You're Dating Horseface?!~ Jean x Reader

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Requested by Fandom-Before-Blood

"Freaking horse. He always gets on my nerves!" Eren scowled, riding on his horse.

Jean used the reins to make his horse go faster.

Titan boy is a suicidal jerk!

He saw you move your horse next to his. "Hey." He smiled.

"Whatever." You replied, no emotion in your voice.

"You're starting to sound like Levi." Jean teased.

"Is that a problem?" You shot.

". . . What the heck is up with you?" He questioned.

Your eyes widened before you showed no emotion on your face once again. "Nothing. Why?"

"You seem different." He said, focusing on the titan you all were riding towards. You stayed silent and focused.

"Now!" Erwin yelled. You used your 3DMG to get closer to the abnormal titan.

Almost there.

You were about to reach its neck until it grabbed you.

"(f/n)! No!" Jean and Eren both yelled at the same time. They used their 3DMG to reach the titan.

"Back off horse! I'm going to save her!"

"No! I am, titan boy!"

"No, you're not!"

"Why should you save her, you suicidal jerk?!" Jean shot.

"Because, horse, I'm her brother! What's your reason?!" Eren shot back.

"I'm her boyfriend!"

". . . What?"

"Crap. ."

"Someone help me!" You yelled, rolling your eyes.

"Okay, okay-- After I kill horseface." Eren said.

"Eren, I'll be dead before that happens." You said nervously as the abnormal opened its mouth.

"Not if I can help it!" Jean smirked, going towards the titan. "Eren, distract the titan!"

Eren scowled but moved towards the titan. "Hey! Look over here!"

The abnormal turned its head. While it wasn't looking, Jean sliced its hand. The titan dropped you in pain. You started falling. Jean noticed and went downwards, trying to catch you.

Crap. . . No! Jean, you have to make it! Save her!

"I'm not going to be there in time!" Jean said, frustrated.

"(f/n)!" Eren yelled.

You screamed as you fell, preparing yourself for the impact and, possibly, death.

You closed your eyes before you hit the ground. You didn't feel it. Opening your eyes, you saw Mikasa looking at you. You looked down and saw she was holding you. . Right before you hit the ground.

"Th-Thank you, Mikasa." You said as she put you down. You were an adoptive sibling to her, along with Eren.

She nodded. You saw Jean and Eren running over to you.

"(f/n)!" Jean yelled.

"Sis!" Eren yelled also. Jean glared at him. Both of them stopped in front of you.

"Are you--" Jean and Eren began.

"(f/n) Jaeger." Levi said, walking over to you. "We're heading back. The abnormal left." He got onto his horse.

You did the same and nodded. "Yes, sir."

Once you all arrived at the Headquarters, you went to the infirmary, on Levi's orders, in case anything happened.

"Hey, Kirstein." Eren said. Jean looked at him. "It's okay if you date my sister. You saved her from being eaten by a titan."

Jean nodded. "Thank you. One day, I'm going to propose to her."

". . What?"


Sorry if you don't like it. I tried. ;-;

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