Chapter Fourteen

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Jason's POV

To be honest, I wasn't very confident about this. I was sweating as I walked down the hallway with my bouquet of flowers for her. Before I opened the door I tugged on my collar to earn me a less sweaty appearance. I knocked on the door and was amazed at what I was looking at in front of me. Ana was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen when I first laid my eyes on her but now, she was the definition of beauty. 

Her amazingly long platinum blonde hair was somewhat pinned back and out of her face to show it off, and it looked so beautiful. Her small amount of blush made her strong cheeks look even stronger, and the eyeshadow she had on made her eyes look bright. She was wearing a deep blue dress that showed off some of her curves and it made her eyes look even more beautiful. All and all she was my blue eyed princess all over again, beautiful and strong. 

I realized I was staring at her contently and I felt my cheeks burn into a deep scarlet. I heard her laughing and I looked up at her, she was so beautiful when she smiled. "Well don't you look handsome?" She said giggling and I blushed a little more. 

"Ana, you look amazing.... I can't even describe it." I said to her with my blush completely gone and this time she blushed very lightly, "Shall we?" I said holding out my arm, she was about to take it until she stopped and spoke.

"Oh! Hold on a sec!" She said running back in to her room. I saw her rip off her heals and throw on a pair of socks and her demon hunting boots when she returned I smiled at her. 

"What? They were super uncomfortable!" She retorted and I laughed at her cuteness. I held out my arm again and she took it this time and I guided her to out spot here in the institute. We walked down the long hallways to our destination, I knew that she'd never been down this part of the institute so she looked around with curiosity shining in those deep blue eyes of hers. I smiled at her and continued to walk along side her proudly. 

We finally made it to the doors of our spot and I made her close her eyes. I waved my hand in front of her face just to be sure and then I opened the doors guiding her through them. I sat her down on the picnic blanket and I sat next to her telling her she could open her eyes now. I looked at her the whole time she observed our surroundings. I took her on a picnic to the green house garden in the institute, and she seemed to be loving it already when she opened her eyes.

The whole garden was beautiful, but it was no match for her. 

"This place is beautiful." She said still looking around, her eyes showing such admiration for it all. She finally looked over at me and I realized I was still staring at her and I began to blush again, I had to get it together! She laughed at me and I just smiled awkwardly at her. I set out all the food and we began eating and talking like we had done all this before. I loved hearing her voice but she barely spoke, it was her turn to tell me something.

"Ive been doing all of the talking here, tell me something about yourself." I said smirking and she just let out an airy kind of laugh. She looked down as if she was thinking about something to say, then she got an idea and began to tell me a story.

"Well when I was younger, my father and I would always do everything together. We were never separated. I had no friends back then so he pitied me. He was more like a best friend than my father really. Everyone in the shadowhunter and mundane world need liked me much... they all made fun of me for not having a mother like they did or because I was just so different from them all." She was looking away from me... she looked sad but she continued to talk, 

"So, my father and I were best buds.... and when he died... I really didn't have anyone to go to because my father said that his parents died and he didn't have any other siblings. I never knew my mother or her family either, my father said that she died protecting me one night and doesn't like talking about her or if she has or had any family. So really until I met all of you I had no one...." She was still looking away from me, but I could see she was about to start crying. I turned her head towards me again and looked at her sympathetically. 

"Im sorry, I shouldn't have said anything... I never like seeing you like this..." She looked at me like I was an idiot. 

"You didn't do anything! I wanted to tell you all of this, Im fine really. Personally all that stuff isn't that hard to talk about since everyone practically knew my father, they said he was a legend. Supposedly he actually saw and settled some kind of business with a real Angel! I was proud to be his daughter.... and I wanted to make him just as proud of me." She said very calmly and strong. I really loved how she could put some kind of positivity into any situation. 

I looked at the time on my watch and saw that is was 11:55. We were here for almost five hours talking, dang. At least it was time to show her what my father showed my mother on her birthday. I grabbed her wrist and took her to the top of a stair case so she would have a good view of it all. 

"What's going on, Jason?" She said to me, her tone sounded very worried. 

"Nothing, just wait" I said and the midnight flower bloomed. All of them were lighting up the room one by one and it made Ana's face light up. 

"Wow.... this is beautiful..." She said staring at them in awe, I decided to take my chance now before my father interrupted us again. 

"Not as beautiful as you..." I whispered and she turned to me blushing a deep scarlet. Our faces were inches apart and I leaned in all the way making our lips connect together. She tasted like cherry flavored lip gloss and apples. She was sweet and our bodies fit together. She melted into the kiss just as much as I did, and that made it better. 

I circled my arms around the small girl and lifted her a bit to close the space between us, she wrapped her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. I pulled away for a moment and let her breathe. Our foreheads were touching, she was blushed and gasping for breath. I set her down and kissed her forehead sweetly and she giggled. I kissed her once last time before taking her hand and guiding her back to her room. 

We didn't say a word until we arrived at her door, I got a little sad that she would be leaving me so soon. She turned to me again, "Well... this is my stop..." I couldn't take it anymore, I cupped her cheek and brought her lips to mine only momentarily before pulling away and saying goodnight. When I closed the door I pumped my fist in the air and yelled 'YESSS' Through the air.

I waited a long time to kiss that girl and tonight I finally did it, three times.


A/N: Sorry if this is a bit boring, sorry if any of this story is a bit boring, and sorry if I'm taking forever to update to those of you who actually read this thing. Don't forget to vote and comment! 


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