Chapter Eight

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Aiden's POV

Typical day in the institute today. Olivia, Jason and I were all training in the training room with Jace and my dad when we heard heavy foot steps running down the halls, and what sounded like crying. Jace looked at my dad very worriedly, I knew that they knew who ran down the hall possibly crying their eyes out. Jace went to look outside the door when they hear more footsteps pounding down the hallway, a voice came with them. "Ana wait!" Jackson must have been running after the other running figure, who apparently was Anastasia. The new girl. 

Jace pulled Jackson into the training room before he could run after her any further. "Jackson what did you do to her!" He looked very scared and looked over at our father who looked just as mad as Jace was. "Tell me now!" He took the blade he was holding and shoved it in front of his throat. 

"Ok! Ok! I didn't do anything! It was some other guy that was bullying her at the library!" He threw is hands up and my brothers green eyes widened. Jace moved the sword away from his throat and stepped back, he motioned for our father to speak for him now. 

"Well, son, tell us what happened or you are grounded for a month." His mouth dropped and he began sweating a lot, I couldn't help but laugh at my cowardly older brother. 

"Well, I asked if I could go to the library with her I did. When we got there some guy who looked about 15 or 16 bumped into her. She helped him up and grabbed all his books for him and said she was very sorry but he just rejected her and said, 'What's a blonde like you doing in a place for smart people, especially since your hair is just so... bright blonde. Not like any of this with help you become like me anyway.' thats not exactly what he said, it was worse but I can't remember it all." My mouth fell open, damn thats pretty bad. "Then he pushed her to the ground and kicked her books around."

Jace's face was red with rage and my father just looked at his eldest son with disappointment. "And you did nothing to stop or help the poor girl?" He crossed his arms and squinted at him, Jackson mouth opened to speak but then he closed it quickly, he shook his head. 

"Jackson you pussy! You don't know what she'll do by herself!" Uncle Jace screamed and ran out of the room to find Ana, his son Jason ran after him. Our father just sighed and pulled him to the mat and made him start to train. 

Poor Ana... why didn't he help..?

Ana's POV

I wouldn't stop running until I got to my room. Jackson's cries for me to stop, just stopped and I was glad. I didn't want to stop I wanted to get away from all the people that bullied me because of my hair color or, because I didn't have a home or family, or the way I dressed with my slightly torn up clothes. For example, the clothes I'm wearing today are ripped at the bottoms and my jeans are worn out and tearing apart. My jacket is kind of new but... its already starting to tear... 

I finally made it to my room without being followed, hopefully. I grabbed my knife and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the floor, threw off my leather jacket, and drew red lines with my knife on my wrists over and over again, one new line for every bad thing that has ever happened to me. This time I put more there to punish myself, punish myself for running away from my father when I could have helped him, punished myself for hurting Alec like that. 

I heard a loud thud from outside of the door, and two voices yelled out my name together. I recognized them both as the father and son duo. Jace and Jason. Dammit! I needed to stay quiet if I wanted to keep cutting... or I could just end it now but I didn't want to do that not yet. 

I shut my mouth and quieted my whimpers from the pain of me cutting my own arms. I looked down and saw that some one my blood escaped underneath the door. Fuck! I heard Jace gasp and run over to the door and try to turn the knob, but it wouldn't open because it was locked. "Ana! Ana stop doing this to yourself! You know he wouldn't want this!" I felt my face heat up with rage and sadness. I stood up and commanded water into my hands and cleaned out my cuts. I threw my jacket back on and unlocked the door. Jace threw it open and looked at me, all fine and stuff. 

"Well Jace! I can do whatever I fucking want because he's dead and so is my mother! I have no one!" I was getting abnormally mad and I was feeling dizzy and hot. I could barely hold myself up, but I managed. "They are dead! I HAVE NO ONE!" I felt something hot on my hands and it burned. Jace took a step back and pointed to my hands. I lifted them and was in shock, my hands were on fire. They burned, the feeling was unbearable. It felt as if thousands of tiny needles were stabbing my hands all at once. I couldn't take the dizziness anymore, I fell to the floor with a loud thud but two hands caught me. Jason, who was still in the room during me yelling at Jace, caught me before I could hit my head and pass out. 

"She's burning up dad! We have to get her to the infirmary, NOW!" He was screaming at Jace to help him up with me in his arms, I no longer felt the pain of burning on my hands. I think the flames were blown away when I fell over. Jason stood up, with the help of Jace, and I was laying there limp in his arms. I was sweating and my hands were in so much pain. I couldn't hold my eye lids open any longer and I drifted off into my own horrid dreams.

I dreamed of flames swallowing me and burning me alive.

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