Clumsy~ Bertholdt x Reader

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Plot: Reader is clumsy and Bertholdt is always there to pick her up when she falls. That's is, of course, until Bertholdt needs some help himself.

Requested by: Redhoodgirlie. Thanks for the request!

Modern AU.

Also, I probably forgot some characters in AoT. If you want to request a one-shot with a character I haven't done, you can still ask!


You were moving in with your boyfriend Bertholdt. You were so excited, you couldn't believe it.

You were carrying in a box labeled "plates." You were entering the house when you tripped on your own foot. You gasped. You didn't want the plates to shatter.

A hand grabbed your arm before you hit the floor. You blinked and saw Bertholdt. "Bert?" You stood up.

"Uh," he cleared his throat. "You. . . You were falling. So, I caught you. . . I'll carry in the box full of dishes."

You spotted said box in his arm. It was against his chest as one arm went around the front, keeping it from falling. "Oh, it's fine," You said. "I'm really sorry about that. I'm so clumsy."

"D-Don't worry about it. . . You could, uh, get another box, if you really want to." The quiet male replied.

"Okay. Thank you." You picked up another box from the garage. In black marker, the words "(y/n)'s Shirts" were written on the front. You carried it in successfully.

"I think that's the last one!" You exclaimed, grinning. "Now, I just have to take everything out!"

"I'll help you." Your boyfriend got up from his chair and walked to a box. He opened it and took out two plates -- one in each hand. He put them with his plates and smiled to himself.

You and Bertholdt had been together for two years. You had seen him at Reiner's party and a few times after that. After a few more times of seeing him, you spoke to him. You became friends and a year later, he asked you out. You smiled to yourself, thinking about the memory.

"What?" Your boyfriend asked, seeing you smile.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about how we met." You replied, helping him put things away. "My first thought was how cute you were. You still are cute."

"O-Oh," He blushed. "Thank you." He gave you a peck on your lips. "I'm glad you talked to me." He was behind you. He put his hands on your hips, placing a kiss on your cheek.

"Me too. I am so glad to have met you and to be in a relationship with you, Bert." You turned around and kissed him. He immediately returned the kiss, keeping his hands on your waist. You put your arms around his neck.

You pulled away and smiled. "As much as I'd love to kiss you more, I still have to move in." You let out a laugh.

"I'm still helping." He replied with a grin. He helped put more dishes away.


You were at work. Krista walked over to you. "Hey, (n/n), how are things with your boy?" She smiled.

You chuckled. "Good. Really good, actually. I just moved in with him."

"Aww! You two are cute together." The small girl said.

You blushed at the compliment. "Thank you, Kris." You typed on your computer. "How are things with Ymir?"

"Great! We're going to go out to dinner tonight. It's my favorite restaurant! It's so good! My friend's boyfriend owns it! Do you know Petra Ral?" Krista asked.

"I don't think so, no." You answered.

"Well, her boyfriend -- Levi -- is the owner. So, we get a discount and stuff. I'm sure if you say you know me, you'll get one!"

"Bertholdt and I might go one day, then." You grinned. "Thank you."

"Anytime! I have to get back to work. Bye!" She waved before walking back to her area.

You chuckled, shaking your head. You continued typing. Something touched your shoulder. You jumped in your seat, startled. You looked behind your shoulder and saw your boyfriend.

"Bertholdt!" You exclaimed.

"Hey. I, uh, thought I'd surprise you with your favorite food." Bertholdt blushed, holding out a bag.

You grinned, finding the gesture sweet. "Thank you!" You got up to hug him, but you tripped -- like you did yesterday. Your boyfriend caught you before you could hit the ground.

"Be careful. I-I don't want you to get hurt." He said while you stood up straight.

"Thanks. I'm really clumsy, I'm sorry." You apologized.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault. You're not even clumsy. Sometimes, people fall, you know." He smiled at you.

"Yeah, I guess so." You let out a laugh. "Thanks for being here. Work was getting a bit boring."

"I figured. My job does, too."

"Really? I thought your job was fun." You replied, your eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"It is. I do love it. But, it can still get boring." He explained.

"Ah." You nodded. "I get it."

"Yeah." Bertholdt hugged you. You returned the hug, smiling. You loved his hugs and his kisses. You could feel how much he loved you in each one.

"I love you." You murmured, still hugging him.

"I love you." He repeated your words back to you. Sometimes you both would say "I love you too" and sometimes it would be the three words repeated. Either way, you both knew the other loved you.

Bertholdt pulled away from the hug. "I should let you get back to work. I don't want you getting in trouble. I'll see you at home, though."

"Okay. See you at home. But, wait." You grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him down to you. You stood on your tiptoes and brought your lips to his, closing your eyes. He kissed back quickly, closing his eyes also.

You pulled away and opened your eyes. Your boyfriend was blushing. You chuckled lightly. "Bye."

"B-Bye." He walked to the door, but tripped -- just like you had earlier. You immediately rushed over to your boyfriend who was now lying on the floor.

"Babe!" You knelt down on the floor, looking at him. "A-Are you okay?" You asked, completely surprised and worried.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." He replied. His face was bright red. You guessed from embarrassment or the floor.

"Are you sure? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you'd hit the floor and you always catch me and--"

"(y/n), it's-- it's fine. It's not your fault. No one knows if someone will trip or not. I didn't even know I would." He got up and held out his hand.

You took it and he pulled you up off of the floor. "I'm glad you're okay and that you didn't get hurt."

"Me too. It was just a fall. Luckily, nothing serious." Bertholdt said. "I guess we're the clumsy couple?"

You laughed. "Yeah. The clumsy couple. I like that."

He leaned in and kissed you. You returned the kiss.


I'm sorry if you didn't like it.

YOU GUYS CAN REQUEST ONE-SHOTS, BUT IT MIGHT NOT BE UP FOR A WEEK OR MORE. I want to take time writing my 5SOS preferences and not stress about updating this book as soon as possible. Hopefully, you understand.


Thank you.

I love you.

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