A new start

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Before this starts I just wanna say 

I'm not super big on shipping but I made this book because I love P1harmony and their friendships, I think it would be fun to write a story about Keesoul in a different way then their portrayed in real life. 💕 thanks for reading that's it!

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Chapter 1: A New Start

Soul stood outside the classroom door, his heart pounding in his chest. The sounds of laughter and chatter filtered through the walls, and he could feel the weight of a hundred eyes waiting behind that door. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

You've got this, he told himself in Japanese before gently pushing the door open.

The room fell silent, and the teacher, Mr. Park, looked up from his desk.

"Ah, you must be the new transfer student," Mr. Park said in Korean. Soul nodded, stepping into the room and feeling every pair of eyes on him. His Korean wasn't great. He'd practiced all night in front of the mirror, but now, his mind felt like a blank slate.

"Introduce yourself, please," Mr. Park said, gesturing toward the class.

Soul swallowed hard, glancing at the rows of students. He wasn't used to being the center of attention, and now, here he was, standing in front of a group of strangers in a new country. He could already feel his palms getting sweaty.

"I-I'm... Soul," he stammered in halting Korean. His accent was thick, and he could tell from the stifled giggles in the room that he wasn't doing great. "I... come from Japan. I... like dancing."

A few students whispered to each other, clearly amused by his broken Korean. His face flushed, but Mr. Park offered a kind smile.

"Thank you, Soul. Welcome to Harmony High. Please, take a seat... over there, next to Keeho."

Soul's eyes followed Mr. Park's gesture to the back of the room, where a boy sat with a laid-back posture, casually watching him with a curious smile. Keeho was striking, with sharp features and an easy confidence that made him stand out.

As Soul walked down the aisle, he could feel the weight of the other students' stares, but Keeho's relaxed grin never wavered. He slid into the seat next to him, trying to keep his cool despite the nerves.

"Nice Korean," Keeho whispered teasingly, leaning in just enough for Soul to hear. Soul blinked, unsure if he was being mocked or if Keeho was just playful.

"Th-thanks," Soul mumbled, trying to sink into his seat and disappear.

Keeho chuckled softly, not unkindly. "Don't worry, it'll get better. I'm Keeho, by the way."

Soul nodded, unsure what to say, but there was something about Keeho's easy smile that made him feel like maybe-just maybe-things wouldn't be so bad after all.

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I hope the first chapter was good! 🫶 sooo yeah this is my first ever fanfic

Hope u have fun well reading it<3

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