Chapter Ten

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Magnus's POV

Can't believe I had to come home early just to heal some girl I didn't even know. Then I saw her laying there and I realized that I did know her, I met her when she was just a little toddler and I instantly knew what had gone wrong. When I began to heal her, I felt a strange heat being presented off of her. I pushed this back and then I healed her hands and made them stronger for her, so she could control the power she has within her. Her screams and cries were horrifying, my healing powers must have been effecting her dream somehow because she seamed to be in so much pain in these few minutes. 

I had to send everyone away when she wouldn't be quiet, I got worried for the rest of them. I didn't want them to think I was doing this because I wasn't. More minutes went by and more screams echoed through the room and some of the halls. When I was finally finished I sat in a chair and looked at the girl. Her hair was bright platinum blonde, just like her mothers, and I remembered seeing those eyes all those years ago as well. Deep blue... Just like Alec's. They weren't related but, somehow they inherited the same exact eye color. I thought this was weird and I thought I'd read into the family tree of this girl... If only I could remember that unique last name of hers... 

"Her name is Anastasia Katherine Dragonway. I can tell by the way you were looking at her, you wanted to know." A voice said behind me placing a hand on my shoulder. 

"Alexander, you aren't supposed to be in here. I sent everyone out for a reason." I tried to shoo him away but he grabbed my wrists and put them back at my sides. 

"Relax, I heard the screams stop so I wanted to check on you. Must have been a handful, this one. I mean she did almost kill me a few days ago when she hated me." he laughed and I almost did but then I panicked. 

"Alexander! She almost killed you! With what element? What did you do to her? She's so innocent, I mean look at her! What did you do to her!" I screamed at him standing up to face him. I was a few inches taller to he had to look up at me.

"I may have teased her a bit.... then she got really really mad and bursted the pipes open with some strange power she has. She circled me in a ball of water and tried to drown me. She realized what she was doing and stopped." I looked away from him with frustration, who would tease a girl with such a tortured past! "But then I apologized and she actually forgave me... I was only teasing her because she was with Jace so much, he seemed to love this little girl with the badass attitude like his own." Dumbass.

"Well, I say that you deserved what you got." Then I grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to me, we were inches apart and I whispered "But I'm just glad that you are okay, darling." Then I smashed my lips on his. He didn't hesitate to respond and our bodies moved in sync in an instant. My Alexander's lips were soft and sweet, as they always were. Every kiss we shared felt new, it was never the same one. We could have gone on for hours until a scream from the other side of us spread us apart in worry. 

Anastasia was awake screaming and gasping for air. She looked at Alec then back at me, she continued to do this for quiet sometime, her blue eyes shinning with confusion, until she finally spoke in her soft voice, "Alec, who is this?" She pointed at me and I put my hand up to shut him up. I looked behind me and told him through my eyes that I would tell her. 

"Well Anastasia, my name is Magnus Bane. I am the High Warlock of Brooklyn. I knew your father before he died, I've met you before when you just a little girl." I smiled at her and she sat there looking sad... her blue eyes darkened with sadness. "Have I said something to hurt you miss?" I said soothingly she shook her head and spoke to me again in her soft voice. 

"No no... I just... just thinking about the dream I had... it was more like a terrifying nightmare though..." She looked away from Alec and I. Her eyes were staring at the bed. I looked over at Alec and shrugged, but I decided to ask one more question. 

"What was your dream about sweetie? Can you tell me?" She whipped her head back and looked at me in the eyes with a scared look on her face. She shook her head fast and covered herself in her blankets. She kicked them off right away and sighed. "Something wrong?" She nodded.

"Im burning hot... I need... air." At the end of her sentence she began to cough and wheeze over the side of the bed. 

"Alec! Open the window!" He sprinted over to it and threw it open. I went to grab Anastasia's arm to help her out of bed but her skin burned at the touch. I picked her up anyway and carried her over to the large window. The strong wind hit her face and she breathed in a great amount and sighed. 

"Much better..." She whispered. 

"Hold on, Alec drag the bed over here and put it next to the window." He did just that and I laid weak Anastasia onto the now much cooler bed. She sighed and smiled wide.

"Even better than" She said before falling asleep once more. Her breathing was slow and wheezy. This made me worried and I never usually get like that for someone I've only ever seen once, well except for Alec anyway.

The door opened again and Jason poked his head through. "Is she... is she okay now?" He said very shyly. I nodded and he came sprinting over and stood beside her. She mumbled something and he grabbed her hand. She seemed to wake up at the touch of his hand on hers. 

I tapped Alec on the shoulder and Whispered in his ear, 'I think we should give them some time...' He nodded and I took his hand and we walked out of the room like that hearing soft voices behind us. 

Ana's POV

I felt the hand of someone I knew on my own and I smiled and opened my eyes. He looked like he was crying and smiled wide. "I'm so glad that you are okay Anastasia." I tightened my grip on his hand and whispered, 

"I wasn't going to leave you without saying thank you, Jason." He looked confused so I continued, "You saved my life by carrying me here, and I thank you so much." I placed my hand on his cheek and he held it there. 

"I would never not save you, Ana." I blushed and smiled at him. We both just stayed there in complete silence until I cleared my throat and spoke again. 

"Did I burn you?" I said with worry. He looked outraged and shook his head very violently and that made me giggle. He stopped shaking his head and looked into my eyes. His green eyes were beautiful just like he was... He began to slowly lean in until we were almost inches apart. 

"Hey Ana! Heard you were all bet-" Jace's voice said while walking through the door, but he stopped when he saw us there just inches away from... well... you know... We sprang apart again and blushed hard once again... Dammit Jace Again really?!

"Oh! Sorry, guess I'm always here at the wrong place at the wrong time... always.... heh..." He rubbed the back of his head and looked at the ground. Awkward silence followed until I spoke once more. 

"Please continue what you were saying before Mr. Herondale, please." I smiled and he looked up and said, 

"Oh! I heard that you were awake so I made you some of these mundane brownie type things. Clary taught me how and I thought that you might like some." He smiled wide, Jason looked a lot like Jace. His blonde hair matched and so did his kind of cockiness. I smiled back at the proud man standing at the door. 

"Can you place them next to my bed and I'll eat them later, I'm kind of tired so... I need my rest right now." I looked over at Jason who was still blushing and smiled softly at him and he nodded and left the room with a small goodbye. Jace did she same and I was left there all alone again, I was left to think about my horrible dream and hope and pray that I never saw that man there again.


A/N: I'm so bored so here's number two for tonight XD I need to learn to sleep more often. Don't forget to vote and comment. 


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