Chapter thirty-nine

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Ana's POV

"Come on, Ana. Talk to me, you haven't slept since we all heard that voice." Jason said to me, I haven't spoken, eaten, or come out of my room since then as well. The truth is I remember hearing that same voice when I was a baby, it's a very faint memory. It's all fuzzy, but I remember that voice.

I heard Jason sigh next to me. "Ana, baby. I'm here for you. You can talk to me. I love you, will all of my heart. No, with all of my being. You can tell me what's bothering you." I sighed, guess I should say something to him...

"I know that voice, I've heard it before. Maybe... Maybe my mom never did die... She just disappeared instead and my father never told me..." I felt hot tears fall down my cheeks.

"We'll figure this out, alright?" He said wiping away my tears and kissing both my cheeks. "And the voice was right, don't every hurt yourself like that again!" He said waving the 'bad finger' in front of me. I laughed and pushed it away.

"Let's go get something to eat please?" He pleaded me. I sighed and smiled. He smiled and picked me up, running down the hallway as I giggled and laughed like an idiot. We made it to kitchen and while he pigged out, I gracefully picked up a single apple and began eating it.

"That's all you are eating?" Jason said, I nodded. He scoffed and stood in front of me. "You have to eat something more, I command that you do. Otherwise I'll do something." I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? And what's that?" He smiled evilly and tackled me to the ground. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach, I began laughing uncontrollably. Shit, I thought, he was tickling me.

My sides were my weakness and he new this, I began laughing so much until I couldn't breathe anymore. "o-okay! Okay!" I said, trying very hard to push him away. "S-stop stop! I'll eat something else just please stop!" I begged him and he just laid there on top of me pinning me to the floor.

I began panting and gasping for breath, he just stayed there, smiling like the idiot he was. "Are you going to get off of me?" I asked him. He smirked and shook his head. "Well, I would it if you would. Your far ass is crushing m-" he interrupted me by pressing his lips to mine. He tasted like a mixture of a lot of different foods mixed together.

There was a cough behind us, Jason removed his face from mine and smiled up at the person. Jace was standing there, arms crossed.

"Oh hey....." I said, blushing wildly.

"Oh hey indeed." He mutter, lifting up Jason by his neck. Jason was blushing just as much as I would. "Son, can you please explain to me why you were on top of Mrs. Dragonway?"

"Well... You see... She wouldn't eat so I began tickling her and we fell to the floor and yeah..." Jace raised and eyebrow.

"So, what your saying is, you and Ana are a thing?" Jason nodded, Jace looked down and me and I nodded. Jace smiled and slapped his son on the back. "Nice job son." And with that he calmly left the kitchen. When he thought we were out of earshot he began running and screaming "GUYS OUR SHIP IS CANNON!" throughout the hallways. We heard a lot of "REALLY"'s and "NO FUCKING WAY"'s we laughed and he helped me up.

"So we're a thing now, huh?" I whispered in his ear. I felt him shiver and shake at the sound of my voice. He nodded and I brought my lips to his again, tasting all the combinations of food again.

Everything I needed was all right here, at least that's what I thought at the time.

Unknown POV

"M'am, when are you going to make your presence known to her? I mean fully?" My servant asked me, I groaned.

"Not yet, I do not want her to worry about me speaking to her for the first time in fourteen years just yet." I looked at the image of my daughter and her 'boyfriend' kissing in the kitchen after the man named Jace left the room.

I was happy that she was happy with him, after her father's passing, she hasn't felt the same emotions as other people. I've watched her hurt herself, and the last time she did I couldn't sit back and watch, I had to say something, anything! And by doing so it caused her to stop eating and to worry.

I've been watching her ever since I left all those years ago. I've missed looking into her beautiful deep blue eyes and playing with her long bright platinum blonde hair. I've been watching over her, I watched her cry when her father died. I cried with her for I lived that man so much that I had to leave, I could stay because of my love for him. She probably thinks I don't care about her because I didn't say anything else, but I really do. I care so greatly about my little future Angel. Besides.

There is so much she has yet to find out.

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