Chapter Fourty-one

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Ana's POV

I was sitting in the large library, a pile of books next to me. I read them all one by one to myself alone. As I read I begin to think, where is my mother? How did she even get that kind of message to me? Is she some kind of demon or something? All these questions kept on swimming through my head as I read book after book after book about Demons, Angels, Warlocks, Werwolves, the whole lot of them. I read about their possibilities, their ways, and none of them were said to produce any kind of half them half shadowhunter. Only Teresa Grey had been produced into a hybrid. Half Shadowhunter, half warlock.

I slammed the book with frustration and opened a new one, this one was about Angels. It was said that they could have a child, one child every thousand years. It is prophesied that the Angel of all elements will have her child and that child will be graced with her powers. Of course its a legend and I doubt that I relate to this but it could be true. I sighed and gave up on it. I left my pile sitting there for later, after everyone was asleep.

I got to the library at 1:00 pm, I left at 6:00 pm. Izzy called me for dinner not even a second after I exited the library, I didn't know whether I was glad or disappointed for dinner. I didn't know if I even wanted to eat. I gave up and decided to make everyone happy by eating.

I sat next to Jason, of course, and Clary. We were eating something brown, couldn't tell I was too tired to pay any attention. I ate only one piece of it, Jason put a concerning look on his face but I ignored it. I excused myself from the table and left for my room. As I suspected, Jason followed me there.

"What's the matter?" He asks playing with my long bright platinum blonde hair. I look up at him with a worried look, he smiles reassuringly.

"I've been staying up all night reading about Angels, Demons, and the downworld. I haven't slept in three days, maybe for a few minutes but not much more then that." He grabs my hand and begins kissing it softly.

"You shouldn't do that, you need rest." He started kissing up my arms, lifting up my sleeve.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask trying to jerk away. He looks up, my arm still in his hands. His green eyes were burning with sympathy and worry.

"I'm kissing your imperfections, they may scar you but they still make you you, and that's what I love." He started kissing my cuts on my right arm. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. He shouldn't be doing that! These are ugly! I wanted to pull away from him but it was as if I was glued to my position. He grabbed the left arm and did the same as on the right. After every kiss he whispered, "you are beautiful." Over and over again. When he was finished he looked up at me again.

"Please get some sleep, this isn't healthy. Tomorrow we will do some more research, but for now." He picked me up from my waist and threw me onto the bed. "It's time for you too sleep."

"But it's only 7:00." I reasoned, that is far too early.

"Don't care. You. Sleep. Now." He snapped his fingers as if he hypnotized me or something. I rolled my eyes and began taking my pants off. I saw him get nervous and cover his eyes. I laughed.

"Dude I've got shorts on." He uncovered his face and blushed.

"Right... Of course you do..." I pushed him off the bed and he fell off. He hit the floor with a very loud thud. A loud groan echoed throughout my room after he landed, the sound of my giggles followed after. "I hate you." He choked out, which only made me giggle more. He jumped back on the bed causing me to jerk away.

"But you're just so damn cute." He very viciously grabbed my face and forced it onto his, our lips crashing together like waves on rocks. I made a noise of protest, tending up a bit before relaxing and leaning into it. The kiss was very heated, more heated then most of the other ones. This one was filled with more love and passion for each other, it send little shocks throughout my entire body as the kiss progressed.

He pulled away and cuddled close to me, I felt my eye lids grow heavy all of a sudden. I couldn't hold them open any longer and I could myself very abruptly passing out on my comfy institute bed in New York.

******Time lapse to 5 years later******

I'm sitting there in that library again, reading he same books over and over again. My powers have progressed immensely, and so has my relationship with Jason. Raven is now my Parabatai, comforting me all through my struggles of finding my mother and dealing with the weight of my fathers death still bringing me down. I am nineteen, just like the rest of the bunch. All the "adults" are thirty something now, but they all still act like crazy fangirling teenagers. My little cousin Miranda, the one who calls me Auntie? Well she's all grown up now, well if you call 8 grown up. I am her trainer, best of my age.

Brandon and Celestia are a year younger than me, still sticking together as always. Jackson has finally come out about having a boyfriend named Daniel, they've been dating for about five years. Daniel has finally grown taller than Jackson, finally. For a twenty-one year old he sure was short.

Surprise, surprise! Jace and Clary had another kid. Her name is Aza Ray Herondale, three years old. She calls me auntie too, it's kinda cute really. She has long blonde hair and her father gold eyes, she got her mothers bouncy curls and stubborn personality. I'm going to love training her when she's old enough.

After five years of research, five years, I still haven't found a thing. I am nineteen years old, I don't know where my mom is or who she is. She hasn't given me any signs at all since that one day when I was fourteen. I've also been having more horrific dreams with that bastard Zion, the evil dude with red eyes. By the Angel I hope he burns in hell.

"Hey Jason." I say smiling as I walk into the training room. I kiss him softly on the cheek and grab a sword. "Ready to train?" He smiles and stands up to tower over my still tiny body.

"About time you got here, sweet cheeks. I was beginning to worry." He smirked, I glared.

"What did I tell you about those damn nicknames?" I said, my voice ringing with anger. He throws his hands up in the air.

"Hey, just trying things out babe." He kisses my cheek and I push him away.

"You gotta beat me in order to win my kisses, Jason." He groans. I laugh at him, I laugh because I always win.

He readies himself on the other side of the mat, then we attack. He grabs a hold of my wrist and flips my over next to the window. I smirk and stand up, but something grabs me behind the back and Jason starts screaming my name loudly.

I hear nothing else because after that I'm out like a light.

A/N: hey now, swade18 there is no need to be mad. I needed a good cliff hanger. Don't give me any crap after you read this please. You either Pumpkin_Sweetheart your welcome, bye


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