Chapter Fifty-Three

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Ana's POV

Up, down, left, and right. I couldn't find the bastard anywhere now! It was as if that idiot disappeared. "Why hello there my dear..." Oh... never mind... found him...

I spun around to find a tall, pale figure standing behind me. His face was very sinister, like a Yandere girl looking for her Senpai. His red eyes were glued to mine, his white face was covered in little wrinkles from his large smile. Seriously, I was actually kind of scared. "Where have you been, asshole? too scared to fight, hm?" I smirked evilly and put my hands behind my back teasingly. He scoffed and turned around to sit back in this golden chair that just magically appeared.

"Actually, dear, I've been waiting for you." He smirked and leaned forward to whisper a little bit. "To be honest I kind of missed you, darling." I scrunched my face up and spat at him. 

"That's disgusting." I said to him a little louder than I initially intended. He laughed then snapped his fingers. A very large mirror appeared in front of us. He pointed to it and a certain scene appeared. It was Raven, she was holding something in her hands and crying. Zion zoomed in closer so I could see who she was clutching desperately to her. I gasped. Aiden was dead. Shit... Raven had the biggest crush on him too...

"See what you caused? See what you could have avoided? All you had to do was join me, and everyone could have lived in peace without you to cause their suffering." I felt something snap inside of me, something very important. My heart was being shattered into millions of pieces. "No body wanted you in the first place? Don't you get it? They pity you, they wanted you gond from the very beginning." Tears began streaming down my cheeks as he continued to speak.

"Not even your own mother wanted you." That's when I physically snapped. My body began to float, my anger and hatred started flowing through me fluently now. I turned around to face him again, he was smiling devilishly at me. 

"YOU ARE A LIAR!" I screamed at him, my voice booming across the mountains and probably into the town. I made a very long ice/lighting sword and pointed it directly at his face. His smile was whipped completely away when a brought it down on his shoulder. He screamed out so loud that it shattered the mirror into a million pieces. "SHE LOVES ME!" I said shooting fire down his throat. "JASON LOVES ME!" I screamed in his ear while stabbing him straight through his body with a sword made completely out of holy water.

I stepped back and let myself collapse on my knees. I watched as he fell to the ground with a thud and thick, black blood began poring out of his mouth. I gaged and stood up again, panting. "That's what you get, bastard." I turned to leave when a very loud ear piercing scream came from behind me. "Dammit man, just die already!" I turned around again and ran into something hard. 

He had a metal sword, "Really? That's the best you can do?" 

"Pretty much." He said smashing me with it again. I groaned when my head hit a rock. I laid there still, even when he raised the large sword over his head to bring it down on mine. I laid there still, even when he began laughing at me. I smiled smugly at him, and he stopped laughing. 

"Whats with the smile?" he asked. I laughed and grabbed his collar and pulled him down to my face. 

"You are a real idiot, you know that?" I then used wind to push him off the mountain and down into the city. I got up quickly and flew down after him quickly until I was hovering above him. I channeled all my powers into my hands and looked at him, He looked genially scared in that moment. "Back to hell you bastard!" I then thrusted myself forward, fist in front of me. I set us both rocketing to the ground. 

Jason's POV

"She's where!?" The battle was over for now here on the ground, but we knew there was more coming. I was just informed that Anastasia went off to fight Zion alone, and I was pissed. "And you just let her go!" I yelled at Ariel, who is actually a lot shorter than me. 

"I had to! I can't stop him! No one can, only she can because she's-" A very loud thud came from outside the building we were tending the wounded in. The earth shook and a bright blue light followed after that. We watched as the light dimmed out more and more until it was completely out. 

"That's Ana's light!" My father screamed while running out the door. I followed after him, running into his arm right away. Ana's body was laying in the deepest crater anyones ever seen. It could have been at least 50 feet deep, and probably 10 feet wide. Ana's armor was scattered everywhere, the clothes underneath them were ripped and burnt. 

I jumped down into the crater, rolling and grunting my way down. I held Ana's small, limp body in my arms when I finally reached her. I began crying, softly, silently, and then all the sadness that I held in came out. I began screaming and clawing at the dirt. I then felt a hand on my own and I stopped. "You really should be more quiet," A small voice said behind me, I gasped and looked at the person, "I really need to rest after kicking Zion's ass and disintegrating him." Ana's laugh was music to my ears, I tackled her in a tight hug then kissed her. 

I pulled away to only say one thing. "Will you marry me now?" She laughed at me then nodded softly. We both laid there in the dirt for a long time, holding hands and staring at the sky. I turned to her and kissed her again, this time with more power and love. 

Finally all of us could live in peace.

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