Chapter Nineteen

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**Warning not edited, was to lazy sorry if there are any unwanted mistakes here**

Ana's POV

I was running, but I didn't know where. I was acting very stupid in the worst possible moment. All I knew then was to get as far away from the institute as possible, and my pack was making that very hard. I had to stuff everything in it, including my large heavy new sword that was made and given to me by the Herondales. It was like carrying a giant ass book on your back or something. I ran, ran, and ran farther and farther away from the big building that was once my home until I had an idea as to where I could secretly visit for a few minutes before leaving again for good. 

Next thing I knew I was whipping my phone out of my pocket and opening my recent messages.


Jackson! Oh please answer me!

I desperately typed and waited for him to answer on a nearby bench. I sat there staring at my phone waiting for something to pop up. I heard footsteps behind me and a slight chill ran down my spine, these weren't mundanes, I told myself, they were demons. I put my phone back in my pocket and casually crossed my arms and leaned back. I was listening to the footsteps and heard that there were.... about four of them coming my way. 

I looked down at my body for a moment to see if you could see any of my runes on my upper torso. Luckily, I liked the idea of staying covered tonight and you couldn't see them at all. I returned to my former position just as they all came into view, they were all disguised as normal mundane teenagers so they could go out and get drunk or something at the Pandemonium. 

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The one in the front said, he had spiked blonde hair that was temporarily dyed pink on the ends and fake yellow eyes. I didn't answer, I only looked at them with a death glare that seemed to piss them all off at once. This was going to be fun...

"He asked you a question, dumbass." The one behind him said, this one had permanently dyed long green hair and was a girl. "She" happened to keep her hidden eyes a normal mundane color, brown.

"Well what if I didn't want to answer, bitch." She growled at me and I simply chuckled at her. "What? it's none of his business or yours, greenie." She tried to lunge forward but one of their long arms stopped her, he had spiked black hair and fake purple eyes. They will do anything to look ridiculous won't they? 

"Aren't you a brave girl?" The blonde one chuckled, "What's your name, blondie?" I laughed at him.

"Why in hell would I tell a street bastard like you?" He smirked slyly at me and gestured the forth one forward, probably to hold me in place. The fourth guy had normal black hair and normal hazel-like eyes, must be new here, and just as I thought he was holding me in place. It was a very weak hold though. 

"What's in your pack, mundie?" I smiled at him then laughed, 

"Me to know you to find out, pinkie." He didn't seem to like this because he snapped his fingers and the hold I was in got tighter, it felt as if my arms were about to be crushed.

"You think this hurts? I've felt more pain in a box of legos." This was kinda true of course, one lego hurt like a bitch when you stepped on it. He growled and then smiled and snapped his fingers once more. The hold got tighter to the point where my arm did in fact snap. It didn't hurt at all actually, painless more like it. I didn't feel it at all.

"Give me the pack bro." Inside I was laughing my ass off, bro? Really? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's kinda like these four demons for not figuring out that I'm not even a mundie. Stupidest demons ever.

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