Chapter Forty-seven

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Ana's POV

Mom said I needed treatment and therapy for my fixed wounds the next morning. I woke up next to a warm body that morning, I felt happy and content until she ruined it and kicked him out. I glared daggers at her until she made me feel better by snapping her fingers and ice cream appeared in front of me. Didn't care where it came from or who's it was, it's ice cream guys. And for breakfast too!

I ate it slowly while she was pacing back and forth giving me specific instructions. "Now, dear. You need to go through basic training again until you can function on your own." I almost choked on my ice cream.

"Mom! I'm the best shadowhunter of this generation, and maybe ever! I don't need the basics!" She stood in front of me, arms crossed. She had that motherly glare going on. I didn't grow up with a mother, so this was all new to me.

"That is too bad, and throw out that attitude! I know your father spoiled you as a child but now I'm here to take care of you!" At the mention of dad I set down the ice cream and looked down frowning, hugging my legs close to my tiny body. She covered her mouth and gasped. "H-honey I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to mention-" I held my finger up to shut her up. I glanced up at her tears in my eyes.

"Never mention how life was with him in front of me. Never ever." She sighed and rubbed my back sympathetically. She knew how much he meant to me, I mean she did watch over me for all these years. She watched as I grew up with him, he spoiled me, treated me like a princess... Like his little princess. Tears started to spill over onto the bed as I cried there silently.

"Sweetheart don't cry. Please mommy didn't-" I whipped my head to look at her causing her to pause. I looked away again and got up, moving away from her and closer to the door.

"Whatever, let's just get training over with already." I said letting the tears keep falling. I walked out the door and slammed it shut. I heard my mother cry out in frustration. I sighed and walked over to the training room alone. It was a long walk, so I let my thoughts take over my mind.

I'm a terrible child, I shouldn't be treating her like this. She's new to this too, she can only have a child every 1000 years. She could use some time to catch up on how to handle me. I know I was already nineteen but I was still a child at heart. I haven't let go of my horrid past and the unforgettable memories that go with them, and the amazing memories that brought pain and agony along with them. I still missed my father dearly, I just couldn't let him go. The thought or mention of him made my heart ache and my eyes burn with tears.

I realized both my cheeks were stained with tears and I came back to my senses and wiped them away frantically while walking into the training room. Someone was there waiting for me, I could tell because they stopped whatever it was they were doing and greeted me in a way that seemed expectant.

"Ah yes, Anastasia you are finally here." A soft, deep voice said to me from the corner of the room. Their golden blond hair was hanging in their face, sweat trickling down their forehead. Jace was my trainer, I couldn't wait to kick his ass again. He looked at me worriedly as another tear, force of habit I gotta get it all out of my system before I can stop crying, escaped from my right eye. "Are you alright, Ana?" He said walking towards me. I backed away and wiped away the tear still falling down my cheek.

"Yes Jace I'm fine. Now let's just get his over with so I can show you I am fine and still am the best." He crossed his arms and made a clicking noise with his tongue. I looked at him weird and he laughed.

"Ana, I have to go easy on you for today. Your ribs they still are..." He trailed off as if looking for a less painful word, for him, to say, "fragile from your time with... Zion." The sound of his name made my scars hurt. They burned with the same sensation of when he gave them too me. I ignored the imaginary pain and focused on Jace and his ridiculous theories.

"I am going to have Alec help me too, that is whenever the fat ass can get here." As he finished, Alec entered the room panting and gasping for breath. He stood up straight but then fell back down into a stand up slouch kind of thing.

"What'd you do? Get into a life threatening make out session with Magnus again? I told you to breath during those!" I said in a sassy, sarcastic way. Jace bursted out laughing next to me and Alec just scowled. He seemed to have caught his breath enough to speak.

"Still as humorous as ever I see." He said standing up straight again. I chuckled and bowed in his direction.

"Always a pleasure, Mr. lightwood-bane." I smirked at the floor as I heard Jace laugh a lot more. Alec just scoffed and stomped over to the weapons area. He grabbed five throwing knives off the weapon holder and set them on the table across from a target.

"If you make five bullseye in a row I won't kick your ass." I smiled and walked over to him, taking all the knives in one hand.

"To make it better, how bout if I make all five in one throw backwards you are my personal slave for a week." He smirked and crossed his arms in a provoking matter.

"And if you miss you can't go into the library for a month." Jace made a 'oooo' sound at him comment. I watched as Alec smiled triumphantly. The action fumed my anger and determination more. I held my hand out and he took it. We shook once and I was back in my spot. I took my position, backwards like I promised, and readied the knives in my right hand.

I mentally counted down in my head. 3...2...1! I let all of them fly behind me, I heard all five of them hit the target together. Jace started laughing and Alec fell to the floor on his knees. I turned around to look at the target. As usual, all five were in the center. I laughed and looked at Alec smugly.

"H-how did you do that..." He whispered unbelievingly. I crossed my arms and smirked at him.

"When I was six, training day one: learning how to throw knives backwards." He looked at me disbelief showed on his face.

"You learned that?" I nodded and walked over to the weapon's area.

"Of course I did. I also learned how to sword fight with my eyes closed. You wanna bet on that too?" I turned to face him, a sly smile placed on my lips. He shook his head violently and bowed to me.

"I am your loyal servant...." I laughed so hard I felt a rib crack. I began coughing and choking on my laughed. A bit of blood spewed out of my mouth and spattered onto the floor. I fell onto my side and held up my hand.

"Task one: take me to my mother please." I laughed a little more, but regretted it immediately because a fiery pain shot up into my body and I coughed out blood again. "We will continue training... Later I guess." I said as Alec picked me up and began running back to the infirmary.

There goes another few hours of healing time.

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