Pretty Little Psycho~ Singer!Levi x Singer!Reader

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Modern AU.

There's the song that was requested (above.) I will also post it on the previous way to view media, the top of the chapter.

Requested by RivailleKai. Sorry if you don't like it

"(y/n), Astra -- the famous comedian with her own show -- wants you to appear on her show. She wants to interview you and she wants you to perform. After performing your new single, she wants you to perform a cover with another artist." Your manager said.

You nodded. "I'd be happy to appear on the show."

"A lot of people watch her show. So, you might get new fans." Your manager smiled. "You know, this artist and you might write songs together and become friends." She told you. "Maybe more than friends. Ooh, that would be good for articles. Just imagine--"

"With all due respect, Lou, I don't know about becoming an item. I don't want it for fame, I want it because I like them. I don't care about the headlines for my dating life. I apologize." You said.

"Right. Right." Lou waved her arm downwards. "Of course. You've always been polite to everyone in the business, so I won't force you. I wouldn't have anyway. I'm not mean like that. I just want you to be successful, (y/n)."

"I appreciate that. Thank you." You smiled. "So, when does Astra want me on her show?"

"Uh. . ." Lou looked at a paper. "In two days. I spoke to the other artist's manager. The artist's name is Levi, I learned. Anyway, I spoke to the manager and he said it would be good for you two to hang out before the day of the performance. It will be less awkward for the show and you'll be more relaxed."

"I see. That makes sense." You nodded. "How do we hang out?"

"Well, his manager -- Hayden -- and I exchanged numbers. You two will meet at the theme park about thirty minutes from here. You guys can go on your own to make it less forced."

"Okay, yeah." You shrugged. "We can do that, it sounds kind of fun."

"Great!" Lou grinned. "I'll call Hayden and tell him you agree!" She walked out of the room, her heels going against the floor. Her energetic smile never left as she tapped on her phone.

You let out a chuckle and observed the room. After a moment, you took out your phone, sending a text to your best friend. You told her what happened.

She was quick to reply:

Levi?! Levi Ackerman! It's Levi freaking Ackerman! How are you not fangirling?!

You stared at the screen, confused. Finally, you sent a reply.

Levi Ackerman? Who's that?

You had never heard of him. But, your best friend obviously had. She sent you another text:

You'll find out tomorrow! I have to go, (other best friend) wants to go to the mall! Hot Topic is there, she loves that place and I love "Forever 21." Bye!

You told her goodbye before Lou came back. "(y/n), you're singing live, right?"

"Of course, I only sing live." You grinned. "I enjoy doing that."

"Right. I was just making sure, you never know. Levi is singing live, too. So, that's perfect. You can go home now. Have a great day! I'll text or call you if I have to tell you something!"

"Okay, have a great day!" You replied, leaving the building. You got into your car and drove to your house.

You still kept in touch with your parents. You sent them checks once a month and you bought them gifts if you thought they'd like it.

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