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Magnus's POV

The nerve of her, wearing something as ghastly as that. After curling her hair, putting the slightest bit of makeup on her, and cleaning up her nasty dirt-filled nails, I pushed her back into her room to change.

I picked out her clothing of course. I picked a deep blue long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans and green sneakers and I bought for her a few days prior to this one. I let her wear her leather jacket, only because she kept begging me.

She looked over at me "How do I look? Less like Jace threw up on me?" She laughed.

The shirt brought out what little color there was in her eyes and her hair was a little bit more bright today, I did my best on covering up her pale skin but that can't really be helped.

"You look perfect." I said to her. She rolled her eyes and walked out the door behind me. I couldn't help but laugh at this young girl, she was so much like her father. I ran after her, still laughing in the process.

Ana's POV

I walked into a very large room with black walls and a huge table in the center. Six people were seated at it. A tall, pale, woman with long dark red hair, a boy who looked about my age with horrifyingly red hair, a girl who looked just like the boy with the same long red hair, a small girl with brown hair, a boy with jet black hair that also looked my age, and Damian.
"Anastasia! Magnus! You're finally awake." Damian beamed.

"Sorry for taking so long, Magnus made me change." I crossed my arms and scowled at him. He threw up his arms, defending himself.

"Well Anastasia," I winced again at the sound of my name, "Meet your family." He said gesturing behind himself.

"These are the twins, Celestia and Brandon." The two bright red heads smiled and waved at the same time, I smiled back at the two of them. "They are my kids" he added. They must have been, they had the family eyes. Just like mine...

"This is my eldest daughter, Lyra." The older woman smiled at me, she didn't have the blue eyes. They were green, a very beautiful green.

"And this is her daughter, Miranda." She came running over to me, arms spread. I kneeled down and spread mine as well. She gave me a big hug.

"And how old are you sweetheart?" I said to her.

"I'm this many!" She held up three fingers.

"You can call me auntie, I'm so happy to see you, Miranda." This little cutie had long brown hair and green eyes. She looked just like her mother, Lyra.

"Auntie!" She yelled and giggled. I picked her up and spun her around, she screeched with laughter. I set her down and she ran into her mother's arms smiling and still slightly giggling.

Damian laughed, "lastly this is Mike Ravenwood , he is staying here at our house for a while. He's a family friend." The one called Mike stepped forward, he had jet black hair, big gray eyes and light brown skin.

"Hello..." I said trailing off, he crossed his arms and looked away.

"He's a bit of an asshole..." The twin, Brandon, whispered into my ear. "He made Miranda cry last night when she accidentally knocked over something of his."

"That lil' shit!" I whisper-yelled at him. He smiled and nodded.

"Anyway, my wife Melissa won't be back for a few days and Lyra's husband won't be here for your visit Anastasia." I cringed again, I really didn't like it when people called me that.

"That's quite alright, Damian-"

"Please call me 'Uncle Damian'" He interrupted with a small smile.

"Uncle Damian, I do not seem to know where anything is. I would like to go to your library and read some, can someone please um..."

"Oh! Why of course!" My 'cousin' Lyra said. "Miranda, dearie, would you like to show mrs. Anastasia where the library is?"

"Auntie! Yay!" She yelled. I smiled as she ran over and grabbed my wrist. "Come on Auntie!" She said giggling.

"I'm going to get you!" I said playfully. She screamed and began running all sorts of directions towards the library. When we finally made it I caught up to her and picked her up and spun her around again. She laughed, she was adorable. I really loved kids.

"Auntie?" She said when I put her down.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Can you read this to me?" She held up a book that was quite thick.

"A tale of two cities? Are you sure?" She nodded intensely and I smiled at her. "Sit in my lap then, dear." She jumped up and sat down.

I began reading the book called A tale of two cities to Miranda. After page 20 she fell asleep. I slowly picked her up and walked around the room with her in my arms.

"You are so good with her..." A voice said behind me, Lyra walked into the room.

"Oh! Sorry if I caused you any fright by not sending her back to you right away" I said to her she laughed,

"Really its fine, she has been very excited for your visit here for weeks." I looked at her with a blank expression. "My father talks about you all the time and how he was not going to stop until he found you. He would always talk about what people told him. How brave, strong and independent you were. Miranda said she wanted to be just like you." She smiled at the end and offered to take Miranda, I shook my head.

"I'm okay with her, she comforts me..." I smiled at Miranda's sleeping face. She was slightly snoring, it was cute. She began shuffling and frowning.

"Shh shh Miranda, all is okay." I sang to her, and she instantly relaxed. I forgot Lyra was here, I looked up at her and saw that she was slightly crying. "D-did I do something wrong?" I began panicking, Miranda began whining and I sat back down on the chair and began singing to her quietly. She began snuggling into me and smiling in her sleep again.

"You haven't done anything wrong, its just I haven't been able to get her to sleep for days." She wiped away her tears.

"Here, you take her. I actually need to go check something." She smiled and took her from me. I ran out of the room to find that training room.

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