Chapter 260 - Family

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"I wonder if Fang Jieyu will get used to living in the side house after living in the spacious main house for so long."

Lu Zhi smiled widely, her brows nearly shooting up with joy.

Ye Yun couldn't help but feel uplifted by her animated expression.

"Whether she's used to it or not isn't up to her. Without a proper rank, she can only reside in a pavilion or a side room in the corridors. This move by Yi Shunrong is in accordance with palace regulations, and it's absolutely correct."

Not just correct; it was incredibly satisfying.

Thinking back to the times Yao Shi had tried to frame her, Ye Yun didn't enjoy seeing her well-off.

But then she added, "You are the best at gathering information among those around me. Now that everyone knows I'm pregnant, keep a closer watch on things outside. Don't worry about me thinking you're being too nosy; just let me know about any little movements—there's no room for carelessness."

Lu Zhi nodded seriously. "Rest assured, Xiurong, this servant's eyes will serve as two pairs, keeping a close eye on everything happening outside."

While they were chatting in the room, they suddenly heard footsteps from outside.

Huiyue and Nanzhi lifted the curtain and entered, only to see Bai Zhu directing four young eunuchs carrying two large boxes into the room.

"What are these?" Ye Yun asked, puzzled.

Nanzhi smiled with her brows bent. "While Xiurong was napping, the lady had someone bring in some items. Huiyue and I went to fetch them, and these two boxes are from that."

Looking at the two large wooden boxes, it was clear they were packed with quite a bit.

Ye Yun felt warmth spread through her heart and quickly instructed them to open the boxes.

The first box contained several intimate garments personally made by the Chu family for Ye Yun, with none for children.

There were around ten pieces, indicating they had been prepared in advance and sent over at this opportunity.

Seeing the familiar stitching, Ye Yun couldn't help but tear up.

Huiyue noticed this immediately and started to comfort her.

"Why is Xiurong crying again? These are all from the lady's heartfelt intentions. If you're upset, the lady would be sad to know that. Look at this; the fabric is the same as your few sleeping gowns—soft material. It seems the lady sent these in to make clothes for the young master."

After saying this, she picked up a piece for Ye Yun to feel.

Indeed, they were all very fine, soft cotton fabric, perfect for making intimate garments for children.

Ye Yun wiped her tears and finally smiled.

"Go call Liang Momo to come see. Some of these can be used now; the ones that can't be used for the time being should be kept aside."

"Yes, I'll go right away." Lu Zhi bowed and promptly left.

Before long, Liang Momo entered the room.

At this point, the several maidservants had already unpacked the items from the boxes.

From clothing and fabric to medicinal materials, there were even several packets of Ye Yun's favorite snacks—dried plums, meat jerky, and some pastries sold outside the palace. Of course, there was also a thick envelope stuffed with silver notes.

This was from the Chu family and also included some from her aunt, Lady Yang.

This is what family means: even if you live in the most luxurious place, enjoying fine clothes and food along with the Emperor's favor, they still worry about your well-being and want to support you with supplies.

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