Chapter 30: Morning Encounters

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The soft morning light filtered through the windows of the small coffee shop, casting golden streaks across the wooden counters. Y/N wiped down a table, her shift nearly over, humming softly to herself. The air smelled of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries, and the peaceful rhythm of the café felt comforting.

Today, she was supposed to meet Carolina after her shift, the two of them planning to discuss the next chapter of the book they'd been reading together. She was looking forward to it, but as always, a part of her mind wandered back to Scarlett and Rose. Since that evening in the park, the way Scarlett had listened to her story about the stars and the people we care about, Y/N hadn't been able to stop thinking about them.

The bell over the door jingled, pulling her out of her thoughts. Y/N smiled to herself, assuming it was Carolina arriving early, but when she looked up, her breath caught in her throat.

It wasn't Carolina.

Scarlett stood there, holding Rose in her arms. The baby was bundled up in a soft pink onesie, her big eyes scanning the café as she clung to her mother's shoulder. Scarlett's hair fell loosely around her face, and her eyes, bright and green, found Y/N almost immediately. A soft smile spread across her lips.

Y/N felt a flutter in her chest and quickly put the rag down, wiping her hands on her apron as she walked up to greet them.

"Hey, you two," Y/N said with a grin, her voice slightly breathless. She immediately reached out for Rose, her heart melting at the sight of her. "Come here, little star," she cooed, taking the baby from Scarlett's arms with ease, planting a soft kiss on Rose's cheek.

Scarlett's eyes sparkled at the sight, a warmth flickering in her gaze. Something about the way Y/N interacted with Rose always made Scarlett pause, like she was watching something precious and intimate. It reminded her of the story Y/N had told her in the park—the one about stars and how each important person in our life has their own. She hadn't forgotten that, and every time Y/N called Rose a star, it made her smile.

"Calling her a star again, huh?" Scarlett teased lightly, her voice warm.

Y/N looked up, a little embarrassed but smiling. "Of course. She's the brightest one, after all."

Scarlett watched the scene unfold, her chest tightening with something she couldn't quite name. Rose giggled in Y/N's arms, reaching for Y/N's nose, and Y/N let out a soft laugh. Scarlett smiled too, her heart swelling as she remembered the way Y/N had talked about stars. It felt special, like a connection they shared in their own quiet way.

"She definitely has your attention," Scarlett said playfully, her voice taking on a soft, teasing edge. "I might start getting jealous."

Y/N blinked, caught off guard by the playful tone in Scarlett's voice. She felt her cheeks heat up and quickly looked away, trying to brush off the comment. "Jealous of your own daughter?" she teased back, though her voice wavered slightly as she adjusted Rose in her arms.

Scarlett leaned against the counter, her eyes never leaving Y/N's face. "Well, she's getting all the affection while I just stand here watching."

Y/N's blush deepened, her stomach doing a little flip. She let out a nervous laugh, trying to play it cool. "I mean, can you blame her? Look at how cute she is."

Scarlett's eyes twinkled as she leaned in just a bit closer. "I could say the same about someone else."

Y/N's breath hitched in her throat at the comment, her heart racing. She could feel the heat in her cheeks spreading, and for a moment, she didn't know what to say. Scarlett's teasing, the way her gaze lingered, felt almost like flirting—though Y/N wasn't sure if she was imagining it.

Before she could find a response, Scarlett glanced at Carlos behind the counter and smiled. "Mind making me a coffee, Carlos? And maybe a cookie for Rose?"

Carlos nodded, grinning as he set to work. "Coming right up, Scarlett."

As Scarlett turned her attention back to Y/N and Rose, she noticed the way Y/N was avoiding eye contact, her blush still evident on her cheeks. It made Scarlett smile. There was something endearing about how easily Y/N became flustered around her.

"So, what are you doing after work?" Scarlett asked casually, still watching Y/N closely.

Before Y/N could answer, the bell over the door rang again. Both women turned to see Carolina walking in, her dark hair tied back in a messy bun, a smile on her face as she spotted Y/N.

"There you are!" Carolina called out, making her way over to them.

Y/N smiled back at her, but Carolina's expression shifted slightly when she noticed Scarlett standing next to Y/N, and especially when she saw Rose nestled comfortably in Y/N's arms. Her eyes widened just a bit, clearly surprised.

"Oh wow," Carolina breathed, her voice soft with awe. "You're Scarlett Johansson."

Scarlett smiled politely, offering a small nod. "That's me."

Carolina's eyes flicked between Scarlett and Y/N, a hint of confusion mixed with excitement on her face. "I'm... I'm a huge fan," she stammered, her voice filled with nervous energy. "I loved you in... well, in everything."

Scarlett let out a small laugh, clearly used to this kind of reaction. "Thank you," she said warmly.

Y/N chuckled softly, adjusting Rose in her arms as the baby reached for her hair. "Don't worry, Carolina. She's just a regular person... with an adorable baby."

Carolina shot Y/N a look, still trying to wrap her head around the fact that Scarlett Johansson was standing right there in the café, casually chatting with them. But before she could respond, Carlos called out, placing Scarlett's coffee and the cookie for Rose on the counter.

"Here you go!" Carlos said cheerfully.

Y/N smiled at Carolina. "Are you ready to go?"

Carolina nodded, her eyes still wide as she glanced at Scarlett again. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Y/N gently handed Rose back to Scarlett, careful not to linger too long as her hands brushed against Scarlett's arms. "I've got a date with Carolina," she said, a small smile tugging at her lips. "But it was nice of you two to drop by."

Scarlett's expression didn't falter, but there was a brief flicker of something in her eyes—something like surprise, or maybe even disappointment, though she quickly hid it behind her usual cool demeanor.

"A date, huh?" Scarlett said lightly, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.

Y/N nodded, grabbing her things from behind the counter. "Yeah, we're just going to talk about a book we've been reading."

Scarlett's lips curved into a soft smile, though her eyes seemed distant. "Well, enjoy yourselves."

Y/N gave Rose a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to leave with Carolina. "Bye, little star," she whispered, her heart tugging a bit as she stepped away.

As Y/N and Carolina walked out of the café, Scarlett stood there with Rose in her arms, watching them go. The sound of the bell above the door echoed in her ears, and for a moment, she felt a strange pang of jealousy rise in her chest. It was unexpected and unsettling.

Scarlett glanced down at Rose, who was happily munching on her cookie, oblivious to the tension in the air. Scarlett sighed, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

"Looks like it's just you and me, kid," Scarlett murmured softly, trying to shake off the feeling.

Carlos interrupted her thoughts as he handed her the coffee with a grin. "Your coffee, Scarlett."

Scarlett smiled gratefully, taking the cup from him. "Thanks, Carlos."

As she left the café, Rose babbling happily in her arms, Scarlett couldn't help but glance over her shoulder one last time, her mind still lingering on the image of Y/N leaving with someone else.

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