Chapter thirty-two

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Raven's POV

I began smacking the thing that tackled Ana on the head until he finally fell away, he had blonde hair and blue eyes. I began hitting him again, and again, and again. He pushed me over and went to look at Ana.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I screamed at the strange boy.

"Hey hey hey! It's okay, I'm her friend. I just wanted to surprise her, I didn't know she would get knocked out. By the Angel." He looked away from me and back at Ana, his green eyes were searching for any sign of her eyes opening, she stirred and slowly sat up.

Her eyes widened, she stared at this boy like he was everything to her. That's cute. She tackled him in a hug, then sat up and slapped him.

"Ow! What was that for?" He said holding her arms.

"That was for scaring the shit out of me and then knocking me out!" She crossed her arms and sat on him.

"It was only for a few seconds, and Get your fat ass off of me!"

"Hey! My ass is beautiful! Right Raven?" She looked over at me with a smirk, her signature smirk.

I smirked back at her and nodded slyly. She made a Hmphf sound and looked back at him.

"Told you!" She said with that smirk again. He pushed her off and stood.

"See you in a couple of minutes Anastasia." He said saluting her and running out the door.

"I hate you Jason!" She yelled and we heard a faint, love you too echo thought the halls.

I smirked at her and she looked at me blushing. "W-what?" I smirked even more,

"I ship it." I whispered and she hit me and said,

"Oh shut the fuck up." I began laughing so hard that I fell over and began coughing, she soon joined in and we were both laugh-coughing on the floor of her bedroom.

Magnus's POV

I was decorating in the "grand ballroom" as I'm calling it for tonight, when I heard a manly sinker from behind me. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. He them covered my eyes and pulled my backwards.

"Did you miss me Mags?" He whispered, that voice it sounded so familiar! Wait only Alexander called me that... wait a minute... ALEXANDER!?

I ripped his hands away and looked into his eyes, yep there were a beautiful shade of blue. I grabbed the back of his neck and crashed his lips to my own, he sounded like he was trying to say something but at this time I didn't care.

When I finally drew back, we hugged for quite a long time. Long enough for the earth to explode and I wouldn't really give a shit.

"Magnus, you should really keep decorating and not make out with your honey." A voice said behind us. As usual Alexander blushed and looked down and I casually looked at the figure.

It was Ana in a white tank top and black baggy pants, Raven came behind her. Their faces were red, they must have been cracking up at something.

"I feel as if I should always make out with my 'honey' whenever I see him." I looked over at Alexander, he was still blushing. He was so cute, I couldn't hold in a laugh. I hugged my beautiful blue-eyed boy.

"Please continue, don't stop just because we're here." And just like that, they were gone. Their footsteps echoed through the halls.

Good riddance.

Ana's POV

Raven's mom said she had to be home by five thirty, it was six. Whoops. She sprinted out the door and back to her house. I closed the door and walked casually to the training room. I ran into someone while walking in the door.

"Watch where you're going idiot." He said, I rubbed my head and looked up at him. It was Mike, dammit.

"The hell are you doing here, asshole. Haven't you caused me enough pain for today?" I scowled and crossed my arms, he opened his mouth to say something but I put my hand up to shut him up. "Save it." I said, "I'm done with you, asshole." I pushed him out of my way and walked into the training room.

I felt around in my pocket for my phone and headphones, I ripped them both out and plugged then in. I put the volume almost all the way up, all the anger coursing through me made me want to kill something.

Roots by imagine dragons came blasting through my headphones, I began hitting and slashing at all the dummies. I threw daggers at all of the targets, bullseye son ever single one. Wind, fire, water, ice, all of the elements of the earth began to flow through me.

BOOM, I sent the ice crashing into one dummy, CRACK, lighting broke a target. More and more things starts happening until my body gave out and I fell to the floor.

I was breathing very heavily, still listening to music. It felt good to let all that go.

That was until someone came through the door...

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