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The whole experience almost makes me wanna become a closed off person. To like create a shell so that no one can get in.


I think I already did and I never realized it, until I was reflecting on my past relationship.

He'd tell me a lot about his life, and when it was my turn he'd say:

"you're a reserved person, aren't you?"

And I was like, "yeah."

But I'm not...

I just couldn't open up. Literally nothing would come out.

If and when I meet my next relationship, he has to accept that my twenties don't exist. Or anything😂. He has to accept my past is non-existent. And why talk about sad things?

There's better things to talk about.

That was my reasoning with my ex, and that is still the same.

The past is the past...

If you wanna know me, know the present version of me.

And if you can't accept that, and feel insecure out of me keeping things from you, that's your problem, not mine.

I wanna know who you are now. And I want you to know the current me.

Nvm I am already like that.

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