Chapter thirty-eight

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Ana's POV

Jason led me back to my room. Hand in hand we walked down the large, long hallways. I felt his eyes fall on me as I kept on enjoying the beautiful look of this wonderful home. I heard him chuckle slightly behind me. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. When we finally reached my bedroom I heaved a sigh of relief, finally I could take these stupid shoes off. 

"Well, Goodnight Jason." I said pecking him on the cheek, "Thanks for walking me down the hallway to my room." I laughed a bit. He smiled and waved goodbye to me and left without saying a word. I sighed and threw my uncomfortable dress and shoes in the corner. Shorts and a tank are what I love. I was too tired to actually catch up on any reading tonight so I just fell straight to sleep. 

I woke up the next day at 3 o' clock in the afternoon. I felt a hand brush my forehead, it recoiled and a faint hissing noise followed. I gently opened my eyes and rubbed them. Jace was there, holding his hand to his chest.

"Do I have another fever?" He looked at me startled.

"Terribly I believe." He blew on it, I held out my hand to his. 

"I can heal it." I said faintly, I was very weak all of a sudden. He hesitated but then gently laid his hand on my hand. I concentrated hard on healing his burnt hand, I felt something cold enter my hand. It was the healing water. A bright blue light lit up the room, blinding Jace for a second before it finally died down. He moved his hand and smiled.

"Nice, I could use that." I giggled and laid my hand back down. I began to sweat and pant, I was weaker than before. 

"Must have caught something at the party." I said panting again. He nodded sadly. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. 

"Are you and my son a thing?" He asked randomly. I blushed ferociously and stuttered out.

"I-I don't k-know! Did he say we were?" He laughed, harder than he really should.

"No no, I saw you two in the corner making out very intensely in fact." I groaned, he laughed at me again. 

"I'll just ask him later then" He stood up, "Don't leave that bed, you need rest."

As soon as he left I felt my eye lids grow heavy. Out of pure weakness, I drifted off again.

Jackson's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about him, the mysterious green eyed boy I ran into last night. As I was packing, I muttered to myself non-stop about wanting so badly to text him when we returned home. Daniel... The name kept sweeping across my lips like air whipping through everyone's hair. I smiled to myself as I thought about his charming smile and handsome personality. 

"You alright son?" My father, Magnus, said looking at me strangely, I blushed and cursed to myself. 

"Y-yes! Of course dad! Everything is great!" I laughed nervously, he eyed me suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at me. I smiled nervously at him, sweat trickling down my forehead and neck. He walked across the room and grabbed my face. He stared into my eyes, I looked away from him. He threw me backwards with a gasp. He made me slam my head against the wall, I rubbed my head sympathetically. 

"You met someone last night!" He screamed. I blushed, shit he knows. "What's this lucky girls name?" He cooed. I frowned and looked away from him, pretending to pack again. "What's wrong? I just wanted to know what her-"

"It wasn't a girl, dad." I interrupted him. He stood there motionless, processing what I had said I hoped. He squeaked and clapped his hands quickly soon after.

"This is great! My son is Gay! This is amazing!" He yelled skipping in my room. "What is his name!" He screamed happily. I smiled at him, a single tear escaped my left eye. My father frowned and hugged me.

"I thought you wouldn't like the fact that I was gay." He gasped.

"Gay or not I will always be proud of you." He hugged me tighter and tighter until I couldn't breathe. He finally let me go and I sat down again.

"So what's his name! Did you get his digits? It he hot?!" I laughed at my still fangirling father. 

"Daniel, yes, and absolutely." My father fanned his face.

"Damn son." We both laughed our asses off until we heard the door open once again. My dad, Alec, came through the door, a confused look was painted across his face. 

"Alexander!" My father, Magnus yelled, "our eldest son is gay!" Dad fell to the floor crying and smiling at the same time. "He met a boy last night to honey" He whispered into his ear, dad sprang up and tackled me. 





"Was he hot?" I blushed and nodded. "Aweeeee!" They both cooed at me. The engulfed me into a warm hug.

I was glad to have dad's like them.

Celestia's POV

Once again, that asshole Mike spilled a red liquid all over my nice new outfit. It only added to the design so I just let it be. A strange tall boy with spiky golden blonde hair and bright green eyes came running up to Brandon and I, he was panting. He was also kind of cute.

"Have either one of you seen my girlfriend anywhere?" He asked, bummer I really wanted to go out with him. "Ive been looking for her all day." Brandon cleared his throat.

"I haven't seen Anastasia anywhere. But I do know where she is." The boy perked up, Jason I think his name was. "She's been sleeping all day, your dad told everyone to give her space. She has a searing fever again. He was also looking for you." So Anastasia stole this boys heart, nice going Ana!

"Thank you ever so much, Brandon!" They did some kind of handshake and he ran off. 

"Since when have you two become so buddy buddy?" I asked brandon. He looked strangely over at me.

"Last night at the party duh. Why? Are you jealous or something?" He smirked at me. I pushed him away playfully.

"I just wanted to know dumbass." I glared daggers at him, he threw up his hands.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Geez" We laughed and continued to walk through our home together. I loved these moments we shared together, just the two of us. Brother and sister, friends forever. I smiled to myself,   silently laughing to myself as we passed all the old pictures of us and our ancestors. 

Jason's POV * Two days later *

We were all finally home, and Anastasia and I were officially together. We took long walks through the streets together, visited the library and she read books to me, and we trained together, and thats only happened in two days! Raven, her best friend, came and visited yesterday for a few hours. Those two are the perfect friends. They love the same things, do the same things, hell they even walk the same. It's like they were twins.

Her and I became friends, but she threatened me. She said, 'If you ever hurt her, I'll ripe your throat out and shove it back into your mouth.' That's going to give me nightmares. Everything is all perfect now, just the way I hoped it would.

That was until Ana began cutting herself again, and a voice said all around us, 'Sweetheart, don't do that. Momma doesn't like watching her baby hurt herself like that' The voice was female, and loving. It sounded like an angel. 

She also 'Momma'. This couldn't be who I think it is.... right?

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