I hate that I'm not ready.If I hadn't slowed down I would've been ready a long time ago. I thought of it yesterday, when I was glancing at the nurses and doctors at work.
I could be working at an office desk right now. Have more money to pay off my loans and credit card faster. And without debt I could apply to Bethel... they don't let you in if you have debt to pay.
I could've completed my goals by now, if I had listened to my parents when I had that talk with them after graduating high school. And I recently spoke to my mom about it, because it's a regret that lingers. She said,
"Back then you didn't have the maturity to understand what was best for you. You were younger and didn't think ahead... but now that you're older you know it was a mistake. And you're trying to make things right... You won't accomplish things in the timeline you wished for, but you'll accomplish them in a better way because of what you learned. You'll be appreciative of them."