Reunited~ Marco x Deaf!Reader

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Requested by: StarIlluminatiCipher.

Plot: Reader is hard of hearing (I put "deaf" in the title because it's shorter, but I like to say hard of hearing. I don't want to offend anyone) and Marco is the only one who can sign fluently. [Not saying anymore because I don't want to spoil it.]

Italics = flashbacks unless it suddenly goes to italics in a sentence or for one word. If it does, that's emphasis.

Everyone looked like they were laughing. You looked at the kind, freckled boy and tapped him. "What was the joke?" You moved your hands quickly, signing the question.

"We were talking about the new recruit who thought he could beat up Levi. Levi threatened him and the guy's face was pretty funny." He signed back. A small smile appeared on your face.

"I didn't expect that from you, Bodt." You replied, smirking. He chuckled.

"I didn't either." Marco said while signing. You nodded.

Marco was the only one who could sign fluently. Hanji was studying it and found it interesting. She wanted to learn it. But, she wasn't fluent in sign language yet.

"Marco," your hands formed the signs. "You're a great friend. I'm glad we met."

"Me too." Your best friend signed back, smiling.

"Jean, I'm going to go talk to her."

"She never replies to anyone. I don't think she can hear, Marco. She can't talk to you." Jean replied.

"Yes, she can. She can communicate using sign language, Jean. I found a book for it and I've studied it. But, I'm not that fast at it. I'm hoping I can be." Marco said. "I'm going to go to her and try to communicate with her." With that, he got up and went over to your table. You were sitting by yourself.

"Let's see. . ." He muttered before sitting down across from you. You looked at him, confusion written all over your face. "Hi." He slowly signed, doing this for the first time to someone. "My name is Marco." The boy wasn't signing fast enough to be an expert, but it was fast enough for you to read what he was saying at a normal rate.

"You can sign?" You questioned, moving your hands to make the signs.

"Not every word. I'm currently studying it. I'm no expert, but I know enough to have a conversation." The dark-haired boy answered.

"Why are you wasting your time on me, Marco? I can't hear. You can talk to your friends faster."

"When I become fluent, I could probably talk to you faster than I could to them. I'm not wasting my time. You sit alone and I want to be your friend." Marco told you. You smiled. His sentence made you feel tears in the back of your eyes. That was the nicest thing he could have told you. He was trying to learn sign language for you.

"I'm (y/n)." You replied, forming the signs. You kept smiling.

"Nice to meet you."

You had to finally tell him how you felt. "Marco," you began signing, "I--"

You were interrupted by everyone looking at Commander Erwin. "There's been another attack! Get ready! Now!" He yelled. Marco quickly told you what Erwin said before running to get ready. You did the same.


You killed as many titans as you could that day and Marco did, too. You hadn't seen him since then and no one seemed to notice. You tapped Jean on the shoulder. He turned around, startled.

You saw his mouth move as he spoke, but you didn't hear anything. "Can't hear." You quickly moved your hands to form the signs.

Jean realized you couldn't hear him. He didn't remember. He hadn't talked to you in a few days, being too busy. He quickly found a piece of paper and something to write with before handing it to you.

You knew how to spell and you knew the words they used from seeing it. You quickly scribbled, "have you seen Marco? I haven't seen him since that attack a few days ago."

Jean shook his head. He quickly signed, "sorry."

You nodded, walking away. You were worried sick. You had a crush on Marco for a while and now you were sure you loved him. Tears filled your eyes and your stomach felt weird. You were too nervous. You tried to calm yourself down. "It's nothing," you thought, "it's nothing. He's alright. He'll show up."

And he did.

When you were helping with collecting bodies, something you hated doing, you felt something tap your shoulder. You turned around to see Jean. "Come with me. I found something. I have to show you." He signed. It wasn't super fast, but it was fast enough. He looked upset.

You nodded, concerned. He turned around and started walking. You followed him. Your eyes widened. You placed a hand over your mouth as tears filled your eyes. You wanted to scream his name. But, instead, a noise escaped your mouth. It was filled with sadness and heartbreak.

You ran to his body, seeing only half of it. You fell to your knees. "Come back." Your hand movements became desperate and your hands were shaking. "Come back. Come back. Come back. Show up, Marco. Please."

You felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. You assumed it was Jean and stayed there with tears running down your face.

A few days passed. You were a mess. You would rarely leave the room and you wouldn't communicate with Jean. You had been deciding on something since you saw Marco's body and you knew you should do it. You grabbed a dagger from the room. You kept it there in case you ever needed to defend yourself in your room.

You aimed it at your heart and took a deep breath before pushing the blade into you. "Marco," You thought. "Take care of yourself, Jean." It wasn't long before you didn't see anything.


You saw Marco. "Marco!" You yelled. You froze, your eyes widening. You were surprised to hear your voice.

"(y/n)," he smiled. "You can hear now. You were given that gift."

Tears filled your eyes. You bolted over to Marco and hugged him. He returned the hug. "I missed you." You whispered.

"I missed you, too." Marco replied. "I heard everything you said on the day you found my body. Did you mean it?"

"Of course I did." You said, still hugging him.

"I love you, (y/n). I have for a while." He admitted. You smiled and placed your lips on his. He returned the kiss.

When you pulled away, you were blushing. "I love you, Marco."


I'm sorry if you didn't like it. Also, I'm sorry it took so long. Please read the Author's Note. It will be the next part when I publish it.

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