Darkness consumes me and takes me within it's grasp
I am blinded by the light that I hide within every minute of every day
Eyes burn and skin pales once more as I retreat into the safety of the dark
I matter little to be missed by anyone as I sit still my knees against my chest
Hold me in the darkness as the cold steals away my heat
There is little comfort in this world in which I move in
There could be a room filled with people I knew and I would see no one that could bring me joy
I do not question I do not ask why
For I am comforted in the shadows and I see the reflection in the broken glass
In the muddied waters at my feet
Even with my eyes blinded I see my soul shines brighter in the darkness than in the light
Stardust Lost In Fallen Dreams
شِعر'Even when poetry has a meaning, as it usually has, it may be inadvisable to draw it out... Perfect understanding will sometimes almost extinguish pleasure.' A.E Housman I've written poetry for as long as I can remember... My style varies, from dar...