Easier said than done

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My mind knows the facts. It knows I can try.

But experience counterattacks and says: "You can't afford to make the same mistakes again".

Can't remember how long ago I wrote it, but dating feels impossible for me.

I can't shove 2024 down the drain and pretend nothing happened. That's not how it works.

The fact is, this year happened.

The fact is I don't trust men anymore.

A "nice" man did multiple things for me without liking me. A "nice" man used me to forget his ex. A "nice" man was nice to me, and then told me to take accountability for mistaking his kindness for love. But later on, he apologized for the confusion he left on me.

Being nice doesn't equal to being a good person. Specially if he tells you that you're not the first person he's treated that way, or the first person who liked him like that. You're telling me you already had experience, but still decided to try with me... as if the outcome would be different just because I am another person.

The fact is he experimented on me.

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