Chapter Forty-eight

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Isabelle's POV

Simon and I, together, successfully made fresh homemade brownies for Anastasia. They were not poisonous, I promise. Simon helped me with everything, and when I mean everything I mean everything. He watched my every move, fixed my mistakes when I wasn't looking, or when he thought I wasn't looking, and even scolded me for doing one thing wrong. Eventually we got them done and made our way too the infirmary.

After a little "accident" with my brother, Ana cracked her rib a little bit and had to go through some healing again for a couple hours. We wanted to cheer her up a bit with some sweets. They were double chocolate chip, her favorite. I covered them with some black frosting to make them extra sweet just for her. I hope she enjoys them!

I opened the door slightly and took a peak in the room. Ana was sleeping peacefully in the white, infirmary bed next to an open window to keep any of her fevers down just in case. I smiled and turned around to face Simon. I put a finger to my lips and motioned for us to move forward quietly. We tiptoed to the edge of her bed and sat down in the two chairs placed next to the small bed. Ana's mother was resting in a room somewhere around this large institute. She looked super tired from all the healing she was doing and all the sleep she hadn't gotten over the past few days. Magnus is still "resting" as well. I thought Angels didn't need sleep, but I guess Ariel does.

I out the brownies down on the table next to Ana's bed and kissed the poor girls forehead. Everyone was a mess while she was gone, we all were confused and angry. We all then realized that without her, there wasn't any compromise here. We all need her just as much as she needs us, which just happens to be a lot since she's kinda with Jason. I felt so sad when I found out he was going to propose the night she disappeared. That boy better do it after this big war everyone keeps talking about, or maybe even during if they could possibly die.

I pushed those depressing thoughts away and just looked at the sleeping girl. I just now realized, it's been a week and she hasn't changed out of her clothes since she... Was "found" I guess. I was going to lick her outfit out when she woke up, that was a promise.

Anastasia's face was peaceful, mind was probably dreamless. Her hair was still red a little bit from the her blood, and her clothes were still terribly dripped everywhere. The front was fine, it was the back I was worried about. Every time she turned around I felt my heart break. Those scars, all those scars would be there forever... All the memories of those awful events would be forever stabbed into her mind every time she looked at her back or anywhere on her arms or neck. I felt a few tears escape my eyes as I kept on looking at her, I glanced at Simon and saw that he too had a couple tears falling down his cheeks.

I wiped them away and kissed his cheek. "I know it's a hard time for all of us," I whispered to him as quiet as possible, "and that seeing her like this is painful but," I sucked in a sharp breath, "we have to stay strong for her. We have to be brave like Anastasia, alright?" He nodded and pecked me lights on the lips for a second. We heard shuffling and a groan next to us. Ana was frowning in her sleep, tossing and turning violently all of sudden. I felt my body tense up for a second, she was breathing heavy and gripping the sheets with a great force. Simon grabbed my wrist tightly, and frantically.

Her breathing slowed and face softened, returning both her and us into a relaxed state. I heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Simon with a small smile. He motioned his head towards the door and I got up, taking my hand in his. We walked out the door and down through the halls, both of us thinking about what to do next.

Clary's POV

Jace is a reck. He looks like a woman who has just gone through a horrible break up. He's eaten more then ten things of chocolate ice cream. Right now he's cuddled up in our bed with almost a million used tissues surrounding him like an emotional blanket of sadness. He was watching the dumbest chick flick on earth.

"Don't listen to her Jessica! You are beautiful!" He said blowing his nose loudly afterwards. I rolled my eyes and stepped in front of the TV. I put my hands on my hips and glared at him 

"Jace Wayland Morgenstern Lightwood Herondale! You are thirty years old! Stop moping about and be a man! Ana wouldn't want you moping about because of her! You know that! We all have to be strong for her! Now get up and go see her!" I pointed towards the door and he followed my finger. He cried a little more and I sighed. I walked over to the bed and laid next to him.

"Baby, you need to stop moping around. Please. Do it for me?" I batted my eyelashes in a playful manner. He smiled and brought my face down causing our lips to meet. He kissed me softly for only a moment before pulling away. I moved the hair out of his face and kissed his cheek. "Now go see her." He pecked my lips one more time and jump up and out of bed. 

"Thanks for the motivation, I have to train her anyway today. I guess I should motivate her to do some serious physical therapy." I smiled as he ran out the door screeching like an idiot. 

I married a two year old.

Jace's POV

I ran down all the hallways that led to the infirmary as quick as I could. She better be awake, she needs to be training or something right now. I wiped away the left over tears on my face, turned the corner and opened the door to the infirmary. I entered quietly and closed the door shut behind me. I heard her moan and shuffle in her bed. 

She was still sleeping, I guess I really didn't mind. She was such a cute little sleeper, I couldn't wait until she was my daughter-in-law. I sat in the chair next to her and propped my head up with my elbows. She groaned and turned so she was facing me. She let out a tired sigh and rubbed her eyes. She wasn't away yet, but I could have sworn I heard her speak.

"No...not again Zion...." She groaned and frowned in her sleep, I started to get worried. "I'd rather die than marry you....fucking bastard..." I felt her forehead, she was burning. I started shaking her, my body shaking along with her. 

"Ana! Ana please wake up!" I yelled at her. Her eyes shot opened and she shot upwards. She looked at me smiling nervously. 

"I was dreaming again huh..." I nodded sadly and hugged her tightly. "Whoa whoa, Jace its okay. I'm fine. Your doing to break my ribs again if you hug me any tighter." She laughed and I pulled away. "Alec is still my personal slave right?!" She said happily I patted her back.

"After what you did he probably worships you." She laughs a little then looks at the door again. "Race you too the training room?" She suggests questingly. I put my fingers to my chin and think for a minute.

"Yeah." We sprint out the door together neck and neck until we make it to the infirmary laughing our asses off.

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