B e f o r e

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People were running to and fro setting last minute decorations in place for the wedding. In the distance you could hear the brides mother bossing others around, demanding they get into place. They were running late on the count of the groom. He had a bit to much to drink at his bachelor party and stumbled in slurring his words. The bride on the other hand sat in one of the lone rooms the Castello Odescalchi offered, pacing. She was nervous and fought to hold back the bile rising in her throat.

"Am I ready for this?" She questioned once she looked in the full length mirror. Her custom Givenchy gown flowed to her Mui Mui heels flawlessly, usually unruly hair fixed up in an elegant bun. She looked like a princess, but in who's fairytale ending? Soft knocking called her attention and she opened the door meeting the stern gaze of her mother.

"He's drunk!" The older women bellowed sipping a glass of bourbon she poured herself. She claimed it calmed her nerves in times of great stress, which this union was turning out to be.

"Don't you mean hungover?" Kayla's bright green eyes inquired as she gulped some of her mothers drink.

"No sweetheart, he's drunk. Can't even form a full sentence."

"Figures.." Kayla rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her forehead. Doubt was starting to cloud her thoughts. Could she really marry someone who didn't take their wedding day serious? Or was it that Brandon was just as nervous as she was, and took to drinking to steady himself? Either way her mother wasn't happy about it and neither was she.

The door opened again and in came her best friend Blair with worry stitched on her face. Her short, lilac MOH dress looked fantastic on her slim figure. "You ready?" she asked secretly pleading with her friend to walk away from this whole thing. She hated Brandon and thought Kayla was to young to get married anyway.

The premature bride looked to her mother seeking advice before she walked down the aisle.

"You already know how I feel about him. I have nothing to say that I didn't already." The women stood and stroked her only child's cheek. Monica tried on countless occasions to get her daughter to see the light, see that the man she was so in love with was no good for her. But Kayla was stubborn, much like her father.

"Let's do this.." she stated. Her mother and friend nodded stepping to the side. Kayla exited the room, the train of her dress following behind.

In the hallway the groomsmen and bridesmaids all paired together waiting for their queue. Smooth Jazz filled the venue as they filed out two at a time. Kayla was in the very back arms linked with her father.

"You look beautiful froggie.." George whispered in his pride and joy's ear. He was so proud of all the things she had accomplished at such a young age and he backed her 100 percent. Though he wasn't to keen on Brandon either he was all for his daughters happiness.

"Daddy, stop calling me that!" She blushed looking ahead.

"Not a chance!" he smiled kissing her cheek and starting to walk forward. The usual tune played, alerting the guest to stand for the brides arrival. As she walked the afternoon sun bursts through the outside openings, catching the Swarovski crystals embroidered on her belt. Hushed talk of how wonderful she looked but how young she was filled her ears but she still wore a smile. It was her day and nothing was gonna ruin it.

Reaching the alter Kayla was given away by her father and took the place across from Brandon. She could smell the alcohol that clung to his tux, further upsetting her. The women put on the bravest smile and looked at the man she claimed to love.

"You may be seated." Brandon's father spoke. He had recently been ordained and begged to wed the two. Yet another thing Kayla's mother didn't agree with.


The ceremony went off without a hitch, and the two were married. Kayla now danced in the middle of the floor with her arms flailing in the air. She didn't have a care in the world at the moment. Blair giggling with her like school girls as they sway to the beat of 'Trap Queen' in the warm summer air.

"Can I cut in?" Brandon spoke and Blair rolled her eyes.


Taking his wife in his arms he twirled her around and people took photos. From the outside looking in, they were the ideal couple. But people only show what they want to be seen. No one knew the dark secrets. No one knew what happened behind closed doors, no one knew the real Brandon. Only a select few got to see what he was really like.

"I love you, you know that." He whispered in Kayla's ear

"I do, I love you too." she confirmed as he pulled her body closer.

"I got the job!" He continues and Kayla stopped looking up at his blue green eyes.

"You're kidding! That's amazing baby!" she kissed his lips quickly then wrapped her arms around his torso.

"I know, I can't wait to tell Doug and the others!" he beamed lowing his hands to her waist. "But for now lets just focus on us." Kayla jumped when his hands cupped her ass. Her cheeks were hot, thoroughly embarrassed at the public display of affection.

"Not in front of my dad!" She scolded and he smirked, but obliged moving his hands back.

"I can't wait for our honeymoon!" Brandon groaned sending tingles throughout her body.

"Me either.."


A little bit of the before, so you can get to know the cast. This book is going to be a wild ride so saddle up loves. I'm so excited for you all to read and I can't wait to see the response. Thank you all for helping me pick a cover too!

Until next time..


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