Chapter Twenty-one

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Magnus's POV

I got up out of bed and threw on a robe just in case Anastasia was awake, which was highly unlikely since it had been three months since the accident happened. When I said "she'll be awake soon" I meant she'd be awake in a few months.

Over the weeks Anastasia's condition got worse. She was still week looking, pure white skin, hair loosing it's beautiful shine, and her eyes were still a dim gray color. It saddened everyone when we had to look at her eyes. When I first saw them, I felt a wave of shock and pain go through my body. What if that happens to my beautiful Alec?

I shook my head to discard the awful memory and continued to walk into the kitchen holding my empty coffee cup in my hand. I was going to fill it up and then maybe watch Ana, her screaming stopped for a while until last night when she sent out an ear shattering cry. I put a sleeping spell on my dear Alexander and then when to try to heal her up again.

The dreams she would have would cause pain to her original body, anything that happened to her there would happen here. That is why she is getting weaker and weaker each passing day. Her appearance only worsening.

I make my way out of the door but then stop in my tracks as I see a small body of a certain blonde haired girl standing by the kitchen examining my glittery countertop. I feel my coffee cup leave my hand and hit the floor causing it to shatter.

She spun around and smirked at me "Well aren't you just so happy to see me, ain't ya?" I groaned.

"I hoping the coma would have gotten rid of your smartass remarks." Her pale eyes widened as if to ask how long it had been.

"Three months, Ana. Three long ear shattering months." Her pale "blue" eyes were painted with shock. She had been like this before but it was never this long.

"What happened to me..." She whispered trailing off as she sat back down on my neon green chair.

"Well, Jackson said that you were leaving and that you came to see him before you left. He said you fought off four demons." She thought for a while, staring at her hands. Then I saw a blush creep up onto her pale white skin, it made her look normal that blush of hers. Without it her skin was as white as snow.

"What did you and Jackson do anyway?" I said smirking at her, and her face showed more color that it had in three months.

"That is... None of your business Warlock." She spat and j acted hurt with a small gasp. I put my hand on my chest to make it even better.

"Of course it is! It's my job as a father to know!" She went white again and looked up at me. Her pale eyes were paler now, they showed hurt. I instantly felt bad about what I said but it was to late to say so.

She whipped her head back to its original position and spoke in a small voice "Well your not my father, no one is." She stopped before continuing, you could hear the crying in her voice, "because he's dead, just like the rest of them." She stood up off the couch and to the nearest open window.

I decided to give her space and to tell the rest of them to good news instead.

Ana's POV

I looked out the window, staring off into the sunrise. I could feel my hot tears burn my cheeks as they fell down. I sighed, and turned away from the window to go into the nearest bathroom.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, I looked weak and hideous, I looked hideous anyway but this was different. What stung the most about me was the color that was drained from my eyes. I felt more tears fall down my cheeks, steam came off of them. My emotions were also what powered my powers, fire was acting up now.

A few moments later I felt a wave of nausea hit me and I fell over reaching for something to throw up in. First thing I grabbed was the trash can and I started dry-heaving. My throat was on fire.

Heavy footsteps came running to my side and put a hand on the small of my back. I looked up for only a second to see not Magnus but Alec there comforting me now. His blue eyes showed sympathy for me, I could see it.

A few moments later I am able to stand without feeling nauseous or dizzy again, but Alec is not convinced and carries me over to the couch again to lay down. I am so greeted with the feeling again so I sit up and breathe,

"I'll just uhh... Get another trash can." Alec says while standing and running across the room to grab a small trash can.

"When did you wake up, Alexander!?" Magnus said frantically while entering the room.

"Earlier I heard Anastasia in the bathroom... She didn't sound good." Magnus looked at the trash can and then back at me and then seemed to have got what he meant.

"How she doing now?" He said crossing his arms.

"Well, she stopped... You knowing and now she's just laying here." I felt a pang of anger in my chest, I hated it when people talked about me like I wasn't there. "Magnus are you sure that she is okay? I mean really-" that's it.

"Stop it!" I yelled and they jumped at my sudden outburst. "Don't talk about me like I'm not her-" I was interrupted with a coughing sensation that led to blood coming out of my mouth.

I wiped it away and laid back down, "Never mind, forget I spoke." I laughed nervously at the two worried faces in front of me, a pair of yellow eyes and a pair of blue ones staring at me with looks of complete terror.

"Anastasia, are you sure you're okay?" Magnus said crossing his arms. I nodded and fake smiled

"Oh I'm just peachy." I whispered and Alec laughed slightly.

"Shut up, Alexander. This is serious. Ana get up and move to our room. You need more rest before you see the lightwood/Herondale/Lewis family again. I'll bring you food in a bit so you actually have something to throw up." I sighed and slowly stood up on my weak legs, I barely made it to the bedroom before collapsing onto the soft bed.

I was getting hot so I took off my leather jacket,  I was wearing a dark green T-shirt underneath. I snuggled under the covers that Magnus through over me and tried not to throw up again for a while.

Magnus brought me a tray of food but... I couldn't eat for some reason. I forced the food down l earning me a bit of extra throw up in the process. I put the tray on the floor and laid back down flat on my back.

I felt something jump onto the bed and rub against my arm. Chairman Meow began purring very loudly as I began petting him behind his ears. I smiled and remembered how I always begged my dad for a pet, but he always said no. He said it would take up to much training time and that it would always be in the way.

Remembering my father made a single tear roll down my cheek before I drifted off into a pointless comfortable sleep.

Jace's POV

I just got a call from Alec saying that Ana was awake! eeeeee! Fanboy time! I began jumping up and down all over my room until I heard Clary walk in, then I played it cool for her. Her fiery red hair bounced as she took each step closer and closer to the bathroom.

"Ana's awake by the way." I just said out of no where. She dropped whatever it was she was holding and threw the door open. Her eyes were wide and very green when she looked at me.

"We going now aren't we?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Yes, Jace. Yes we are."

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