Chapter thirty-six

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Jason's POV

"Go ask her to dance already!" My dad yells at me. Supposedly I'm to much of a pussy to go as Ana to dance, I'm not scared! I'm just... Not ready? Okay! Fine! I'm terrified, what if she says no? What if she gets disgusted? What will I do then huh?

"Dad I told you! I'm not chicken and I'll do it when I'm ready to ask her!" He scoffed at me.

"Yeah, uh-huh. Sure." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Let me know when you're not my pussy ass son anymore." He left to go dance with mom, her green eyes lit up with the same kind of love and adoration she always has, my dad had the same.

I knew my parents loved each other a lot when I looked at them closely. Their eyes showed their love for each other, and it was sweet. I know I sound like a sappy gay guy but I can think that kind of stuff if I want to. Believe me I am straight as a nail, no offense to Uncle Alec though.

I sighed, better do it now or I'll regret it for the rest of my life or just the week. I began searching for her for quite a while actually until I finally found her sitting in a corner playing with her dress. She looked very beautiful to be honest.

Her dress made her hair and eyes pop out, mostly her eyes though and I love it. When I first saw her yesterday I was happy to see that she was looking much much better, and that her eyes were back to their beautiful deep blue. She was beautiful then, her makeover only enhanced her beauty.

I began sweating, damn I'm nervous. I stopped dead and was instantly paralyzed. Move you pussy! Look at her she's all alone! Go ask her already! My thoughts were right, so I forced myself to finally move.

When I reached her she looked up, surprised was not the expression I was expecting. Her blue eyes were searching me for some kind of answer to why I was here, I snapped back to reality and cleared my throat.

"Mrs. Dragonway. I would love it if... If you would um..." I began sweating more, ""

"Yes." She said laughing a bit. "I'll dance with you, Mr. Herondale." I smiled and took her hand and kissed it very gentleman like. I heard her giggle, I chuckled. She was so cute.

I wrapped my arms around her, she did the same. We began swaying to the music, back and forth, back and fourth. She was looking down, I was looking at her. When she looked up, she blushed. I chuckled and continued to stare at her. She was so beautiful, I was holding myself back. I was literally this close to just grabbing her and kissing her all over. Fourteen year old hormones, they suck sometimes.

The violin music in the background was kinda drowned out by me, I wasn't paying that much attention to any of it, only paying attention to my beautiful blue eyed princess. I felt my forehead lean against hers gently and we just stood still, the song ended but another one played. We didn't care, we just stood there looking into each other's eyes.

It was all ruined with my dad screaming like a crazed fangirl.

Jace's POV

After I totally ditched my pussy ass son, I decided to ask my wonderful wife to dance. Of course she said yes, and then pulled me out onto the ballroom floor. She was so short and cute, her bright green dress she was wearing made her eyes pop. I loved her eyes, they were the color of green limes or grass or something.

I had to prop her up on my feet she was so short, and even then was she barely able to reach my shoulders. I chuckled at her, she was struggling but we always managed to make it work, it was how we always were. We had some complications, but it always ended in something good. Especially after we fight.

When I finally stop staring at her if catch a glimpse of a certain dress that makes my eyes hurt, it was bright. Like her platinum hair was. Anastasia seemed to be dancing with someone, I began dancing more to the left to see the guy. She had her forehead pressed against his, her eyes wouldn't leave the spot they were looking at.

When I finally got far enough to see who it was I screamed like some crazed fangirl, there was my son finally dancing with Anastasia. And they were about to kiss! Again... Man I always ruin everything don't I?

Everyone turned and looked at me, scared and confused. Jason very protectively grabbed Ana's hand and thrusted her behind him. "Honey what's wrong?" Clary said behind me. I shook my head and laughed nervously.

"It's nothing, sorry everyone! I just um..." I paused for a moment to think. "Saw a mouse, but it ran away!" I heard laughter, scoffs, and gasps. 'Typical Jace' is what I heard mostly. I mouthed a sorry to Jason but he seemed a bit busy at the moment.

He was standing in the corner suddenly kissing Anastasia. Well that sure escalated quickly. It's not every day you see your son very passionately kissing one of your best 14-year-old friends. It's kind of cute though. I hope they get married and have tiny Jace-looking babies!

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