Toughness~ Armin x Tough!Reader

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Requested by: Chibi_Over_Lord.

Plot: Reader always defends Armin and he loves her for that. Some students decide to mess with Armin and reader sees it. . . [That's all I'm going to say.]

Modern AU.

Maybe it was fate. That's what Armin thought. Eren and Mikasa moved to a private school. Their mom thought they weren't "reaching their potential" and thought they'd be "more successful" at that school. (Even though it was because Eren didn't study.)

Eren was supposed to be the only one going there. But, Mikasa being Mikasa had to be where Eren was. Even if she was doing fine at the public school. So, Armin was alone.

One day, he was in the halls, thinking "why didn't I have more friends?" As usual. But, in his History class, he saw you. You were the new student and you forgot your pencil. Armin handed you one and you smiled at him.

A few weeks later, Reiner Braun decided it would be fun to pick on him. Reiner knocked Armin's books to the floor. Armin saw you and immediately hoped you would leave the area.

He didn't want you to see him like that and he didn't want Reiner to pick on you. You were always so nice Armin. But, you did see him. Immediately, you ran over to Reiner and him. "(y/n)--" Armin began, but Reiner pushed him to the floor.

You were furious at the bully and glared at him. "Hey!" You yelled. The muscular blonde male looked at you, smirking.

"What is it?" He asked innocently while smirking.

"Leave him alone, Braun." You spat. "I'm only going to tell you once."

"Oh? You're trying to be all scary. It's not work--"

You grabbed a fistful of his shirt and leaned forward so your face was inches away from his. "Want to know why I went to this school? I got into so much trouble that my family wanted me to go to a new school and start off fresh. I got in trouble for beating kids' butts. Don't make me beat yours." You stared directly into his eyes before letting go of him.

He stared at you before backing up. "Whatever." He walked away, leaving Armin on the floor. You looked at the intelligent boy and held out your hand. He grabbed it and you helped him to his feet.

"Sorry you had to see that." You told him, grabbing his books and handing them to him. He stared at you, surprised.

"Thank you." Armin smiled. "You don't have to apologize. I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry you had to rescue me. I'm weak."

"Armin," you placed your hands on his shoulders, "you're not weak. You're intelligent, the smartest kid I've met. You could be anything you want to be. You'll get into college. Unlike some of the kids here. You'll be successful in life.

Being strong is not only physical, but also mental. You're one of the strongest students here, trust me. You solve equations in minutes. Equations that take an hour." You told him.

And that was when he knew he had a crush on you. No one had ever told him that. Not even Mikasa or Eren.

He smiled at you. "Thank you, (y/n)."

"You're welcome. Don't be afraid to let me see you getting bullied, okay? I'll help you. I'd get in trouble for you, Armin." You smiled.

"But, (y/n), I hate being defenseless." He said. You stared at him before nodding.

"I understand. But, you're not defenseless." You told him. "You're perfect the way you are, Armin."

Right then, he wanted to kiss you. But, he didn't. He didn't know if you liked him and why would you?

"Thank you." He replied.

"See you in History." You pecked his lips before walking away. You realized what you did and closed your eyes. "Oh god." You whispered. You opened your eyes again and quickly entered the classroom.

You sat at your desk. Your teacher cleared his throat. "(y/n), talk to me outside please." You nodded, following him out of the classroom. "You grabbed Reiner by his shirt and threatened him today."

"He bullied my friend." You explained. "So, I had to help him."

"You can't do that again." He said sternly.

"I would do it again, to be honest. I won't let him get hurt. The teachers wouldn't have been there in time. Reiner pushed him." You replied.

Your teacher let out a sigh. "Okay, I'll only give you a warning. But, next time, I can't. I'll take care of Reiner."

"Thank you." You said. He nodded.

"You're welcome. Let's go back inside."


"Hey, (y/n)!" Reiner yelled. You rolled your eyes and turned around. He leaned in to kiss you. But, before he could, you backed away from him.

"Why would you do that?" You asked, frowning. "Tell me." You glared at him.

"I-It was a distraction." He quickly said.

"For what?"

"The others. Go check on your friend in the gym." He smirked. You slapped him before bolting to the door. You ran through the grass, pushing past other students. You opened the door to the gym and saw Armin against the wall. Reiner's friends were surrounding him.

You ran over to one and pulled him backwards before kicking him. He fell to the floor. You stood in front of Armin and pushed two boys away. "Leave him alone. Now." You said darkly.

"Or what?" One asked, smirking. You stepped towards him and he ran out of the gym. The others followed him.

"Armin," you turned around to look at the blonde boy. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Th-Thank you." He replied.

"You're welcome." You smiled at him.

"(y/n)," he began, "earlier you, uh, pecked me on the lips."

"O-Oh. I'm sorry about--" You were interrupted by soft lips pressing against yours. You immediately returned the kiss. He could tell he was your first kiss and you could tell you were his. After a few more seconds, he pulled away.

"Whoa." He breathed. You smiled and after he caught his breath, you kissed him again. Your hands cupped his cheeks and his hands cupped yours. You two continued kissing. Kiss after kiss.

Armin didn't care if he was a few minutes late to class. He just wanted to kiss you more.


Sorry if you don't like it. I'm also sorry that it took so long.

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