Chapter 10: Drama Queen

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It was Monday, and Y/N had just finished her classes at the university. The sun was beginning to dip lower in the sky as she and Calie walked side by side, heading to their respective workplaces. Calie, in her usual enthusiastic tone, was going on about how incredible it was that Y/N had met Chris Evans and even became friends with him and little Rose Johansson. 

"I mean, come on, Y/N, it's Chris Evans! And Scarlett Johansson's daughter! You, of all people, making friends with Hollywood royalty? That's crazy!" Calie exclaimed, her hands flailing as she animated her words.

Y/N smiled softly, feeling her usual calm. "It's really not a big deal, Calie. He's just a nice guy, and Rose... well, she's just adorable. I'm just happy to have made a new friend."

"That's the thing, though! You don't make friends easily. You're always quiet, and you prefer books over people, but suddenly, you're pals with Captain America! How does that even happen?" Calie laughed as she nudged Y/N playfully.

Y/N shrugged, not really sure how to explain. "We just clicked, I guess. He's easy to talk to."

They continued walking, enjoying the lightness of their conversation. Eventually, they reached the point where they had to part ways. Calie was heading to the hospital for her shift, while Y/N was on her way to the café.

"Alright, don't get too cozy with movie stars without me," Calie teased, giving Y/N a quick hug. "Text me later!"

Y/N laughed softly, watching Calie wave her off before heading in her direction. After about ten more minutes of walking, Y/N arrived at the café, where Randy was just finishing his shift.

"Hey, Y/N," Randy greeted her with his usual grin. "Good luck with the evening crowd. I'm out of here."

"Thanks, Randy. Have a good night," Y/N replied as she entered and waved goodbye. 

Inside, Carlos, her coworker for the night shift, was wiping down the counter. He glanced up as Y/N walked in. "Hey, Y/N! Ready for another shift?"

Y/N smiled at him. "Ready as I'll ever be. How's it been today?"

"Busy earlier, but things should slow down soon. By the way," Carlos said, lowering his voice a bit, "I saw the articles about you and Chris Evans. Is it true?"

Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. "Honestly, I didn't even know who he was at first. I just thought he was some nice guy with an adorable kid."

Carlos raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "How do you not know who Chris Evans is? That's insane."

She shrugged again, not bothered by his reaction. "I'm just not into that world. I like my books."

As the evening progressed, the café stayed relatively calm, with the usual customers coming and going. Then, around 5 PM, the doorbell chimed, signaling the arrival of a new customer. Y/N looked up from behind the counter, and there he was—Chris Evans, walking in with Rose in his arms. Y/N's face brightened at the sight of them, a warm smile spreading across her face as she waved.

"Hey, Rose!" Y/N greeted the little one, giving her a playful tickle as Chris approached the counter.

"Hey, Y/N," Chris said, smiling as Rose giggled at the attention. "What can I get today?"

Y/N noticed Carlos staring, wide-eyed at the interaction, which made her give him a small look to snap him out of it. "The usual for you, I'm guessing?" she asked, turning her attention back to Chris.

"You know me too well. And maybe a cookie for Rose," Chris added with a wink.

Y/N nodded, quickly making Chris's coffee and wrapping up a cookie for the little girl. When everything was ready, Chris asked, "Mind if we sit and chat for a bit?"

Y/N glanced over at Carlos, who gave her a quick nod. She untied her apron and left it behind the counter, joining Chris and Rose at a small table near the window.

They started talking casually, laughing and joking about the little things, like Rose's fascination with Cebrus and how she babbled as if she understood every word Y/N said. Y/N held Rose on her lap, the little girl happily snuggling into her as Y/N cooed at her softly.

Chris watched them with a warm smile, clearly enjoying how well Y/N and Rose got along. At one point, Y/N brought up a book she'd been reading, The Little Prince.

"Do you like reading?" Chris asked, curious as Y/N spoke about the book.

"I love it," Y/N replied. "It's probably my favorite thing in the world. I get lost in books, you know? They've always been a bit of an escape for me."

Chris nodded, clearly interested. "That makes sense. There's something special about books like The Little Prince. It's one of those stories that sticks with you, no matter how old you get."

Y/N smiled, agreeing with him wholeheartedly. "Exactly. I think stories like that remind us of how simple things used to be, and how we all need to hang onto that sense of wonder."

Their conversation was easy, light, and filled with laughter as they talked about books, life, and everything in between. But then, suddenly, the doorbell rang again.

Y/N's eyes flickered toward the entrance, and her mood shifted almost instantly. A woman in a sharp, tailored suit, with her hair tied back in a bun, stepped inside. She looked around, her eyes scanning the café with a stern expression.

Y/N rolled her eyes, her mood sinking. The woman's presence alone seemed to carry drama with it.

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