Chapter thirty-four

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Ana's POV

Damn I hate makeup and all the other girly stuff. I hate dresses, I hate curling irons, I HATE IT ALL. Oh why couldn't I have been a dude...

Anyway, after about thirty minutes of arguing on who was doing what, Izzy decided that she'll do hair, and Magnus could to my make up.

"Do you have to do this..." I whined at Izzy who just started her first curl.

"Oh hush! Of course!" She said looking completely outraged. Glad I'm not like that.

Magnus was in the corner organizing all the makeup pallets and all that other disgusting crap. He chuckled at Izzy's response to my constant whining. I just sighed and crossed my arms, pouting through every minute of this.

Just then Jace came through the door with Clary shuffling behind him. He laughed at her and kissed her forehead. Being as stubborn as she was, she shooed him away, and as persistent as he was he just kept laughing and kissing her. You've got to admit, those two are adorable. Makes me wonder if anyone will care about me like that... Even though... I already know what lies ahead for me...

"Well well well..." Jace said finally letting go of Clary, "What have we here? Little Anastasia getting a makeover? I thought you hated this kind of thing." He smirked at me, I glared daggers at him.

"I do, and just so you know this wasn't my idea. It was theirs." I said pointing in the directions of the two "artists" as they liked to call themselves.

"I see..." He said rubbing his thumb and forefinger on his chin, "Well good luck with that. We just came to let you all know that Maryse really wants to meet you, Ana. She told me to tell you that she wants to talk to you just as you enter the party." I looked at him, confused was the very definition of my expression.

"Why didn't she come tell me herself?" He shrugged and put an arm around Clary.

"Bye Ana, see you at the party!" He yelled walking out of the doorway with His arm still slung around Clary's shoulder.

I sighed and looked down. Magnus noticed this and walked hastily over. Knows what I do when I'm sad like this...

"Anastasia, dear, whatever is the matter?" I looked away from him.

"I'm very antisocial... I don't know how to talk to new people..." Izzy was still curling my hair effortlessly while I was having one of my nervous breakdowns. I covered my face with my hands. "I can't talk to new people who really want to meet me..."

Magnus shushed me and pulled my hands away. "You can do it, it easy. Why in my 800 years of being alive I've always been able to talk to everyone effortlessly without breaking a sweat or never being interesting." He smiled proudly.

"Well that's you. You can do whatever you want... You have friends... You have people that love you... While I was rejected from my family after my father had died, thrown out into the streets to live in a tree, and only at 10 years old. Not to mention my father worked me until my knuckles bled. He started training me as soon as I could walk. He's then only one who cared about my safety, and now he's dead and I'm all alone. You don't really do that much talking when you live in a tree, Bane."  I started breathing heavy. I felt my skin burn, oh no.... I had to find a way to calm down...

"Anastasia, talking to new people isn't that hard. You can do it. It's as easy as writing a book." For someone like me that's easy as hell.

I sighed and calmed myself, "Alright fine... But if I fuck up I'm blaming you." I pointed at him and he laughed.

"Uh-huh sure." I smiled and he walked back over to the corner to keep organizing.

"He's right you know." Izzy said behind me.

"Right about what?"

"You can do it. You have the brightest personality, you always manage to turn a bad situation into a good one, and your smile... It just lights up everyone's day. Talking to new people shouldn't be that hard for someone as kind, sweet, and caring as you." I felt her smile.

I fell silent after she said that... Me? Kind? Sweet? Caring? I didn't believe her... I couldn't believe her. All I've done here is hurt people... That's all I'll ever do...

"And done!" Izzy said 10 minutes later. "Don't you look beautiful." She said pushing me in front of a mirror.

I mean I looked okay... My hair was pinned back, the curls were sparkly and tight. They fell to about my waistline, that was actually very short. Originally my hair goes down to my knees or something around there.

"You did as good a job as ever Izzy." I said with a forced smile. She clapped her hands gleefully and squealed. "Now Magnus, can we get this over with now?"

He clapped his hands together with a bang. "Let's get this party started." He smirked evilly, I gulped. He gestured for me to sit down in a comfy chair, so I did.

"First is the..." I didn't understand a word he was saying after that. I only did what he told me to do with my face, the only time I didn't cooperate was when he was doing the... I think it was eyeliner? I don't really remember what it was called. It was sharp, pointy and coming for my eye! What was I supposed to do?!

"Now I'm done. Your lucky I didn't mess up your wings, I didn't want to make them to thick." Again knowing nothing about whatever he was talking about I just stood up and looked in the mirror.

I didn't look like me at all. This me looked beautiful. Perfect hair, flawless skin, beautiful deep blue eyes, and a smile that could melt anyones heart.

"This is me... Right?" Magnus and Izzy laughed, then nodded together. I mentally gasped, there's no way...

"But I've never looked like... This before."

"Trust us, you've always been beautiful. We just made you look even more so." Izzy said, smiled softly.

Magnus clapped his hands together again, even louder than the first time, to get my attention. "Now it's time to squeeze you into that beautiful new dress of yours!" He yelled happily.

The happiness and warmth I felt before disappeared and I was then filled with disgust and a cold that could freeze Hawaii.

"Not the dress..." I groaned.

"Oh yes dear." He smirked, "The dress."

A/N: I am actually super super proud of this chapter! Like dang! Plus I literally got this done in like 30 minutes so... Yeah I'm pretty happy for myself. Hope you guys liked this as much as I do! And don't forget to vote and comment!


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