Wake up~ Jean x Reader

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Modern AU.

You smiled, singing along to the radio. "And when--" your singing was interrupted as you turned the steering wheel quickly. A car was pulling out in front of you while you were driving. The quick turn made your tires screech and your car flip over. You screamed, hitting your head on the steering wheel. Then, everything went black.

People nearby crowded around the car, calling 911. Someone pressed their hand against the car door, asking you if you were okay. But, you were unconscious.

"Ma'am? Can you hear me? I don't know if you're awake, but we called 911. They'll be here soon. . . Gosh, please don't die. They'll be here." A man said.

The ambulance and police arrived. The driver who caused the accident spoke to an officer while the others opened the car door. An officer unbuckled the seat belt, catching you when you fell. They took you out of the car and put you on a stretcher.


Jean frowned, attempting to cook. He was making something for his girlfriend, (y/n). Today was their three-year anniversary. He was planning on proposing to her and he was nervous. But, at the same time, he was happy.

His phone rang. Turning the stove down, he walked over to his phone and answered it, seeing it was an unknown number. "Hello?"

"Jean Kirstein?" A female voice asked.

"Who's this?" Jean questioned.

"This is Trost Hospital. Is this Jean Kirstein?"

Worry filled Jean as he answered. "Yes, this is him."

"Mr. Kirstein, I'm sorry to inform you, but (y/n) (l/n) was in a car accident. You're her emergency contact."

"What?" He breathed. His world stopped spinning. You could possibly be gone. What would he do without you? "I'll be there." He hung up, already taking the pan off of the stove and turning it off to avoid a fire. He raced to the door, putting on his shoes, not even tying the laces. He closed the door behind him, quickly locking it.

Jean put his arms through the holes of his jacket while he ran to his car and got in it. His hands shook as he put on his seat belt, knowing that was what kept you alive. He drove to the hospital, hoping you were okay.

"Ma'am!" He yelled, running to the front desk. "My. . . My girlfriend. . . (y-y/n). . . (l/n). . . Car accident." He panted.

"Take a deep breath, sir. I'll give you a pass in a second. What's your name?"

"J-Jean Kirstein." He answered, trying to catch his breath from all of the running he did to get to the hospital."


He quickly told her the information, desperate to see his girlfriend. "Can I see her?" He asked when the lady handed him a sticker. He put it on his shirt.

"Unfortunately, no. Only family. I'm sorry."

"B-But, I just got a sticker! I am family! Technically. I was going to propose to her today and I just found out what happened. Please. . . Let me see her."

"I'm sorry, sir. I wish I could, but I can lose my job. Unless a family member says you can--"

"Jean!" A female voice yelled. He looked to his left and saw your mother and father. Your mother looked at the employee. "We're here to see (y/n) (l/n)."

Your parents told the girl the information before your Dad said, "Come on, Jean, let's go see (y/n)."

"Wait, sir, he can't go see her right now. Family only. I apologize."

"Don't apologize. It doesn't mean anything from you. What will an apology do? Nothing. Well, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to take my son-in-law to see his girlfriend and you're not going to stop me. You're not going to call security because he is family. Family isn't only blood. Family is someone you can count on, who can make you laugh, who can help you, who you love, whether it's as a sibling or as a girlfriend or wife."

Your mother grabbed Jean's arm, walking to the rooms. She saw a nurse and approached her. "Hi, do you know what room (y/n) (l/n) is in? I'm her mother. We already received a sticker."

"Room 418." The nurse answered, looking at a paper.

"Thanks." Your mother walked to the room, opening the door. She gasped, seeing her daughter with a mask on. It was helping her breathe.

"Oh my gosh."

Seeing how upset they were, Jean decided to give them some alone time. "I'll be outside the room." He left with tears in his eyes. He couldn't believe it. His heart hurt as he thought about losing you and how you looked in the hospital bed. Cuts were on your arms from the glass of the windshield.

"(y/n), you have to wake up. Please. I love you." Jean whispered, tears running down his cheeks. He wiped them away with his sleeve.

Day after day, Jean would visit you in the hospital, even if it was only for an hour. He'd find time.

One day, he was crying, asking you to wake up. The doctors would have to let you go if you didn't wake up. You were in a coma. "(y/n)," he took your hand in his. "Please. . . Please wake up. I love you so much. You're my soulmate. Please."

He heard a "beep." He looked up and saw the heart monitor line move. Your heart was beating. You stirred, slowly opening your eyes. "Jean?" You croaked. His eyes widened.

"(y/n)! Oh my gosh, you're awake! I love you so, so much. Never forget that. I'll be right back! I'm going to go get a nurse! Stay awake, okay?" He ran out of the room, searching for a nurse.

"I love you too, Jean." You replied when he left.

"She's awake! (y/n) (l/n) is awake!" Jean yelled. A doctor and a few nurses ran into the room. Jean followed them.

"Stay out here, sir. Please. We need to check. I know she just woke up, but this is important."

Jean reluctantly nodded and stayed out of the room. He was thankful that you were okay.

Ten minutes later, the doctor and nurses came out of the room. "I'm so sorry. (y/n) (l/n) did not make it. Shortly after you left the room, she passed away. We tried to save her, but we couldn't." The doctor told Jean.

"What?" Jean asked in disbelief. He started crying, hoping it was a cruel prank. But, it wasn't. Your mother entered the hospital, wanting to visit you. Jean saw her and the look on his face said it all. Your Mom sobbed into your Dad's arms. He was crying, too.

You woke up, but only long enough to tell Jean you loved him too. He would continue to love you and knew there was no one else in the world for him.

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