Chapter Three

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Jace's POV

I stood there in shock at first, looking at Ana with all the cuts up and down her arms. Then I came to my senses and threw the knife sitting on the floor away from us both. She looked at me, her deep blue eyes staring deep into my soul. Tears began to flow from her eyes and they rolled onto the blood covered floor. 

"P-please... don't tell anyone..." She forced out of her mouth. I had no choice but to hug the poor girl. 

"Ana, why are you doing this to yourself?" She whimpered at the question and pushed me away. 

"It doesn't matter why, your blue eyed freak is to blame... he made me feel worthless and unwanted... they way he teased me." She pushed me away without looking at me. 

"Well Alec is going to get a real ass kicking later." I needed to make her laugh somehow. "In my mind my foot will be up his ass in about three seconds flat." She giggled and stood up. I had to say it before I left her there, "Ana, I know I'm not your father but if he were here he wouldn't ever want to see you or want you to do this to yourself. I don't know why you would feel you should do this, or is it my business but I don't want you to ever do this again you hear me?" Her deep blue eyes were filled with hurt and pain when she looked at me after I said that. She simply nodded and  turned away. 

All I could do was sigh and walk out telling her before I shut the door that dinner would be ready soon and to be ready and cleaned up in about 5 minutes. This girl has only been here for an hour or two and she's already doing something horrible. I could see that she was going to be a handful. 

Jackson's POV

Dinner time! YESSS. Finally I was starving. I was glad Auntie Isabelle wasn't here at the time, cause then she wouldn't be cooking. She really sucks at it. In the last soup she made I swear I saw something move. But anyway we were ordering from Taki's, its the best! I made it to the kitchen just in time for everyone to start eating. Everyone was here, Auntie Clary, Dad, Daddy, Aiden, Jason, Olivia, even Auntie Izzy and Simon with their daughter Elizabeth showed up. I began to take my share of the food when I saw that one chair was empty. Anastasia wasn't here.

Ana was unlike any person I'd ever seen. Her hair was the brightest platinum blonde hair and falls down to her hips, and deep blue eyes that shine anywhere and show most of her emotions. Her cheekbones are strong and all that other stuff but what really gets me is her badass attitude. She has that smirk that Uncle Jace has that draws you in. That girl is my kind of woman. 

Then I noticed another chair was empty, Jace is gone too. Well he wasn't for long because he came running through the door and a very slow Ana came in a few minutes after. She wasn't looking at anyone else, not even Jace. She looked so sad, I bet dad was being mean to her or maybe Uncle Jace was... but whatever I NEEDA EAT MA FOOD BOYYYYY!

Isabelle's POV

Damn I loved Taki's, I still wish that I could have cooked something. If only I showed up earlier than five minutes late. Jace was later than I was which was strange and what was even weirder was a little girl was slowly trailing behind him. She had the most beautiful and bright platinum blonde hair that probably anyone has ever seen, and her cheekbones were strong and sharp. The thing that most caught my attention was her pale white skin... she looked like the color of a bright white clean sheet on a bed. She had a hood on... so I couldn't see her eyes. Jace sat down and then so did she, still without looking at anyone just like when she walked in. Jace cleared his throat and spoke "Ana how bought you introduce yourself to my kids Olivia and Jason. Also Isabelle and Simon." 

She finally took off her hood and stood so that everyone could see her but she still was looking down. She was getting ready to speak and then finally raised her head just enough to see "My name is Anastasia Katherine Dragonway, but please call me Ana for short. Only my father ever called me Anastasia." She smiled wide. Wait, I thought, the Dragonway? "Oh and yes my father is, in fact, the now dead for three years John William Dragonway. Just in case you were wondering." The she sat down and began to pig out. No seriously she began to eat like a slob, Jace was fangirling and pointing to her and mouthed 'She's a real badass! Just wait and see!' I don't know how I knew what she said but, I wanted to see if she really was a 'badass' she seemed really sweet and she was very beautiful, almost like an angel. Apparently this "Angel" had a dark side as well

Well we will see about that.

Alec's POV

That small little bitch is going to get it in the training room later. Her stupid fake smiles and goodie goodie attitude, well I'm about to show her who the real boss is. Yes It is weird that I want to beat a 13 year old and I'm what like 27 or something now... but whatever... she's going to get it now because dinner is over and the kids and herself left to the training room to "train" 

I opened the door and I saw that Jace and Isabelle were there too, oh shit! After this I'm going to get my ass kicked by Jace! But it is all worth it if I can get my revenge on that Platinum bitch. "Hey platinum!" I yelled when I entered and Jace looked at me with a 'don't be a jackass' look playing across his face. I also noticed that she flinched at the sound of my voice. "Wanna duel?" She turned and gave me a small smirk. I looked over at Jace and his face said 'you're going to get it man' . She chuckled, "Oh blue eyes, I told you before to not pick a fight with me. May I remind you of my belt cutting skills, or have you forgotten about what happened before all this?" Jace snickered and so did all the kids. The traitor must have told them what happened.

"Oh, I'm sure I want to Platinum bitch." Jackson and Aiden looked at me with shocked looks and with my eyes I said 'I'm sorry guys' . The floor began to shake and she was...floating? she was literally hovering two feet off the ground. The pipes bursted free and water was spraying everywhere when she was turned around her eyes were an even deeper and more beautiful blue than before. 

"Alec, you stupid bastard. Never make me mad." She chuckled and next thing I knew I was being covered in water and I couldn't breathe. 

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