Chapter thirty-seven

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Ana's POV

Jace just had to ruin it. He screamed and told everyone that he saw a mouse. Jason decided he didn't care though, cause he grabbed me right then and there and kissed me softly. I was shocked at first, I tensed up when he wrapped his arms around me. I slowly began to relax and kiss him back.

After what felt like hours of passionate heated kissing he finally drew back and pressed his forehead to mine. "Sorry... I couldn't hold myself back." He whispered in my ear. I chuckled slightly and pressed both my hands on either side of his cheeks and looked him straight in the eyes.

"It's alright." I whispered back, blushing very furiously. "I couldn't either." I pulled his lips back to mine into another more heated kiss. He melted into it, just like I had. I felt my body begin to explode with all sorts of emotions. Worry of what people were thinking, anger for what they would say, love for Jason, and so many others that I can't explain.

As the kiss went on, the feelings I felt went on with it. I dismissed them and grabbed his neck. He had an easy 7" on me but I had my ways. I giggled and pulled away finally. He looked confused.

"I was thinking be better stop before people start getting disgusted." He pouted and I booped his nose. He rubbed it, pretending to be hurt and I giggled at him. He pulled me into another embrace, we began to sway back and forth again.

"Your so cute." He whispered, I shivered. I was feeling something different in the pit of my stomach, some the new. Something that I haven't felt since he died. I felt cared about, and I was scared.

What if he leaves me like everyone else does?

"I won't, Anastasia." I blushed, I was thinking out loud again. "I care about you. You mean the world to me. I can't see myself being with anyone except you." I blushed again and he kissed my forehead. "I love you Anastasia." I froze. He loves me? What do I say? What do I do?

"I...I think I love you too Jason." I whispered, he smiled and lifted me in the air like I weighed nothing. He spun me around in a circle, I giggled.

I loved Jason Herondale, and he loved me. That's something I will try to always hold onto.

Jackson's POV

I looked over and saw Jason and Ana kissing. It didn't do anything to me really, I realized that Ana was meant to be with my Parabatai, so I backed out. I realized that my feelings for Ana aren't the same anymore, I had different interests now.

I looked over in the corner and saw a boy with raven hair and beautiful green eyes push his sleek hair out of his face. His skin was pale and soft looking. Yeah that's right, I realized that I was gay. I just found out when I watched a guy with no shirt on run down the street. The only thing I payed attention to was his rock solid abs.

I took a deep breath and pushed the hair from my own eyes. You don't know that he's gay, just leave him be. I sighed. My mind was right, I'm crazy to think he'd like someone like me. To skinny and fragile, my sandy colored brown hair always falling in my face. I was hideous, and that's all I'd ever be.

I turned and sat in a chair alone, staring at all the couples dancing wondering why I couldn't be regular like the rest, no one could love me. I felt tears beginning to spill over, but I held them back forcefully.

It was then that my tears began to spill over, I couldn't hold them in any longer. I covered my face with my hands, I didn't want anyone to look upon my shame. A hand tapped my shoulder and I looked up, shocked to see what I saw.

It was the boy, the boy with the black hair and beautiful sea green eyes. His pale skin was shinier up closer, I stared at him in awe. He cleared his throat and spoke.

"You alright there buddy?" His voice was deep and muscular, must be 16. I wiped my tears hastily away.

"Of course of course I just um... Stubbed my toe on that table back there.." Stupid excuse but it works.

"Okay... If you say so. The names Daniel by the way." He held out his hand. I shook it.

"Jackson." I said smiling at him.

"Pretty name for a pretty boy." He said smirking. I felt a small blush begin to creep up my neck.

"W-well now... I don't know about that... " he smirked again.

"How old are you there, Jackson?" He asked very calmly in my ear.

"F-fourteen." I forced out. He chuckled.

"Aren't you adorable. I like you. Call me sometime?" He handed me a slip of paper and winked. "My fathers making me leave now, by Jackson." He winked at me one more time and then strutted away. I looked at the slip of paper and began to sweat.

I don't know what's drawing me to this conclusion but I think he's gay.

Ana's POV

The party was finally beginning to end, all the guests were grabbing all their large coats and purses. But before they all left my uncle spoke loudly across the hall.

"Before you all go, I'd like to purpose and toast!" They all glanced his way, grabbing their wineglasses as they looked. "Now you may now have known my brother like I did but I know for sure he cared about this one particular girl very much, and even though he is no longer with us and he has hated me forever over the years." He paused to let people laugh, but then continued as serious as before. "I am very happy to have found the girl he cared most about over the past 13 years. Anastasia Katherine Dragonway, I am so happy to have found you and brought you into our family! A toast to you and all the hardships you have been going though for the past four years since your fathers death." Everyone raised their glasses, I raised mine with them tears threatening to spill over but I forced them back.

"Come up here and let everyone look upon your beauty!" He boomed across the hall. I sighed and lifted my large dress and shuffled up to where he was standing. I smiled and waved to the crowd. I earned several 'aw's' and 'she's so cute, just like her father' things, Damian continued over them. "To Anastasia, the bravest girl I know!" Everyone clapped and downed their drinks, I did the same and smiled.

"Thank you" I mouthed to him and he smiled and hugged me.

"Anything for my brave niece." He whispered. I hugged him back tightly, he was the only family I had left. I only had him, his family and Jason and his family.

I will do anything to protect the ones I love. Anything and everything.

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