Chapter 216 - Red Flowers

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"Jieyu, you're about to reach your monthly cycle soon. You should keep warm these next couple of days. Let's reduce the amount of ice in the room, and I'll fan you instead," Huiyue, as always, was attentive to every detail.

Ye Yun, thinking of her family, absentmindedly nodded.

Nan Zhi, after some thought, said, "If Jieyu is truly worried, why not send a letter to the Chu family?"

"No, that's not appropriate," Ye Yun shook her head. "Sending a letter now would only make it seem like the Chu family is involved in something unsavory. My grandfather and uncle are well-versed in the deceptions of the business world. I'm sure they can handle it."

"Since Jieyu knows this, you shouldn't worry too much. Your illness has just gotten better; it's important not to stress too much," Nanzhi advised gently. "Should I bring Niangao in to cheer you up?"

Ye Yun, feeling a bit bored, nodded.

Before long, a fluffy white dog came rushing in, barking happily.

It circled around Ye Yun before suddenly barking at the plate of pastries on the table.

"You little glutton, do you want some too?" Huiyue teased with a smile.

"Go ahead and give it a piece," Ye Yun said, petting the dog's head, her mood lifted.

Huiyue obliged and handed over a piece, but to her surprise, Niangao sniffed it and refused to eat.

Ye Yun cast a disapproving glance at the dog and popped a piece into her own mouth.

"It's quite tasty! You really don't know what you're missing."

With that, she proceeded to eat two more pieces.

But after eating, Ye Yun slowly began to feel that something was off, especially with the third piece—it tasted slightly different.

"Who sent these pastries?" she asked.

"Oh, they were delivered from the imperial kitchen this morning. They send some every morning and afternoon, like usual," Nan Zhi replied.

Huiyue was the first to sense something wrong. "Does Jieyu think there's something wrong with the pastries?"

"I didn't notice anything too strange, but the last piece seemed to taste a bit off," Ye Yun frowned. "Go call Imperial Physician Shen, tell him I need a checkup."

Huiyue hurried off, but during the short time she was gone, Ye Yun began to feel discomfort in her abdomen, like mild menstrual cramps—bearable but noticeable.

This only heightened her suspicion that something was wrong with the pastries.

When Shen Pingzhi arrived, he immediately inspected the pastries. After sniffing each one, he broke open two pieces and examined them carefully. His expression darkened.

"Jieyu, some of these pastries contain honghua (safflower), specifically safflower extract mixed into the filling. This substance is cold-natured and harmful to women's bodies. In this amount, it could cause a miscarriage in someone who is pregnant."

Nanzhi was startled and exclaimed, "Imperial Physician Shen, please check our Jieyu's pulse—she just ate three pieces!"

"Do not worry. Jieyu is not pregnant, so there should be no harm," Shen Pingzhi calmly reassured her.

Nevertheless, he proceeded to take Ye Yun's pulse.

"Jieyu didn't eat much. It seems only one piece of pastry had the issue. Just drink some warm tea, and there's no need to worry," Shen Pingzhi said.

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