Chapter Twenty-two

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Jason's POV

Ana's awake, holy shit it's been three months since I've seen her! Dad said that she was bitten by a demon and that put her into a coma. I couldn't wait to see her, and then punch my Parabatai in the face. What I felt like punching him.

Ana missed a lot in those three months she was gone. Like I asked Jackson to be my Parabatai last month. It felt weird having the mark on me, but it felt good knowing that I would have someone who would have my back, always.

Mom and dad told us in the weapons room, Olivia dropped her sword and my mouth fell. I've kinda had a crush on her since the first moment I saw her, I guess it's kinda obvious now since I kissed her on her birthday and I couldn't stop staring at her ass one day...

Anyway! We were getting ready to leave the institute, I threw on some of my sexy cologne to impress Ana. She was going to be so happy to see this Herondale again.

Olivia decided to wear her training gear, she was trying to hard. She told me that she wanted to be just like Anastasia, a beautiful badass. She tied her hair back into a high ponytail and covered her eyes with eyeliner. I don't know why she would do that, I mean Ana hates makeup.

Elizabeth, auntie Izzy's daughter, looked just like her mother. A short tight dress with high healed boots and a shitload of make up on. I don't see how Uncle Simon allows them to wear that. My mother tried her best to look good just like the rest of the girls did. The guys didn't really give a shit, neither would Ana I'm guessing

I looked over at my dad and saw that he was fanboying in the corner with Uncle Simon, great. My father paused for a second and whispered something to Uncle Simon. My dad smiled at me and left the room for only a few minutes before returning with a backpack full of something. He saw me staring and mouthed 'books and music for Ana' to me from across the room.

I sighed and remember those were her two favorite things in the universe. I smiled at the thought of her sitting in a chair with headphones plugged into her ears. Her blue eyes searching the pages, reading every inch of them before turning the page. I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder and I snapped back to reality again, my mom looked at me with concerning eyes and I nodded as if to say 'yes I'm fine'

"Well guys, let's go." My dad yelled from across the room, his golden eyes were filled with happiness and excitement for the moment we all finally got to see the blue eyed princess again.

Ana's POV

More puking, more coughing. Blood spilling on the floor. This is what it was like when you were sick with something you had no clue what you with sick with. In the past couple hours that I was awake I used up almost 30 trash bags and I almost ruined Magnus's white bedspread. I bent over the side of the bed to do what I had to do so I wouldn't ruin anything else.

I heard the door of the apartment open, footsteps and loud welcoming voices followed. I wanted to get up and walk to the living room, showing them all that I was okay and well now that I was awake. But I wasn't okay, I wasn't well, I was only getting worse.

I looked at my pale arms, they were skinny and frail. I wanted to scream, but no sound came. I felt so helpless and weak. I heard the door of the bedroom I was in creak open and I turned away so they wouldn't have to look at me the way I was...

Magnus walked over and sat in a chair that was placed next to the side of the bed that I was on. He sighed and then caressed my arms, up and down. "You feeling well enough to say hi to them all?" I hesitated, what if they don't like what they see? What if they run away screaming? What if they- oh shut up Ana!

I nodded quickly and he stood up slowly, "They will come in one at a time, you already know who I will send I first. Be ready for a ton of questions and apologies, Anastasia." I laughed at him gently and he sucked in a breath waiting for me to cough again, but this time I didn't.

A few seconds later, Jace entered the room holding a backpack, he was smiling when he entered. But after he closed the door his smile turned into a look of confused horror. I felt a single tear role down my cheek but before it touch the ground, Jace was there already and he wiped it away.

"I know I look like shit." I said with a gentle laugh, he smiled sadly and put a hand on my shoulder,

"I still think you are beautiful." I groaned and slowly laid back down onto the bed,

"Save it. I look worse that shit, Herondale." He looked hurt by what I said, I wanted to take it back but then I remember what he said before I left, I was worried for nothing. I had to hole back tears just thinking about it.

He seemed to read my expression because he sighed sadly and put his face in his hands, "Anastasia, I'm sorry for being an asshole."

"Your middle name is asshole Jace." I said with a bit of a harder laugh. I felt the cough coming but I choked it down, I didn't want him to see me do that.

"You know I missed that mini-asshole in you. Those three months you were out cold were very lonely for me, I had Clary and the others but I missed you and I wanted to wake you up some how so that I could say sorry, Ana."

I sighed, he never did anything it was all me dammit. "Jace you did nothing, it was all me. I hurt you all, I should have lef-" I couldn't hold it in any longer, I coughed hard and blood sprayed onto the bed. Jace panicked and kicked the chair down.

I held up my hand, "Stop." He looked at me with a confused expression. I wiped away the blood on my lips and looked at him again. "As I way saying, I should have left on that first day I came." I looked down and away from him, seeing him like this hurt. I know I've only known Jace Herondale for a while, but I learned that he's never like this.

"No, you should have never left in the first place. Never leave again, ever." And with that he hugged me tight, tight enough for me to not be able to breathe. I started coughing slightly and he panicked and let me go. I smiled, for the first time in a long time I actually smiled.

This one was real, a real smile. A bright smile, one that could possibly make everyone smile with me. He smiled back and stood, I thought he was going to leave at first but then he grabbed the backpack and sat back down.

"These are for you. I know you may be here for a while, since you are... Sick I guess." He handed me like 10 thick books, my phone and earbuds. I looked up at him.

"You didn't go through my porn did you?" I said with hint of fear in my voice. He was so surprised at what I said that he fell out of his chair, I laughed normally and calmed him down "I'm kidding, I'm kidding calm down Jace." He stood up quick and brushed down his clothes.

"Of course of course, I totally knew that"

"Mm-hmm" I coughed slightly but this time it was okay.

He sighed and walked over to me, Jace gave me one last hug before exiting the room.

Glad that part was over, now I would have to deal with Jackson and Jason.

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