T w e n t y S i x

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K a y l a POV

(I listened to an array of songs while writing this.)

His wet tongue ran from top to bottom as he devoured me. I squirmed helplessly which resulted in him hooking both arms around my thighs, to keep me still.

"S-Steph.." I moaned grasping at anything to steady myself. He flicked his tongue then wrapped his lips around my clit, sucking a bit. My eyes rolled to the back of my head when his slender fingers slid inside me. Involuntarily my hips jumped forward, desperate to get closer. Stephen, being the multitasking man he is, noticed both of my hands gripping the counter and removed them. He then placed them on his head, encouraging me to push his head deeper. The speed of his fingers increased sending my body into a frenzy. My back arched and head tilted back in pleasure as my chest heaved and throat dried. I was so close to my high that my head started spinning. With one last flick of his tongue I came undone, damn near shaking but that didn't stop Stephen. Almost immediately he lifted my tired body and carried me back to my room.

"W-where are we going?" I managed to say after I'd calmed down. Legs a bit numb but that didn't mater. 

"I want you.." His voice rumbled and I whimpered. Did this man not know that he already had me in ever way possible? "And I'm gonna show you just how bad, only if you want me to.." He spoke again. By now I was in my room sitting on my bed in only a thin t-shirt. Stephen stood in front of me looking down, his eyes fifty shades darker than normal.

"I wanna love you right Kayla." I swallowed hard, and nodded. I really didn't know what to say right now. He had rendered a girl speechless with that surprise attack in the kitchen.

"Is that what you want?" He asked, right hand skimming my upper arm. The simple action had me reeling. Yet again Stephen got down on his knees in front of  me and leaned forward kissing my shoulder. I shivered when his lips touched my neck, sending goosebumps to my skin. Eagerly I nodded, cause my voice just wasn't working right.

"I need to hear you say it baby girl.." His hands slipped under my shirt and held my sides sweetly, head buried in the crook of my neck.

"I-I want you.." I mutter softly, hands already greedily tugging at his blue postal shirt. 

"Want me to what?" I rolled my eyes. Is he really doing this right now? I'm literally a breath away from being naked and jumping his bones, but he still wanna ask questions!

"I want you to fuck me!" I said harshly in his ear, the sex deprived beast inside coming to light. He chuckled and grabbed my hands that were working on his belt buckle.

"Kayla, I promise I'll fuck you good and hard a round or two from now but I want to.." He stopped and looked at me, our eyes locked in a heated stare down. "I want to take care of you.." He continues gazing off to the side. Lightly, I touched his chin bringing him back to me and saw the different emotions lacing his features. I'd never seen him this way before, completely vulnerable before me. Though his eyes were dark, I could tell he was scared. Scared that he would mess something up or that I would leave. Right in front of me Wardell Stephen Curry bared his soul. My heart over flowed with love for this man, so much love that I wasn't sure I could hold it all.

Slowly I leaned in and kissed his full lips making sure to pour everything I had into it. Scooting I pulled him with me and laid back on the bed. Stephen hovered above me, both arms framing my head. I leaned up and rolled us over. Once I was straddling him I pulled his work pants and boxer off, leaving him nude.

"You couldn't show me you love me anymore than you already have Stephen.." I positioned myself before sliding down onto him. His full length filling me completely, eyes fluttering shut in satisfaction. In that very moment I wanted nothing else in the world. Nothing, and good Lord I do mean nothing, could be better than what I was experiencing.

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