie, still in disbelief, stopped pacing and whirled toward Y/N. "Are you serious? You spent the day with *Scarlett Johansson* and *Chris Evans*, and you're acting like it's no big deal?"

Y/N shrugged, walking over to the fridge. "It's not really. They were just people, you know? They were here because of an incident in the park, and I helped them out."

Calie waved her hands dramatically. "Just people? Oh my god, Y/N, they're literally some of the biggest stars on the planet. You're living in my dream! You could've called me, you know!"

Y/N smirked, grabbing a plate of food and handing it to Calie. "Here, eat. You'll stop squealing."

Calie grabbed the plate eagerly and sat down at the kitchen table, taking a huge bite. Immediately, she groaned loudly, throwing her head back. "Oh, god, Y/N. What would I do without you and your cooking?"

Y/N chuckled, sitting down across from her. "Probably starve."

Calie took another bite, moaning appreciatively. "Honestly, I think I've been sent an angel. You cook like this and get to hang out with *Scarlett Johansson*. How are you even real?"

Y/N just shook her head, leaning her elbows on the table. "You're exaggerating, as usual."

Calie continued eating, but after a few moments, Y/N noticed her friend looking at her with a sly grin, something mischievous twinkling in her eyes. Y/N frowned. "What?"

Calie set down her fork, still grinning. "So, do you like Scarlett?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, immediately recognizing where this was going. "I don't even know her. And until today, she pretty much hated my guts."

Calie shrugged nonchalantly, waving her hand as if dismissing Y/N's statement. "That's how it always starts in fanfiction on Wattpad. Enemies to lovers, you know? She hates you, but deep down, there's chemistry. Then bam—romance."

Y/N's brow furrowed, and she shook her head, clearly confused. "Fanfiction? Wattpad? What are you talking about?"

Calie snorted, shaking her head at her friend's obliviousness. "You're so out of touch. It's a thing, Y/N. People write stories like this all the time. Two people who don't get along at first but end up falling for each other."

Y/N stared at her blankly. "Yeah, well, that's not real life. Besides, Scarlett is Probably straight. And I'm... not interested."

Calie rolled her eyes dramatically. "Sure, sure. That's what they always say. But mark my words, this could be your very own Wattpad story in the making."

Y/N just shook her head, chuckling softly. "You're ridiculous."

The two of them continued chatting, the playful banter bouncing back and forth as Calie finished her food. Cerberus, now recovered from his excitement, sat obediently by Y/N's side, wagging his tail every so often as he watched them.

As the evening wore on, the conversation became more relaxed. They reminisced about old times, complained about schoolwork, and joked about their chaotic lives. Before long, Y/N found herself heading to her own room to crash for the night, while Calie settled into her space, still murmuring something about celebrity crushes and fanfiction.

As Y/N lay in bed, the events of the day replayed in her mind. It had been... surreal, to say the least. And despite the chaos, the stress, and the unexpected run-in with Scarlett, things felt okay. Maybe, just maybe, this new chapter of her life wouldn't be so bad after all.

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