Competition~ Jealous!Levi x Reader x Jealous!Eren

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Modern AU.

Requested by XxXCookie_6XxX

Plot: Eren and Levi have had a crush on Reader for a while. Realizing that the other does, too, they try to win her over. (That's all I'm going to say.)

Thanks for the request!

Holding your books against you, you walked through the halls of "Titan High." You didn't want to be late to class. Especially Ms. Zoe's class. She always made it interesting.

You entered the classroom and sat down in your seat. There were tables in the class. Each one had two people. Eren entered the classroom and sat down next to you in his seat. "Hi, (y/n)," he smiled at you.

You grinned. "Hey, Eren. What's up?"

"Not much. I'm pretty sure I got an 'A' on the project." He told you. Before you could reply, Ms. Zoe began talking.

"How's everyone?" She asked. Everyone replied, making the class fill up with different answers. It ended up being a lot of noise and you couldn't tell what they were saying. "I'll take that as a great morning."

"Yesterday, I swam with sharks!" A kid named "Danny" exclaimed, standing up.

Ms. Zoe chuckled. "I'm glad to see you didn't get hurt. Sit down, Danny," he did so. "Anyway, today we're going to mix chemicals! Isn't that fun?!"

"Dangerous." You muttered, but no one seemed to hear you.

"These idiots are going to blow up the classroom." Someone said. You looked to your right and saw Levi. You were friends with him.

"Or the entire school." You replied, letting out a chuckle. You didn't see it, but Eren glared at Levi.

"(y/n), do you want to be partners?" Eren asked.


"Or you could be my partner. It's been awhile since we've hung out or talked for long." Levi offered.

"Eren, here's your grade." Ms. Zoe -- or Hanji -- passed Eren his packet he had turned in. The letter "B" was circled. You glanced at it before deciding it was rude and looking away.

"I thought I would get an 'A.'" He muttered.

"Don't worry, Eren, that's still good." You smiled at him and he felt better immediately.

"There can be one group of three!" Hanji announced. You immediately raised your hand. "(y/n)?"

"We'll be the group of three!" You said, thinking that Eren and Levi would agree with it. Instead, they glared at each other. You weren't paying attention, though.

"Alright." Hanji nodded. "I have my group of three!" She told everyone.

"Okay, so, uh, I was thinking that we could. . ."


You let out a sigh, putting away your math textbook before closing your locker. You jumped when you saw Levi standing there. "Levi, what the--"

"Sorry." He apologized. "I was wondering if you wanted to go ice skating tonight."

"Ice skating? Sure, I'd love to go!" Eren exclaimed. You jumped again, startled. Turning around, you saw him.

"Eren, you scared me!" You frowned.


You turned back around. "Sure, Levi, I'd like to. At the place near the local gym?" Levi nodded, keeping his gaze on Eren. "What time?"

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