Chapter Twenty

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Jace's POV

"Magnus? Is that you?" I whispered into my phone. The person I chose to help me, who could track someone better than I could, was Magnus Bane. I panicked and called him a few seconds after I read Ana's letter.

"No, It's Alec. Why do you need Mags?" His voice sounded frantic, like something was going on.

"I need him to help me track Ana. She left a note saying she was leaving forever." I sounded like an idiot just then, what can I say? I'm Jace Herondale. It's what I do.

"No need for that, Jace. Get your fat ass over here now!" He yelled into the phone so loud that I almost dropped it. I hung up and rushed out the door, what did he want and why was this so important. Was she there with him? Was she hurt? Oh shit! ANA!

I took off down the sidewalk trying very hard not to trip and hit my face like I have countless times before.

Alec's POV

I threw the phone on the bed and ran back to the living room to comfort Jackson while Ana was in a kind of coma. He said that before she came here that she was attacked by several demons, but he didn't know what kind. She was barely breathing, her breaths slow and raspy. When Jackson called out to us she wasn't breathing at all. I didnt know why she was here in the first place but, I didn't really care. Magnus healed her wound, which happened to be a bite that was poisonous, that was located on her neck. That made things even worse.

"So..." I said to lighten the mood a bit, "Why was Ana here exactly?" Jackson looked up at me and sighed.

"She was leaving, and she wanted to say goodbye to me..." He trailed off, he was hiding something.

"Were you making out with her, Jackiepoo?" Magnus said while trying to heal the last bit of her wound. Jackson blushed very very hard. "YOU SO WERE! OH MY GAHD!" Magnus screamed. I rolled my eyes at him just as the door opened. Jace entered the room panting, his face was wet with sweat. "We'll talk about this later son." I heard him whisper in his ear, I chuckled at the both of them and Mags stuck his tongue out at me.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Jace screamed out at us, then he came over and slapped me across the face "AND I AM NOT A FAT ASS!"

"Quiet down! You'll wake the landlord you idiot!" Magnus said still not breaking his concentration. "Calm down, she's right here." He bounded over to the couch and kneeled down to her height. "She's in a kind of coma, there's no telling when she will wake." Or if she will. I told myself.

Jace put his hands over his face and leaned away from her pale face. "I'm an idiot for telling her off like that, pretending to not care. I should have known something like this would have happened!" He was leaning on the floor, moping like a little girl that had lost her favorite teddy bear. It was very pathetic for a guy like him, but he was my parabatai so I had to show some kind of sympathy for him.

"It's not your fa-" He cut me off,

"Yes it is! This is all my fault! She is sensitive! She may not look like she is but she is! Look at her arms!" I did what he said to do and was shocked at the sight. Cuts, deep ones, were covering her arms. They were from the shoulder down to the wrist. "Now you see? She does that to punish herself for not being good enough, Alec. I'm surprised you didn't see them yesterday when your son and my own ripped her sweater off, she didn't want anyone else to know!" Jackson had left the room after his comment and I frowned at Jace laying there on the floor. It wasn't because he made Jackson leave, it was because he was right.

"You're right, it is your fault."

"Well thanks for that sympathy-"

"I wasn't finished. It's not only your fault but it is my own as well. I teased her I caused her to cut like this, remember?" I looked over at the pale Anastasia, her hair was thinner than usual and when we opened her eye lids to check her eyes they lost their beautiful blue color, they were more of a dim gray now. I felt a twang of worry in my chest looking at her this was, so weak and fragile.

"Were in this together bro." He whispered and I pulled him into one of those bro hug things.

"If you are done arguing and looking at this poor girls scars," Magnus said turning around and looking at us with his hands on his hips "I'd like to give her, and myself, some resting time. She's in for a ruff night this one. The healing spell I used comes with a price, the wounded one gets awful nightmares. She's bound to scream." Jace went pale and his golden eyes darkened with worry.

"I'll take first watch on her." Aiden said behind us. "You all need to sleep, now." He shooed Jace out of the apartment and Mags and I into our bedroom.

It was going to be a ruff night for us all here in the Bane house.

Ana's POV

I didn't wake up in the meadow like I did the two times before, and luckily no one was here with me. Instead I was back in the California Institute with my father training. I heard those same sounds again and again before my father left me there alone in the training room. Instead of doing as he told, though, I went down stairs and watched him fight. I was watching the things stab him in the stomach multiple times. I watched as that evil man, Zion, plunged that last knife into my father. I watched as he fell to the floor there. I did nothing, I did nothing to help my father.

Zion Whiteshadow walked over to where I was standing and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Ana, my dear. Why didn't you save your poor daddy? He was counting on you to save him." He raised his hand in the air and slapped it across my face, hard. I wanted to scream at him and tackle him to the floor, but something was holding me back.

"You could have saved him you pathetic piece of shit." He said still using a calm voice. He was holding the blade used to kill my father close to my face now. Zion smiled at me, the small girl about 10 years old, and sunk the sword deep into my chest causing a real pain to shoot through me.

I woke with a start in a strange room. I was sleeping in a bright neon green couch In a room with so many rainbow colored things that it hurt my eyes just to glance at them. I held my chest where the blade struck me but felt no gaping hole anywhere and no blood came from it. I sighed in relief and sat up to examine the room more closely.

The kitchen what ordinary, dishwasher stove etc. but what was really weird was the counters. Those were covered with a glittery coating that seemed to be inside of the hard substance. I realized that I was in the same place that I fell asleep in.

I was still in Magnus Bane's apartment.

I heard a gasp from behind me and then several things fall to the floor. I spun around to find a familiar warlock standing behind me, mouth wide. "Well aren't you just so happy to see me, ain't ya?" I said with a smirk and he groaned.

"I was hoping the coma would have gotten rid of your smartass remarks." My eyes went wide, coma? I was in a coma? How long was I...? Didn't really have time to ask that question, he seemed to have read my mind.

"Three months, Ana. Three long ear shattering months."

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update. I'm back at school now so I never had time. Bye!


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