Chapter 14: Escaping the Chaos

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The walk back had been quiet until they heard it—the unmistakable sound of shouts and the clicks of cameras. Y/N turned around, her brow furrowed, and saw them: a swarm of paparazzi descending like vultures, cameras flashing, voices rising in a chaotic frenzy. Scarlett turned as well, her body stiffening as she mumbled a single word.

"Paparazzi," she said, almost in disbelief.

Y/N's stomach dropped as she understood. Of course, Scarlett would be hounded by the press, but it didn't stop the immediate wave of dread that washed over her. Cerberus, always protective, quickly positioned himself in front of Y/N, his stance defensive, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

Scarlett clutched Rose tighter to her chest, her eyes darting nervously between Y/N and the approaching crowd. Y/N could see the panic flicker in Scarlett's eyes—she was terrified, not for herself but for Rose. She didn't know how to keep her daughter safe from the flashing cameras, the endless questions, the invasive presence of the media.

Without thinking, Y/N grabbed Scarlett's arm, pulling her toward the nearest exit. "Come on," Y/N said, her voice firm. "We need to get out of here."

Scarlett stumbled slightly, holding Rose closer as they started to move faster. "We won't make it in time," Scarlett said breathlessly. "My car... it's on the other side of the park. We'll never get there before they catch up."

Y/N's mind raced, her eyes scanning the surroundings. There had to be another way out. The paparazzi were closing in, and she could feel the urgency pressing down on her. Suddenly, an idea clicked into place.

"Follow me," Y/N said, tugging Scarlett along, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Scarlett hesitated for a brief second, skeptical, but she had no choice. She shifted Rose's weight in her arms and followed Y/N as they cut through the park, weaving between trees and darting down side streets. Y/N grabbed Cerberus by the leash, urging him along, his growls growing louder as the paparazzi drew closer.

Despite their efforts, the paparazzi managed to catch up. Cameras flashed all around them, and the shouting grew louder. Y/N could feel the tension rising in Scarlett beside her as Rose whimpered, overwhelmed by the chaos. Scarlett tried to shield her daughter's face, but the flashes were relentless, blinding.

"Here," Y/N said, shrugging off her coat and handing it to Scarlett. "Cover her with this."

Scarlett took the coat, quickly draping it over Rose, trying to shield her as much as possible. The flashes continued, and Y/N could see the frustration and fear on Scarlett's face. They had to get out of there, and fast.

They pushed forward, but the crowd grew thicker. Suddenly, Y/N felt Scarlett jerk backward. She turned just in time to see a man, one of the paparazzi, grabbing at Scarlett's arm, nearly pulling her off balance. Rose was still in Scarlett's arms, and for a terrifying moment, Y/N thought they might both fall.

Without hesitation, Y/N called out sharply to Cerberus. "Watch her!"

The dog immediately shifted his attention, standing protectively in front of Scarlett, his teeth bared as he growled at the man who had grabbed her. Y/N stormed toward the man, her eyes blazing with fury.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Y/N shouted, grabbing the man's camera and slamming it to the ground. The camera shattered on impact, pieces flying across the pavement.

The crowd gasped, but Y/N wasn't done. She stepped closer, her voice low and dangerous. "You ever touch her again, and I swear I'll make you regret it."

The man backed away, clearly startled by Y/N's aggression. The rest of the paparazzi paused, unsure of what to do next as Cerberus continued growling, keeping everyone at a distance.

Y/N turned back to Scarlett, who was pale and shaking, holding Rose tightly to her chest. Without saying a word, Y/N pulled Scarlett into a quick hug, trying to reassure her. "Let's go," she said softly, leading them to the entrance of a nearby building.

They hurried inside, Y/N quickly closing the door behind them as Cerberus stood guard. Scarlett looked like she was on the verge of tears, her breaths coming in short, shaky gasps as she clutched Rose, who was now fussing in her arms.

Y/N didn't say anything at first, letting Scarlett gather herself as they stepped into the elevator. The ride to the seventh floor felt like an eternity, the silence heavy between them. Y/N could feel the weight of everything that had just happened—Scarlett's fear, her own adrenaline still coursing through her veins, the relentless pressure of the paparazzi that would follow Scarlett wherever she went.

When the elevator doors finally slid open, Y/N gently placed a hand on Scarlett's arm, guiding her out. "It's okay now," she said softly, her voice steady. "You're safe."

Scarlett swallowed hard, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. She looked at Y/N, and for the first time, there was no trace of the cold, guarded persona she usually carried. She looked vulnerable, raw, like all of her defenses had crumbled in the face of her fear for her daughter.

"Thank you," Scarlett whispered, her voice barely audible.

Y/N nodded, offering her a small, reassuring smile. "You don't have to thank me," she replied. "I couldn't just let them... you know."

Scarlett exhaled shakily, finally letting herself relax, if only a little. Rose had quieted down in her arms, her tiny hands gripping Scarlett's shirt tightly. Cerberus stood by Y/N's side, his posture still alert, as if ready to jump into action again at any moment.

"We'll stay here for a while," Y/N said, leading them down the hallway to her apartment. "Until things calm down."

Scarlett didn't argue. She just followed, still holding Rose close, her eyes darting around as if she expected the paparazzi to appear out of nowhere again. But Y/N knew they were safe for now.

As they stepped inside, the tension in Scarlett's shoulders eased just a fraction. Y/N closed the door behind them, locking it securely before turning back to Scarlett and Rose.

"Do you need anything?" Y/N asked, her voice gentle.

Scarlett shook her head, but she still looked shaken. "No... I just—Rose, she..."

"She's okay," Y/N said softly, stepping closer. "You both are."

Scarlett nodded, but she looked like she was barely holding it together. Y/N hesitated for a moment before reaching out, her hand resting lightly on Scarlett's arm in a gesture of comfort. Scarlett didn't pull away this time. Instead, she closed her eyes for a brief moment, as if trying to steady herself.

For once, there were no sharp comments, no teasing or cold stares. Just silence and understanding.

And in that quiet, awkward, but strangely comforting moment, Y/N realized something: maybe Scarlett wasn't as heartless as she seemed.

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